gurobi optimizer reference manualword for someone who lifts others up

. . Python API Overview This section documents the Gurobi Python interface. Arguments: attr: The attribute being modified. . . . . . . . element: The index of the array element to be changed. . . . . Return value: An environment object (with no associated log file). Level 0 produces no output; level 1 produces tuning summary output only when a new best parameter set is found; level 2 produces tuning summary output for each parameter set that is tried; level 3 produces tuning summary output, plus detailed solver output, for each parameter set tried. By pursuing multiple different strategies simultaneously, the concurrent optimizer can often obtain a solution faster than it would if it had to choose a single strategy. . . . . . . Depending on where the callback is called from, you can obtain various information about the progress of the optimization. . If you specify relaxobjtype=1, the objective of the feasibility relaxation is to minimize the weighted sum of the squares of the bound and constraint violations. . params: The params struct may contain Gurobi parameters. Return value: The requested variable. 291 GRBModel.AddVar() . . . . . . . Arguments: i: The index of the term to be removed. Only available for continuous models. . . . . SOS1 constraints are often handled more efficiently using a binary representation. . . Please consult the parameter section for a complete list of Gurobi parameters, including descriptions of their purposes and their minimum, maximum, and default values. . . . For example, setting this parameter to 10 will cause the MIP solver to switch strategies 10 seconds after starting the optimization. The user should copy the contents of the pointer to a different data structure before the next call to a Gurobi library routine. sense: Sense for new cutting plane (GRB_LESS_EQUAL, GRB_EQUAL, or GRB_GREATER_EQUAL). . . . Available attributes are listed and described in the Attributes section of this document. Must be in non- decreasing order. . . . . . . . . Note that this is a destructive method: it modifies the model on which it is invoked. The downside, of course, is that you have to remember to call GRBupdatemodel() in order to see the effect of your changes. . . . . . constrs: A two-dimensional array of constraints whose attribute values are being modified. . . . . . . Only available for continuous models. . priority: The priority of the job. . Arguments: model: The model from which the piecewise-linear objective function is being retrieved. . . . . . vars: Variables for new terms. . . Note that you can also modify the linear portion of a model objective using the Obj variable attribute. . The Aggregate parameter controls whether presolve performs constraint aggregation. . . . . GRBQConstr addQConstr ( const GRBQuadExpr& lhsExpr, char sense, GRBVar rhsVar, string name="" ) Add a quadratic constraint to a model. . Return value: The current value of the requested attribute. . Allowed values are =, =. Note that attribute changes are handled in a lazy fashion. . . 3.14 Non-Member Functions Several Gurobi C++ interface functions arent member functions on a particular object. . . . . . . . Arguments: attr: The attribute being modified. . obj: Objective coefficient for new variable. . . . . Call the method with null array arguments to determine the appropriate array lengths. . Options are GRB_CONTINUOUS, GRB_BINARY, GRB_INTEGER, GRB_SEMICONT, or GRB_SEMIINT. . . . . GRBModel.SetPWLObj() Set a piecewise-linear objective function for a variable. . . You can try to diagnose the cause of the infeasibility, attempt to repair the infeasibility, or both. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . If there is a problem, the routine returns NULL. . Arguments: attr: The attribute being queried. . BoundVioIndex Type: int Modifiable: No Index of variable with the largest (unscaled) bound violation. . 151 GRBModel::write() . Arguments: model: The model to which the new constraint should be added. GRB.IntAttr This enum is used to get or set int-valued attributes (through GRBModel.get or GRBModel.set). . . Refer to the Error Code table for a list of possible return values. . . . . . . . . For examples of how to query or modify attributes, refer to our Attribute Examples. . . . . . . . See the description of the cbeg argument for more information. . . . . . . . . . To disable a previously set callback, call this method with a null argument. . newvalues: The desired new values for the attribute for each input quadratic constraint. Only minimization models are supported. newvalue: The desired new value of the attribute. Once loaded into the model, the parameter set can be used to perform a subsequent optimization, or the list of changed parameters can be written to a .prm file using the appropriate Write routine (from C, C++, Java, .NET, or Python). start: The index of the first variable of interest in the list. numnz: The number of non-zero coefficients in the new constraint. . . . . . . . . 476 9.6 Quality Attributes . When present, you must specify one value for each column of A. . . . . . . . . . void abort ( ) GRBCallback.addCut() Add a cutting plane to the MIP model from within a callback function. Arguments: i: The index of the term to be removed. . If you pass an object of this subclass to method GRBModel.setCallback before calling GRBModel.optimize, the callback() method of the class will be called periodically. . . . . . . . . Sifting Progress Section As we mentioned, output for sifting and dual simplex are indistinguishable until the progress section begins. . . vars: Variables for new terms; either a list of variables or a single variable. . 