lausd teacher email directoryjohn paul morris wife
All addresses are 2020 Bonar St, Berkeley, CA 94702 Faculty and Staff Directory About Us Principal's Welcome Bulldog Essentials Mission and Vision Bell Schedule School Calendar Faculty and Staff Directory . Excellent, equitable education starts with educators. Mailing Address. King Elementary School profile. Families will be notified via phone following onsite enrollment in July. Check out our full member resources page. Fax: (510) 644-7758, Office: (510) 644-4547. Fax: 510-883-6986, Address: 1400 Ada Street, Berkeley, CA 94702 Crystal Lanfranco Assistant Director of Transportation. I Dont Regret My Decision to Support My Student Journalists, UTLA teacher wants to remember why they fell in love with teaching, 93% YES: UTLA educators vote to boycott on October 19 opposing LAUSDs $122 Million stunt, Are you a member who wants to update their contact information? Ana Barrios Special Education Assistant. Staff-Directory. This includes fair pay raises to attract and retain educators, smaller class sizes, mental health support for students, equitable access to technology, safe school climates, and so much more. Janine Waddell, Vice President Fax: 510-644-4869, Address: 920 Allston Way, Berkeley, CA 94710 Woodland Hills, CA 91367-5949. 333 S. Beaudry Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90017. . Facebook (opens in new window/tab . . Don't see what you need? 5440 Valley Cir. Administrative Assistant x70269bkung@smmusd.orgKyle, Yvonne Purchasing - Senior, Limon, Monica Educational Services Translator x70336mlimon@smmusd.orgLotan, Shuli Coordinator of Mental Health Counseling x71519slotan@smmusd.orgLytz, Paula Ed Services, Special Assignment, Magallanes, Joy Info Services - Systems Analyst x70315jmagallanes@smmusd.orgMarchini, Richard Food Services - Director x70342rmarchini@smmusd.orgMarmolejo, David Information Services - Network Engineer x70390dmarmolejo@smmusd.orgMata, Estella Food Services, Admin. UTLA members are automatically added to our email lists. School Culture & Social Emotional Development, Blueprint for Educational Excellence and Innovation, Family and Community Engagement Network Team, District English Learners Advisory Committee, Community Health Alert #7 | March 27, 2020, Important: CORONAVIRUS AND INFLUENZA (FLU), Staff Report on GLC Charter Petition Renewal. District. 85032. Estella Sisneros, Treasurer Special Education Committee, 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM United Teachers Los Angeles (UTLA) is the labor union for more than 35,000 public school educators in Los Angeles. Fax: 510-644-7767, Address: 840 Colusa, Berkeley, CA 94707 This event will showcase nearly 1,300 elementary, middle, high and charter school orchestra students. PSC Plan School Profile Single Plan WASC Plan Vision & Message Staff / Teacher Directory. For inquiries related to Section 504, please contact: Bianca Barquin, Assistant Superintendent, K-12 Teaching and Learning and District Section 504 Coordinator, 1601 E. Chestnut Avenue, Santa Ana, CA 92701, or by phone at (714) 558-5656 or via email at Los Angeles Unified School District. Staff Directory; Calendar; News; Los Angeles. Daren Pittman Director - District Athletics. Fax: 510-644-4825, Address: 2300 M L King Jr. Way, Berkeley, CA 94704 In all, he directs 210 schools, more than 5,000 teachers and administrators, and roughly 100,000 students. KUSD to host 60th Orchestra Festival. The school district consists of Los Angeles and all or portions of several adjoining Southern California cities. OIG Hotline; All updates/corrections must be routed through the LEA CDS coordinator. for this entity by clicking here: The California School Directory and related public school and district data files Saddleback Valley Unified School District. School Address. OIG . Please refer to our Enrollment Policy link on this page to determine if your family is eligible to request enrollment at USD 207. Name: Email: Department / Title: MERRITT, PATRICIA. Full-Time. $50,000 to $54,000 Yearly. The Executive Director of State and Federal Programs provides leadership and management in assigned school district operations, which may include: student achievement, staff evaluations, parent and community involvement, school safety, personnel decisions, principal performance, facility issues, school climate, student discipline, data analysis . 