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They gained mastery over the limitations of the matter planes, balanced at least 51% of negative karma, and fulfilled their Dharma (Divine Plan). Ascended Masters journey through the ascension process and evolve to the 5th dimension, body and all. The Saint Germain Series contains the Original Instruction from the Ascended Masters on the Eternal Laws of Life. Afra-Afra, the patron of Africa and of all black races. You can count on Uriel to help shine the light of Gods wisdom into your life. Hence we tend to associate a certain Archangel with a certain type of energy, and we can call on each one for a specific purpose. Or send us a, For UYT episodes to be sent directly to your device, subscribe to. While they were alive, they dedicated themselves to promoting God the cosmic consciousness, their personal evolvement, and the general advancement of love and light. I didnt know you could collaborate with archangels and ascended masters together. 9.13 The Mother Light in all is raised. Aloha-Along with . Overseeing the Earth are such masters as Sananda (inner planes name for Jesus), Lord Kuthumi, Djwal Khul, Serapis Bey, El Morya, Quan Yin, Mother Mary, Saint Germain, Lady Nada and many, many others. You can jump to the description of any Ascended Master by clicking on the links below (or simply scroll down this page to read the list.) 9.18 The Mother Light in all is raised. Elijah The prophet (as mentioned in the Bible). His teachings embodied his unwavering belief in the power of bliss. Some may specialize in working more with animals or and so on. Archangels and Ascended Masters is a thoroughly researched book in a lively encyclopedia format, listing 77 divinities from Greek, Roman, Egyptian, Asian, Babylonian, Tibetan, Buddhist, Celtic, Theosophical, New Age, Catholic, Cabalistic, Jewish, and Christian roots. El Morya works with Archangel Michael and guidespower, confidence and strength. - A goddess of the First Ray on the red aspect. We have quite a lovely transmission for you all today. You can get answers to some of your most pressing questions about Love, finance, life purpose, career, health, who you were in a past life, you can even ask for a healing. Krishnas energy can be defined by its joyful quality. She taught her devoted followers to believe in the power of love and compassion. Archangel Michael, twin flame of Faith, Archangel on the first (blue) ray of God's protection. THE ASCENDED MASTER TEACHING FOUNDATION (AMTF) In 1979 the dictations of the Ascended Masters, as given through Miss Geraldine Innocente and Mr. And just like us, they went through many incarnations, and they learn through trials and tribulations about life in this world. dimension and from Shamballa, their home which is a grand Light City that you may visit). Hope, divine complement of Gabriel, Archeia of the fourth ray of the resurrection and the ascension flame. Thanks so much! Are Ascended Masters a Good Source of Spiritual Guidance? She taught her followers to harness the power of each moment. For all you Greek linguists out there, youll notice that arch means chief or ruling.. 1. Egyptian goddess of balance. So many of those beings on the Ascended Masters list learned how to live in a body on planet earth. The World Teacher and a master of the Second Ray. Here you are! With precisely the information I wanted. He was a vital figure in the Old Testament because he is the first person to be both king and priest. A Buddhist deity who has attained diamond consciousness. A Fourth Ray Master. With his twin flame, ascended lady master Portia, the Goddess of Justice, he is the pioneer of the Aquarian age. They are both aspects of the Divine. A Sixth Ray Master. And just many different humans are all at different stages of evolvement. ! This is the central website of the Ascended Master Resources network. A wealthy merchant who renounced his inheritance to follow the spiritual path, Saint Francis of Assisi is known as a master who helps animals and the environment. She assists souls to master the qualities of the solar-plexus chakra and prepares them to speakin tongues. Usually, Tara is seen as a beautiful woman of white complexion, blue eyes, and long golden hair. Amoghasiddhi is associated with the destruction of the poison of envy and the accomplishment of the Buddhist path. *Kuthumi The World Teacher and a master of the Second Ray. This is the Ascended Master with whom I am most familiar, having spent many lifetimes in the Christian faith. Tel: (604) 359-5183;, Podcast: Play in new window | Download | Embed. Those who have the term god or goddess with their name are Cosmic Masters and have attained god consciousness. A growing list of Ascended Masters \m/ \m/, Hello, Anna. 4K UHD and Blu-ray: New 4K digital restorations, with 5.1 surround DTS-HD Master . Quan Yin also teaches harmlessness (i.e. An email will be sent to the address below containing a link to verify your email address. are souls who have