421 Column.getCoeff() . 579 Gurobi Remote Services Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . constrs: Constraints to add to column. . . . . . . . . . . 369 GRB.IntAttr . . . . . . . . . . This must be a dense vector. . . . . GRBModel.AddSOS() Add an SOS constraint to the model. . . . . . . . . . . You should use one of the various get routines to retrieve the value of an attribute. Arguments: m: Constant multiplier for added expression. . , xn }, y = {y1 , . . computeServers: Comma-separated list of compute servers. . . . GRBQuadExpr operator- ( const GRBQuadExpr& expr1, const GRBQuadExpr& expr2 ) Subtract one expression from another. . . . Arguments: attrname: The attribute being modified. . Can be null, in which case the variables are assumed to be continuous. . . You can refer to compute server machines using their names or their IP addresses. The details of how this parameter affects the simplex pricing algorithm are subtle and difficult to describe, so weve simply labeled the options 0 through 3. . . GRBModel.computeIIS() Compute an Irreducible Inconsistent Subsystem (IIS). . weights: The SOS weights for each participating variable. . The number of stored parameter sets can be determined by querying the value of the TuneResultCount attribute. . . . . . . . . . . . . . newvalue: The desired new value of the attribute. . . Reducing the Threads parameter can sometimes significantly reduce memory usage. . . . . . . . . . The first point you should be aware of is that one Compute Server can actually host multiple distributed worker jobs. . . . Arguments: attr: The attribute being queried. . . . 154 GRBConstr::sameAs() . The other option for building expressions is to start with an empty expression (using the GRB- LinExpr constructor), and then add terms. Note that the variable isnt actually removed from the model until the next call to GRBModel::optimize or GRBModel::update on that model. . . . . . . . The input dictionary should map each key to a list of n values. Arguments: attr: The attribute being modified. . . . Example usage: error = GRBupdatemodel(model); GRBfreemodel int GRBfreemodel ( GRBmodel *model ) Free a model and release the associated memory. The optimization model As weve mentioned, the model argument to the gurobi function is a struct variable, containing multiple fields that represent the various parts of the optimization model. . . . newvalues: The desired new values for the attribute for each input constraint. . . . . . . . . . . Note, however, that it is generally more efficient to query attributes for a set of constraints at once. . . . Refer to the Error Code table for a list of possible return values. . . . . . . . . . . The environment acts as a container for all data associated with a set of optimization runs. . . int get ( GRB_IntParam param ) Query the value of an int-valued parameter. . . . . . Variables are always associated with a particular model. . . Note that the solution that is computed for this model is automatically transformed into a solution for the original problem once barrier finishes (in a process often called uncrushing), but this uncrush step is transparent and produces no log output. For that, use the GRBModel constructor. . The methods on variable objects are used to get and set variable attributes. If your model contains SOS constraints the IIS struct will contain the following field: sos: A logical vector that indicates whether an sos constraint appears in the computed IIS If your model contains cones or quadratic constraints the IIS struct will contain the following field: qconstrs: A logical vector that indicates whether the cone or quadratic constraint appears in the computed IIS. qconstrs: A three-dimensional array of quadratic constraints whose attribute values are being queried. . . . GRBTempConstr operator == ( GRBLinExpr lhsExpr, GRBLinExpr rhsExpr ) Arguments: lhsExpr: Left-hand side of equality constraint. . . attrname: The name of a character-valued array attribute. . . . . . . . . Arguments: env: The environment whose parameter value is being modified. . We have noticed that you have an ad blocker enabled which restricts ads served on the site. . . . . . . . . The Gurobi Optimizer handles all of these model classes. Callback Codes The Gurobi callback routines make use of a pair of arguments: where and what. . . . . Return value: The current value of the requested attribute. . vars: A three-dimensional array of variables whose attribute values are being modified. . . . . . . . . Note: LP only For examples of how to query or modify parameter values from our different APIs, refer to our Parameter Examples. . . . . . . Return value: A GRBQuadExpr object that captures the left-hand side of the quadratic constraint. . . . . . . . valueP: The location in which the current value of the requested attribute should be placed. . . . . . . . . . . When the primal and dual infeasibilities both reach zero, the basis is optimal and optimization is complete. . . . 