213-241-6990. Abraham, Katherine Principal More. In February 2023, Andre Spicer was named Region South's Superintendent. Camellia Hudley, Principal. Information regarding the development, coordination, and implementation of statewide testing programs in California including CAASPP, PFT, and CELDT. Phone: 510-644-6858, Phone: 510-644-6049 California offers thousands of dollars in grants for eligible students. - Buildings & Grounds Manager, Wahrenbrock, Sarah Assistant to the Superintendent x70229swahrenbrock@smmusd.orgWalker, Anthony Human Resources - Benefits Technician x70277awalker@smmusd.orgWashington, Chane, Transportation - Administrative Assistant x70401cwashington@smmusd.orgWhaley, Tom Ed Services - VAPA Coordinator x70287twhaley@smmusd.orgWilliamson, Dr. Stacy Director of Assessment, Ed, Younan, Julie Personnel Commission - HR Technician, Zalazar, Vanina Ed Services - Lead Translator x70286vzalazar@smmusd.orgZurich-Lunsford, Kathy Administrative Assistant, Elementary, Secondary, and Malibu Pathways, 1717 4th St.Santa Monica, CA 90401310-450-8338. Phone: (310) 847-1400 / Fax: (310) 834-9171 BP 0410 Central Unified is committed to providing equal opportunity for all individuals in education. It contains a wide variety of information including school performance indicators, student and staff demographics, expulsion, suspension, and truancy information and a variety of test results. 1208 Magnolia Ave., Gardena, CA 90247 Email: LDSouth@lausd.netPhone: (310) 354-3400Hours: Monday through Friday,7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. You dont have to fully rely on your family for financial assistance to go to college. 4524 Thorne Ave. (93704) . Email Micaela Birdseye. Phone: 510-644-6182 . Please click HERE to sign up for public comment at any of our Board or committee meetings. Civic Permit Requests. Submit one of the following. Headquarters - 333 South Beaudry Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90017. gratulations to each and every member of the team, as well as to our coaching staff, Coach DeRuen, and Assistant Coach Santiel, for their outstanding performance and dedication to this achievement. Therefore, information, or the absence of information, in the Request Data Update(s). Email Danielle Baines Laura Blanco 6th Grade P.E Teacher Email Laura Blanco Mr. Javen Branch Special Education Teacher Email Javen Branch Mr Chad Davis Art Teacher Email Chad Davis N Freeman AVID Coordinator/Teacher Mr. Raymond Garnett Math Teacher Email Raymond Garnett Ms. Hill Andrea Hill Resource Specialist Email Andrea Hill Jocelyn Foreman, VP IAPP (818) 758-5660 VM: 1160 Counselor . Schools in a handful of other districts will . Powered by School Loop; Caesar Bobila Maintenance and Grounds Supervisor. School Email: . Regular 1:00 p.m. Board Meeting, Signup for Public Comment at Board of Education Board Meetings and Committees. Phone: (213) 241-1000. Phone: 805 742 3300 | Fax: 805 735 8452. Student Information Systems-Help Desk Technician, Director - Maintenance, Operations & Transportation, Administrative Secretary, Professional Development, Assistant Director, Curriculum & Instruction, Executive Director-Foundation for Central Schools, HR Benefits Technician / Athletic Clearance, Assistant Superintendent - Educational Services, Parchment (Transcripts for Current Students), Facilitron (School Site Maintenance) Login, Smartfind Express-Substitute Management System, Vaccine Verification for Workers in Schools, AB 181 Home to School Transportation Reimbursement Program, Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) 2022-23. A. A-G Diploma Program; A-G Graduation Requirements (213 241-6895) . Phone: 510-644-6250, 1720 Oregon St, 94703 school/district administrators that is voluntarily self-reported by local education agencies (LEAs) to the Find contacts: direct phone number, email address, work experience. Birney Elementary School 3034 E. Cornell Ave. (93703) Superintendent Bob Nelson, Chief of Police Paco Balderrama and Mayor Jerry Dyer. Sign up for one of our FREE #CashForCollege webinars to receive assistance in applying. Headquarters - 333 South Beaudry Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90017. 333 S. Beaudry Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90017. Phone: (213) 241-1000. D. Superintendent - 415-493-4244 Responsible for overall operation and fiscal accountability of NUSD, Supervises all Assistant Superintendents, Directors, site principals and departments, Secretary to the Board of Trustees, Leads District Leadership AZ. Los Angeles Unified School District . February 28, 2022. OAKDALE JOINT UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRCT is an education management company based out of 331 HINKLEY AVE , OAKDALE, California, United States. Email Retention Initiative; Enterprise Applications; Focus Reporting & Dashboards; . Specialty Websites This is a list of public websites and organizational charts for departments.Visit the staff portal to see staff websites. Fax: 510-644-6984, Address: 2840 Ellsworth Street, Berkeley, CA 94705 Nutrition Services Page, 1707 Russell St, 94703 Executive Director - Federal and State Education Programs. Los Angeles Unified ( School Profiles) County. Fax: 510-644-6297, Address: 1222 University Ave, Berkeley, CA 94707 1432 University Avenue, Berkeley, CA 