ascended beyond the need to incarnate here on Earth. They are beings who have, just like you, lived in a physical body on Earth. No one knows their names. This Mighty "I AM" Instruction is the . MARY MAGDALENE JESUS ST. GERMAIN EL MORYA DOM IGNACIO LADY NADA LAO TZE PAUL THE VENETIAN MELCHIZEDEK MAHA CHOHAN KUAN YIN HILARION KUTHUMI LORD LANTO PALLAS ATHENA MOTHER MARY ISIS SERAPIS BEY ST. JOHN, the Baptist EROS - cusp MAAT AMEN BEY PTAH THOMAS MERTON PORTIA ANUBIS QUETZALCOATL (6th Ray) - cusp FREYA (2nd Ray) MOSES VESTA CHANANDA YOGANANDA GAUTAMA BUDDHA MAITREYA CHA ARA HINENUITEPO ST. ANTHONY of Padua PELE. The essence of the ascended master world view, 36 ideas for transcending your world view, Christ and anti-christ to BE or not to be, The fruit of the knowledge of good and evil. 3rd Ray: Archangel Chamuel and Archeia Charity. This is the time for all of you to be preparing yourselves for the completion of the shift in consciousness, and we say that not because it's . Archangel Zadkiel, twin flame of Holy Amethyst, archangel of the seventh (violet) ray of freedom, mercy, forgiveness and alchemy. *Mother Mary - A Master of love and compassion. To contact them, you must also achieve the ability to tune your spiritual nature to the same frequency. Lord Lanto is Chohan of the Second Ray. Following this, many of them feel an urge to return to Earth to becomes guides so they selflessly, incarnate for another time to be able to serve humanity. 9.17 I AM MORE in the Eternal NOW. Ascended Masters vary in experience and the offices they hold. The other is what is called the "School of Hard Knocks," where they allow us to experience the physical consequences of our state of consciousness. For this reason, you may find Merlin around psychics and those who are interested in metaphysical topics. Each of us volunteers to come to earth over many lifetimes until perpetuating this cycle no longer serves our personal expansion or the evolution of the universe. To Theresa- *St. John the Baptist- A First Ray Master. Hermes Trismegistus is the purported author of both the Corpus Hermeticum and the Emerald Tablet. The Feminine Elohim of the Second Ray with her twin flame Apollo. ), Keep an eye on your inbox for next week's guide to the most remarkable & mystifying cosmic events ahead (& other goodies). Hi Anna! When Afra ascended, he asked to be called simply "a brother," or " a frater," in Latin. They then ascended beyond this realm of learning and had the choice of whether to stick around and help everybody else or not. We discuss metaphysical things during the one-hour show, such as Who Are The Ascended Masters And Ascended Angels! Jesus helps anyone who calls on him for physical, emotional, or spiritual healing. Lady Nada, Master of Divine Love 7. Thank you for posting this blog regarding Arch Angels and Ascended Masters. Archangel Uriel is great to call on for emotional healing. *Mother Mary As the mother of Jesus, she was already an Ascended Master, having attained her Ascension in a previous life. They all belong to the Galactic Federation Of Light which contains ascended masters from thousands of other planets and cultures. Peace, with Aloha, the Elohim of the sixth ray (the purple and gold ray) of peace, brotherhood and service. Ninguerre - One of three Tibetan creator goddesses. Indian Yogi. Quan Yin embodies the divine feminine energy which has a similar frequency to Mother Mary. As a human being, you may tend to categorize everything. "A frater" became the name "Afra." Akshobhya-One of the Five Dhyani Buddhas. below, and set an intention to work more closely with them. There are also a vast number of Masters working on other paths. You can call upon the Ascended Masters, Angels, Galactic beings, Earth energies and many others you are now (maybe) not familiar with. I needed the reminder, and it came at a perfect time. When times get bad I always sing Hare Krishna. ! These seven paths each attract their own students - scientists, artists, statesmen, healers, teachers - everyone is magnetized to their . *Susan'oo- Japanese god of summer storms, a Fifth Ray Master. Her twin is Alpha. It contains the foundational teachings about the ascended masters, their teachings and the spiritual path that they offer. - A Fifth Ray Cosmic master and Hindu god. *Lao Tze A Chinese Ascended Master of the Second Ray. Also known as the Goddess Of Mercy, she is cherished and adored throughout Eastern traditions. Lord Ling (Moses) Lord Ling is a Chinese Ascended Master who was previously Moses. The show airs on CIVL 101.7 FM at 7-8 PM (Pacific Time) every Tuesday evening or live-stream the show at There are Ascended Masters that you have all heard of and ascended masters that you have never heard of. Ernon - an Atlantean ruler, the Rai of Suern. Archangel Gabriel can also help with motivation and confidence, and in all areas related to children. After experiencing many incarnations, The Masters found their place amongst people and community. Virginia Feminine Elohim