90 GRBsetstrattrarray . . . . Arguments: attr: The attribute being modified. . . . . . . . Arguments: model: A loaded optimization model, typically created by routine GRBnewmodel or GRB- readmodel. . . . . . . These indicate that the Gurobi heuristics found three integer feasible solutions before the root relaxation was solved. . Arguments: paramname: String containing the name of parameter that you would like to modify. Arguments: 232, 233 . . . . void set ( GRB_DoubleAttr attr, double newvalue ) Set the value of a double-valued model attribute. Return value: New model object. . The ALO algorithm mimics the hunting mechanism of antlions in nature. . . . Note that a quadratic expression may contain multiple terms that involve the same variable pair. . . . . . . These parameters allow you to give up on proving optimality at a certain point in the search, and instead focus all attention on finding better feasible solutions from that point onward. Arguments: attr: The attribute being queried. . . . . . . Eli newvalue: The desired new value of the attribute. . If minrelax=false, optimizing the returned model gives a solution that minimizes the cost of the violation. . . . . . . . . . . . Solving a Model Once you have built a model, you can call GRBModel::optimize to compute a solution. . . Reading a priority file (using GRBread, for example) modifies the MIP branch variable selection. . . Use GRBModel.GetEnv to retrieve the environment associated with a model if you would like a parameter change to affect that model. . Arguments: expr1: First expression. Arguments: attr: The attribute being queried. . . . 480 DualResidual . . . . Concurrent Optimizer Concurrent optimization is a simple approach for exploiting multiple processors. . Only available for MIP models. . 173 GRBColumn::remove() . . . . . . . . . . . For examples of how to query or modify attributes, refer to our Attribute Examples. . . . . . . . . . . . . This argument can be NULL, in which case the constraint is given a default name. GRBQuadExpr() Quadratic expression constructor. . . . Note that this routine only reports whether the optimization ran into an error. . . . . . 559 15.4 MIP Logging . . . . . . . . . You will no longer be able to call optimize on models created with this environment after the license has been released. . void Set ( GRB.CharAttr attr, GRBConstr[] constrs, char[] newvalues ) Set a char-valued constraint attribute for an array of constraints. upper: Upper bounds for the linear expressions. . . . . . . double get ( GRB.DoubleAttr attr ) Query the value of a double-valued attribute. . . The optimal objective value is always between these two values. . . . . . . . . Available attributes are listed and described in the Attributes section of this document. 468 VBasis . Before joining BlaBlaCar, Thomas was a Data Science consultant for The Boston Consulting Group, developing advanced ML and OR models for top-tier companies. . . . Note that range constraints are stored internally as equality constraints. . . . . GRBVar[] AddVars ( int count, char type ) Add count new decision variables to a model. . . . . Details on the error can be obtained by calling GRBgeterrormsg. . To create a struct that would set the Gurobi method parameter to 2 you would do the following: params.method = 2; 436, 437 . . . . GRBEnv.Message() Write a message to the console and the log file. . . 14.10 BAS format An LP basis (BAS) file is used to specify an initial basis for a continuous model. Models are dynamic entities; you can always add or remove variables or constraints. If youve performed optimization on the model, the optimal objective value can be obtained by querying the ObjVal model attribute. . . With an Aggressive setting, sifting will be applied any time dual simplex is used, including at the nodes of a MIP. . . . They are temporary objects that typically have short lifespans. . . . . . . . . . . 161 GRBLinExpr::getCoeff() . . . . . . . . Note also that range constraints are stored internally as equality constraints. Raises an AttributeError if the requested attribute doesnt exist or cant be queried. 310 GRBModel.GetConcurrentEnv() . . Your changes are communicated to the server in one large message when you request a model update. 97 GRBsetstrparam . . TuneTimeLimit Type: double Default value: -1 Tuning tool time limit Minimum value: -1 Maximum value: Infinity Limits total tuning runtime (in seconds). . . . . If multiple linear constraints have the same name, this method chooses one arbitrarily. void Set ( GRB.StringAttr attr, GRBVar[] vars, string[] newvalues, int start, int len ) Set a string-valued variable attribute for a sub-array of variables. Arguments: env: The environment in which the new model should be created. When present, each entry in the list defines a single quadratic constraint: xT Qc x + q T x beta. . . . . . Environments The first step in using the Gurobi .NET interface is to create an environment object. . vars2: Second variables for new quadratic terms. At times, there will be an H or * character at the beginning of the output line. . . . . . . . . . . This method populates a set of IIS attributes. Return value: The current value of the requested attribute. Finally, it gives a comprehensive presentation of all of the available classes and methods. constrs: A one-dimensional array of constraints whose attribute values are being queried. . . Each constraint in the constraint matrix is represented as a list of index-value pairs, where each index entry provides the variable index for a non- zero coefficient, and each value entry provides the corresponding non-zero value. . . . . . . . Example usage: int first_two[] = {0, 1}; error = GRBdelvars(model, 2, first_two); GRBsetpwlobj int GRBsetpwlobj ( GRBmodel *model, int var, int npoints, double *x, double *y ) Set a piecewise-linear objective function for a variable. double Get ( GRB.DoubleAttr attr ) Query the value of a double-valued attribute. . . . The optimization result The gurobi function returns a struct, with the various results of the optimization stored in its fields. . . qconstrs: A one-dimensional array of quadratic constraints whose attribute values are being modified. . . . . . Arguments: num: The concurrent environment number. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . var2: Second variable for new quadratic term. . . void set ( GRB.IntAttr attr, GRBConstr[] constrs, int[] newvalues ) Set an int-valued constraint attribute for an array of constraints. . . . . . . This must be a dense vector. . . . . Setting it to a small value (e.g., 3) can reduce presolve runtime. . . void operator+= ( const GRBQuadExpr& expr ) Arguments: expr: Expression to add. Java Attribute Examples . . . . . . . . One entry for each variable in argument vars. Arguments: coeffs: Coefficients for new terms. . In adherence to C language conventions, indices all start at 0. . . . We have chosen to give priority 100 a special meaning. . . Arguments: count: Number of constraints to add to the model. . . . . Turning off scaling (ScaleFlag=0) can sometimes pro- duce smaller constraint violations. . . For models with a maximization sense, the senses of the dual values are reversed: the dual is 0 for a constraint and 0 for a constraint. len: The number of quadratic constraints. . Linear constraints are specified by building linear expressions (objects of class GRBLinExpr), and then specifying relationships between these expressions (for example, requiring that one expres- sion be equal to another). len: The number of quadratic constraints. . . newvalue: The desired new value of the attribute. . . . . . Compute Server Considerations If you have one or more Gurobi Compute Servers, you can use them for distributed optimization as well. 100 GRBwriteparams . Parameters are chosen from among the Gurobi parameters. . . . . A few simple controls are available for modifying the default logging behavior. The simplest option is to limit runtime using the TimeLimit parameter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Create an empty column, or copy an existing column. . void Set ( GRB.StringAttr attr, GRBQConstr[] qconstrs, string[] newvalues ) Set a string-valued quadratic constraint attribute for a three-dimensional array of quadratic constraints. . . . The first column shows the number of branch-and-cut nodes that have been explored to that point, while the second shows the number of leaf nodes in the search tree that remain unexplored. . Typical usage is to call this routine twice. . . vars: A two-dimensional array of variables whose attribute values are being modified. . void set ( GRB_StringAttr attr, string newvalue ) Set the value of a string-valued model attribute. . . . . . Return value: A TempConstr object. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TuneResultCount Number of improved parameter sets found by tuning tool 452, 453 GRBColumn GRBColumn ( ) Create an empty column. . . . . . . 223 GRBModel.getConstrByName() . . . . . FNAME is called 2. . numvars: The number of new variables to add. len: The number of constraints. . . . . A type 1 SOS constraint is a set of variables for which at most one variable in the set may take a value other than zero. GRBConstr GetConstr ( int i ) Return value: Constraint for the term at index i in the column. Details on the error can be obtained by calling GRBgeterrormsg. . By only including the constraints that are actually violated by solutions found during the branch-and-cut search, it is sometimes possible to find a proven optimal solution while only adding a fraction of the full set of constraints. . double getCoeff ( int i ) Arguments: i: Index for coefficient of interest. . . . . Tuning normally proceeeds until the elapsed time exceeds the tuning time limit. 84 GRBsetdblattrlist . . A value of IN_PROGRESS indicates that the optimization has not yet completed. . . . . . . . . Each new constraint has an associated cbeg value, indicating the start position of the non-zeros for that constraint in the cind and cval arrays. . . Bioz Stars score: 86/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. . . . . . . . 533 C# Parameter Examples . This method can be used to modify the value of an existing non-zero, to set an existing non-zero to zero, or to create a new non-zero. void Set ( GRB.DoubleAttr attr, double newvalue ) Set the value of a double-valued attribute. . Client requests beyond this limit are queued. . . . . . 248 GRBQConstr.set() . . The constraint matrix is also modified when you remove a variable or constraint from the model (through the Model.remove method). . . . . GRBQuadExpr::getValue() Compute the value of a quadratic expression for the current solution. Empty quadratic expression a larger perturbation is required, 143 GRBModel::get GRBEnv! Calls will start two distributed worker machines have similar perfor- mance 259, 260 GRBQuadExpr.getVar1 ( ) return indicates! Default is 0 modifying attribute values are being queried be solved are typically used when solves! 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