94702 AA To close a pull-down click on the Done button at the top left of the menu. Los Angeles Unified School District 333 South Beaudry Avenue, Los Angeles, California 90017 (213) 241-1000 Phone | (213) 241-8442 Fax Powered by School Loop . Grade Level. Email: Staff Directory - PVSchools is home to some of the best schools in Phoenix and Scottsdale, including five of the best high schools in Arizona, and nearly 30 great elementary schools. Igo-Ono-Platina Elementary School is closed. Zimring, Linda. City of Angels School is the independent study school for the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) and offers K-12 students a full-time educational program through weekly appointments. Single School Plans; Staff Directory [old] Visalia Today - Recycling and Composting at VUSD Schools; . Phone: (213) 241-7002 . x70220landersen@smmusd.orgBarrett, Kenny Technology Supportkbarrett@smmusd.orgBautista-Nicholas, Claudia SMMCTA Presidentcbautista@smmcta.comBechtloff, Julie Fiscal Services - Accounts Payable (H-Q) x70258jbechtloff@smmusd.orgBoothby, Devon Purchasing - Senior Buyer x70248dboothby@smmusd.orgBouchaaya,Diana Communications Specialist x70240dbouchaaya@smmusd.orgBressler, Rachel Student Services - Nurse Coordinator x70218rbressler@smmusd.orgBrown, Tara Director - Student Services x70217tbrown@smmusd.orgBunayog, Jesse Fiscal Services - Accountant x70377jbunayog@smmusd.orgBurgess, Isaac Malibu Pathway Executive Director x70348iburgess@smmusd.orgBurton, Lisa Fiscal Services - Payroll Specialist x70212lburton@smmusd.orgCaldera, Clare Human Resources - Analyst x70308ccaldera@smmusd.orgCanady, Melody Assistant Superintendent of Bus. Headquarters - 333 South Beaudry Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90017. Click hereto automatically receive Board Meeting Agendas by E-mail, Click hereto automatically receive District News by E-mail, Headquarters - 333 South Beaudry Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90017. 1707 Russell St, 94703 Regular 9:00 a.m. Board Meeting Including Closed Session Items, 1:00 PM - 6:00 PM Email Adyena Barajas. It's a reflection of the countless hours of practice, the determination to overcome obstacles, and the resilience to bounce back from setbacks. Must provide entire bill. 2020 Bonar Street Suite 322 Schools in the Warner Unified School District will be closed Monday due to bad weather and icy roads, the San Diego County Office of Education said. 333 S. Beaudry Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90017. California Department of Education (CDE) as a public convenience. Please use this link: Update Your Contact Information. Fax: (510) 549-2308, Office: (510) 540-5002, Angela Long, Business Agent Los Angeles Unified School District; LAUSD Office Directory; L.A. Unified Office Directory . View Alexandria Eaton's email address: & phone: +1-520-xxx-xx16's profile as Substitute Teacher at Conejo Valley Unified School District, located in Thousand Oaks, California. JOB GOAL. The California School Directory (Directory) contains information about California public schools, private schools (including nonpublic nonsectarian schools), school districts, and county offices of education. Sacramento, CA 95814, Contact Us | FAQ In response, the district passed Board Resolution 2355 (2004) to demonstrate the support of school safety for this population of students. Mr. Dennis Mckinley. Together, we will build an educational system that we believe in. II/Sub Specialist, Executive Assistant to the Superintendent, Specialist, Interpretation and Translation, Executive Assistant to the Associate Superintendent, Director of Programs and Special Projects, Director of Local Resources & Partnerships, Supervisor, Office of Family Engagement and Equity, Human Resources Specialist, Certificated (Confidential), Human Resources Analyst, Classified (Confidential), Director, Classified Personnel Personnel Commission, Classified Personnel Supervisor, Personnel Commission, Human Resources Technician, Personnel Commission, Assistant Superintendent of Business Services, Robert Castillo, Yazid Kahil, & Brian Richmond, Educationally Related Mental Health Services (ERMHS) 9-12, Visual Impairment (VI) / Orientation & Mobility (O&M) 9-12, Assistive & Augmentative Communication (AAC), Educationally Related Mental Health Services (ERMHS) K-8, Renter or homeowner insurance policy for the current year (no bill, declarations or policy page only), Property deed dated within the last 12 months, Current bank statement (checking or savings only), Action letter from Alameda County Social Services Department, Recent paycheck stub or letter from employer on, Voter notification or ballot for the most recent past or upcoming election. Let's celebrate this victory together and continue to support our team in their future endeavors. (Board Policy 4030). The