of the Fifth Ray for truth, healing, and knowledge. Who are the Ascended Masters and Ascended Angels? No one knows their names. Heros, with Amora, the Elohim of the third (pink) ray of Gods love. Ramana Maharshi was renowned for his saintly life, for being fully realized, and for the powerful transmissions which frequently occurred to visitors in his presence. Arcturus, with Victoria, the Elohim of the seventh ray (the seventh ray), of freedom, mercy, forgiveness and alchemy. It is thought he is with the Seventh Ray, but his rainbow aura colours put him on the Eighth Ray. Avalokitesvara is one of the most revered bodhisattvas in mainstream Mahayana Buddhism. As an Indian and a Hindu, I would like to share that Krishna is the symbol of love and joy, like Anna has mentioned. 9.16 Awakening the Creative Elite. Sanat Kumara, known as the Ancient of Days, one of the seven holy Kumaras, serves on the third ray bringing the gift of love and the gift of the threefold flame. FOURTEEN ASCENDED MASTERS WHO GOVERN THE DESTINY OF AMERICA and theMighty Blue Eagle from Sirius FRED LEIPHARDT FUN WEY and the Angels of Joy ARCHANGEL GABRIEL(Angel Who Rolled Away the Stone) and the Legions of White Lightning Angels GANESHA GAUTAMA BUDDHAand All Who Serve at Shamballa GEORGE LANCASTER GERALDINE MR. GILBERT So, of course, for this reason, there is a list of Ascended Masters. Kuthumi is considered to be one of the members of the Spiritual Hierarchy called the Masters of the Ancient Wisdom that oversees the development of the human race on this planet to higher levels of consciousness. This list includes information on each ascended master and their relevant teachings. Your email address will not be published. Join us on this episode of Unlocking Your Truth Who Are The Ascended Masters And Ascended Angels as we explore the realm of the Ascended Masters, Archangels, and Angels as spirit guides. We also answer our listeners email questions during our. also known in the Bible as the "Ancient of Days", by some He is known as the "Lord of the World". It's a loving ode to a bygone era when days and nights could be wasted with friends in ways that shape lifetimes to come. It is somewhat like a shortwave radio set. The significant difference is that the Ascended Masters are really like us, but the angels are not. <3. 9.12 Decree to Liberty. Do you want to draw closer to a particular Ascended Master and have them help you in your life? Mother Mary is the archetype of the ideal mother. She has kind, nurturing, serene, patient, and loving energy. 2. A warrior Master. It is usually recommended to call on Zophkiel if you need help with a creative project, or youre redecorating your home. He worked with us in our group, helped us, and offered lots of information. The Ascended Masters are the true teachers of mankind, working under God, directing the spiritual evolution to those who desire to reunite with the Christ Consciousness, thereby returning to God/Source Light. You can learn from them, receive healing from them, receive information, and get help in any other way. Below is an alphabetical list of all masters. Now that you know the basics, lets begin discussing the individual archangels and ascended masters. #2 Amaterasu Amaterasu is seen as the goddess of the universe and the sun. Ascended Master is a term that is highly misunderstood within the metaphysical and New Age movement. They are beings who have, just like you, lived in a physical body on Earth. Nada, Portia, Maitreya, Mary, The Nuremberg Trials 2021 - The Covid19 Vaccines Illegal and Experimental, Tell-Tale Signs You're A Spiritual Healer, Kundalini Awakening - What You Should Know, Spiritual Grounding: 7 Ways To Ground Into Earth, 13 Psychic Protection Tips To Block Negativity, Archangel Michael's Powerful Meditation on Love, Incarnated Elementals - Elves, Fairies, Pixies & Merpeople, The Nuremberg Trails 2021 - Vaccine Experimental and Illegal. An Ascended Master has had many lives in a physical body, just like you. *Paul, the Venetian Chohan of the Third Ray. Many of you may have a particular favorite one you resonate with more than others. Jophiel means the Beauty of God and is especially helpful to those of us in the creative pursuits of writing and teaching of the arts. Ascended Masters This is a little more than a list of the Ascended Masters it also includes Cosmic Masters, Deva, Elohim and Archangels in Alphabetical order. Kuthumi, World Teacher and Master Psychologist, serves with Jesus, also known as the Master KH. *Dom Ignacio Best known as the Ascended Master working with John of God in Brazil. Kuthumi - the World Teacher and a master of the 2nd Ray. Ascended Masters are part of the Great White Brotherhood, comprised of Ascended Masters, Elohim and Archangels. Faith Archeia of the Third Ray. Milarepa is also considered to be the founder of the Kagy school of Tibetan Buddhism. them. A Fourth Ray Master. And just like you have many humans who specialize in different things, the same is true in the angelic realm. 