board voted 4-2 to appoint Dr. Rommel Bal to the Area 6 seat, replacing the departed Ron Freitas . A student can have only one residency for purposes of establishing residency and must be living in Berkeley when submitting forms. Must provide all pages. Lynwood Unified School District. Directory; ITS Helpdesk; Libraries; New Student Enrollment; Online Meal Application; Curriculum Adoption; Staff Email; . Email Daren Pittman 559-274-4700 ext. Paradise Valley Unified School District. | Web Policy Teacher Dance/Physical Education. Here, you will find detailed information for substitute and full-time teachers and administrators, including vacancies, frequently accessed forms and services, credentials and contracts, salary, CSET test preparation, benefits, resources and special discounts, and answers to frequently asked questions. Children who have not provided BUSD with documentation verifying they have received all required immunizations prior to the first day of school will not be allowed to attend school until all immunization records have been provided. Email Caesar Bobila 916-652-1830. In all, he directs 210 schools, more than 5,000 teachers and administrators, and roughly 100,000 students. The Poway Unified School District (PUSD) is an equal opportunity employer/program and is committed to an active Nondiscrimination Program. California state law (Senate Bill 277) no longer allows parents/guardians of students to submit a personal belief exemption form for any currently required immunizations. SMMUSD District Office Staff Directory Abramson, Neal Transportation Mgmt. Los Angeles Unified School District . 14104. Teacher English. Posted: February 01, 2023. Berkeley High School: Phone: 510-644-8524 Email: Leticia Amezcua: Berkeley High School . Hours: Monday through Friday 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. View the Region South Directory here. We have shirts, outerwear, hats, and accessories available for purchase. Los Angeles Unified School District. Keyword First Name Last Name. This win is not only a testament to the hard work of our team, but also to the strength of our school community and the support of our staff and parents. St. John's Children's Center will be on a two hour delay Wednesday. Employee Login 4. I want to extend my heartfelt con-. Unique Benefits of Being a KUSD Teacher. Teacher Science. Karen Ryback. Submit one of the following. representation or warranty, express or implied, with respect to Directory information. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Email Aimee Blackwood. The San Francisco Unified School District (SFUSD) is the seventh largest school district in California, serving more than 54,000 students who speak more than 44 documented languages across 136 schools in the city of San Francisco every year. Thursday, March 2, noon. Enter your email address to receive an update whenever there is a new blog post on our website. Mark Griffin, VP OSS School Accountability Report Cards (SARC), Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). Fountain Hills, AZ. Phone: (949) 586-1234. Staff Directory - Vista Unified School District Vista Unified School District Staff Directory Staff Directory All Abacherli, April More. Overview & History of the SCUSD LGBTQ Task Force. Non-Discrimination Statement | Bullying/Cyberbullying Information and Procedures |Acceptable Use Policy, Report Fraud, Waste or Abuse|Web Accessibility Notice, Manchester GATE Elementary School profile, Patio School of Entrepreneurship profile, Powers-Ginsburg Elementary School profile, Rata High School and Adult Transition Program profile, Manchester GATE Elementary School Profile, Patio School of Entrepreneurship Profile, Powers-Ginsburg Elementary School Profile, Rata High School and Adult Transition Program, Rata High School and Adult Transition Program Profile, Bullying/Cyberbullying Information and Procedures. 1001 E Florence Ave. 1001 E Florence Ave. 93706-4236. Fax: 510-644-8643, Address: 1731 Prince St, Berkeley, CA 94703 What happens when the investigation is complete? Instagram (opens in new window/tab) Position Site Name Phone; SpEd Dept: 2020 Bonar Street, Suite #301, Berkeley, CA 94702 . Asst. For seniors who are planning to enroll in college this fall, please remember to fill out a financial aid form. Email Retention Initiative; Enterprise Applications; Focus Reporting & Dashboards; . Cristin Barbu Magnet Coordinator/Teacher. Los Angeles Unified School District 333 S. Beaudry Ave Los Angeles, CA 90017 Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) is the 2nd largest public school district in the United States. 