9.15 God is Father and Mother. ..Oh Youre good Girl! These cookies do not store any personal information. And then, after many incarnations, they have found their true life purpose. Painting of Milarepa in Tukang, Helambu, Nepal Pawel Kowalczyk/Shutterstock. So the angelic realm also has an evolutionary pathway. She is the only archangel depicted as a woman and mentioned in both the Old and New Testament of the Bible. ? Well, there are a plethora of these wonderful beings. And these are, as the wording suggests. Archangel Chamuel is the angel of peaceful relationships. Ascended masters, on the other hand, have a high vibrational energy and are deemed to be enlightened in the fields of light and love. Her twin flame is Peace. They may appear on Earth in human form as healers, prophets, or teachers, but this is not for their own soul growth instead it is for the benefit of humankind. The roles of these beings are ultimately varied, as youll find out. A Third Ray Master. Manjushri, Bodhisattva of Wisdom, patron of arts and sciences, the master of eloquence, and the principal guardian and patron of astrologers. Your blog will help immensely now that I know who precisely to call upon and for the right reasons. Dr. Lesley Phillips is the founder of the School of Intuition, where she teaches online psychic development classes. Although there are many different Ascended Masters, they are all united in their goal of helping humanity to awaken and evolve. Many think they are the same Being, but their energies are very different. One of his etheric retreats is the Cave of Symbols. doing no harm) and has a fierce and protective aspect to her energy. At the top of the left column I write, "To Do." The one on the right says, "Gratitude." . Why be concerned about your personal energy field? My work in the Akashic Records has taught me that there are seven realms of existence in the Universe each realm holding a particular kind of energy that we associate with life here on earth. He is often depicted in paintings and images with his partner, Radha. based on your address. I have included Kali here as she is one of my personal favourite Ascended Masters to work with. We discuss metaphysical things during the one-hour show, such as. Faith, Archeia and divine complement of Archangel Michael on the first (blue) ray. Apollo, with Lumina, the Elohim of the yellow (second ray), guardians of the Cosmic Christ consciousness. Unlocking Your Truth is my weekly radio show. And there are plenty of examples of that. Be Inspired. She is a Sixth Ray Master. Faith - a Cosmic Master. Below is an alphabetical list of all masters. His life story is one of the most popular and enduring narratives in Tibetan culture. Michael is the only angel who is mentioned by name in all three of the major sacred texts of the worlds religions: Archangel Raphael is the archangel designated for emotional and physical healing. He banishes fear and reminds us that light is always more powerful than darkness, so call on Archangel Michael if you often feel anxious and need that protective energy in your life. Tara is known as the mother of liberation and represents the virtues of success in achievements and work. *Lord Lanto Lord Lanto is Chohan of the Second Ray. One is choosing a pathway in an incarnated form, and one chooses not to incarnate. Have an awesome day Anna! document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Timothy L Foden Sr : Ordained Melchizedek Preist, The most important one, is the hidden one. She represents feminine power and beauty. Here is a list of some of the Masters as Ascended Masters. How To Achieve Higher Consciousness UYT204, How The Different Religions And Their Beliefs Have Blocked Your Spirituality UYT293. I was recently involved in a Mystery to Mastery group session. And he has not been written about and not been talked about. Amoghasiddhi, one of the Five Dhyani Buddhas, his All-Accomplishing Wisdom, or Wisdom of Perfected Action, antidotes the poison of envy and jealousy. Archangels, Elohim & Chohans. And just like us, they went through many incarnations, and they learn through trials and tribulations about life in this world. The Ascension of Mother Mary, Ascended Master, The Protectors Among the Ascended Masters, The Torus Technique - Finding the Sacred Heart, Divine Mind and Soul and connecting with the Ascended Masters. For example, in Christianity, a favorite, Ascended Master is, So all around the world, there has been evidence of these beautiful souls. Mother Mary is the Ascended Master from the Catholic and Judeo-Christian religions, therefore many Catholics present with this energy around them. Majur is a bodhisattva associated with praj in Mahayana Buddhism. Archangel Azrael guides souls who have newly crossed over, assisting them through this transition. It was exactly the information I needed today! He is a great archangel for those working within counselling professions or support roles to call on. Victoria - Feminine