1182 Market St., Rm.425, San Francisco, CA 94102 Woodland Hills, CA 91367-5949. Overview and resources on California's new accountability and continuous improvement system. KENOSHA, Wis. (March 1, 2023) - Kenosha Unified School District's 60th annual Orchestra Festival will be presented on Saturday, March 11, at 6:30 p.m. at Indian Trail High School and Academy, 6800 60th St. Lompoc Unified School District. Aimee Blackwood Teacher-Loomis Grammar. School Directory; Open Data School Profiles; Common Core State Standards; College and Career Readiness; . A dynamic system that provides reports about Californias schools and school districts. Feb. 28, 2023 1:30 PM PT. the Directory does not contain information for every LEA and the information that is in the Directory may be outdated Apply for College Financial Aid Before March 2, enroll in college this fall, please remember to fill out a financial aid form. Summer Gaston-Gehris. King website. For information regarding LEA accreditation, please visit the US Department of Educations web page. Contact: Reading Recovery, Los Angeles Unified School District, Geri Herrera, 450 N. Grand Avenue, Room A-307, Los Angeles, CA 90012; (213) 625-6444; Fax (213) 617-8629. Early Literacy Training Resources Directory LOS ANGELES COUNTY OFFICE OF EDUCATION. Phone: (213) 241-1000. To do this, we will provide every student with rigorous, interdisciplinary instruction aligned to academic standards, infusing technology and real-world experience in all content areas. I am thrilled to announce that our Lady Pathfinders have won the CIF championship in girls' basketball division V! Link opens new browser tab. Proceeds benefit our unions efforts toward equitable education. The Sacramento City Unified School District prohibits discrimination, intimidation, harassment (including sexual harassment) or bullying based on a person's actual or perceived ancestry, color, disability, race or ethnicity, religion, gender, gender expression, gender identity, immigration status, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, or . The phone hotline - 213-241-3840 - is open from 6 am to 6 pm on weekdays, staffed by counselors and mental health professionals to provide support in both English and Spanish. For information on legal service, click here. California Department of Education For inquiries or concerns regarding BUSD nondiscrimination policy, Gender Equity and Sexual Harassment Advisory Committee (GESHAC), District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC), Superintendents Budget Advisory Committee (SBAC), Campus Safety Information 2022-2023 School Year, Teachers College Reading and Writing Project, Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS), Response to Instruction and Intervention (RTI2), Toolbox: Social Emotional Learning Curriculum for K-6 Students, Asian-American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) Heritage Month, Berkeley Research, Evaluation & Assessment (BREA), District Civil Rights & Compliance Office, Classified School Employee Summer Assistance Program, Union Contracts, Calendars and Salary Schedules,, School Administrative Asst. 1432 University Avenue, Berkeley, CA 94702 1301 North A St | Lompoc, CA 93436 1 2 3 . If your family meets the enrollment requirements, please complete the New Non-Resident Enrollment form and submit to Birgitta Freeman at the USD 207 Board Office or email [email protected]. 602-449-2000. Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. District programs, activities, and practices shall be free from unlawful discrimination, including discrimination against an individual or group based on race, color, ancestry, nationality, national origin, ethnic group identification, age, religion, marital, pregnancy, or parental status, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity or expression, or genetic information; a perception of one or more of such characteristics; or association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics. Emilie Blate PE Teacher - H. Clarke Powers. Mental Health Hotline To Help Students and Families, The phone hotline - 213-241-3840 - is open from 6 am to 6 pm on weekdays, staffed by counselors and mental health professionals to provide support in both English and Spanish. Superintendent's Office Jan La Torre-Derby, Ed. : 920 Allston Way, Berkeley, CA 90017, we will build an educational that... Support our team in their future endeavors in California including CAASPP, PFT, and accessories for! Web page 735 8452, more than 5,000 teachers and administrators, implementation... High School: phone: 510-644-6858, phone: 510-644-8524 email: irmaparker!, hats, and CELDT School Profile Single Plan WASC Plan Vision & amp ; History of the LGBTQ! ( SARC ), Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy ( Updated ) 333 South Beaudry Avenue, Los COUNTY! Rommel Bal to the Area 6 seat, replacing the departed Ron Freitas, outerwear,,! ) is an Education management company based out of 331 HINKLEY AVE, oakdale, California, United States School... 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