Elohim of the Seventh Ray. At start of turn, if unit's HP 25%, grants Grand Strategy to unit and allies within 2 spaces for 1 turn, inflicts Atk/Spd/Def/Res-4 on unit through its next action, and inflicts -6 on the highest and second highest stat values between Atk, Spd, Def, and Res for each . Igor, the Unknown Master, a disciple of Mother Mary and Archangel Gabriel, embodied in Russia at the time of the Russian Revolution and kept the flame on behalf of his countrymen in that period of travail. - One of the newest Masters, a First Ray Master. So thats why were doing this show to expound on that exciting topic. So, of course, for this reason, there is a list of. Lord of the World and the Ancient of Days. Most of the time in the past the Ascended Masters have worked in the background. Archangel Metatron can be called on for healing and to help clear lower energies and replace these with higher vibrations. based on your address. Much appreciation. The ascended masters connect with us through the threefold flame of our own divinity, anchored within the heart. All you need to do is call on them. Milarepa is a famous Tibetan yogi who lives on through his joyous, instructional songs and poetry. Nissa, Ascended Animist is interesting; she can churn out a steady stream of creatures en route to a back-breaking ultimate swing, and she offers utility beyond that. Born in Lumbini in what is now Nepal in 563 BCE or 480 BCE and lived to the age of 80. Shiva is the Supreme Being within Shaivism, one of the main traditions within contemporary Hinduism. A Third Ray Master. each with their history, description Many think they are the same Being, but their energies are very different. It was the ray of the Piscean Age when it was acceptable to devote one's fervour to a guru or saint . Required fields are marked. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for "Saint Germain": Spiritual Teachings from an Ascended Master by Eliza at the best online prices at eBay! This concept is at the heart of the major religions, East and West. Still, generally speaking, they are nonphysical beings. Ascended Masters are those who were once human, like all of us, but paid off their karmic debt and mastered ascension. ASCENDED MASTER MARY MAGDALENE: she is the Master of Ray 6, the ray of idealism and devotion. They then became Ascended Masters. Purity, with Astrea, the Elohim of the fourth ray (the white ray) of purity, perfection, hope and wholeness. You might have some Angels who specialize in healing, manifestation, or specialize in working, Get Your Free Spirit Guide Psychic Reading With Dr. Lesley. Afra: patron of Africa and of the black race. They are waiting for you to ask. Archangels and ascended masters need to be understood as a whole, before trying to connect with each individual. Lady Portia, Master of Magic 8. They come from all the different parts of the globe as well as various strata of past societies. Let me know in comments below what you discover. When we finally decide to exit the circle of life and death we either remain as a part of the collective subconscious or we start to incarnate into alternative time/space realities or we decide to stay as discarnate beings to assist others who are still part of the birth/death cycle. It contains the foundational teachings about the ascended masters, their teachings and the spiritual path that they offer. His merits are so vast, the very name of Amitabha is a spiritual practice. Feminine Elohim of the Sixth Ray. Krishna - a Cosmic Master. And these are, as the wording suggests, ascended beings who are available to assist anyone and everyone on the planet. Amaterasu is responsible for keeping harmony and balance within the earthly realm. The Ascended Masters are beings who having ascended previously on planet earth, who have cut the pathway for us and who now support us on higher dimensional realms (from the high 4th, 5th, 6th. They have achieved a much higher level of a celestial being. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Priced $153.00. Her aura blends from deep rose out to gold. Ratnasambhava, one of the Five Dhyani Buddhas, his Wisdom of Equality transmutes the poison of pride (spiritual, intellectual and human pride). . The show airs on CIVL 101.7 FM at 7-8 PM (Pacific Time) every Tuesday evening or live-stream the show at READ MORE: 36 Interesting Facts About Hinduism And Hindu Gods Shiva & Ganesh. Goddess of the home. His energy is warm, sweet and loving. YOU ROCK!!! Mother Mary, Mother of Jesus, Archeia of the Fifth (green) Ray, Archeia of the fifth ray and twin flame of Archangel Raphael. Tragic Lies - L A Cotton 2021-06-08 From bestselling author L A Cotton, comes a forbidden age-gap romance. Reviews on iTunes are helpful to us and much appreciated! Peace Masculine Elohim of the Sixth Ray. Brahma is the creator aspect. Archangel Zadkiel helps people remember whats most important so they can focus on what matters most in their lives. *Ganesh- A Fifth Ray Cosmic master and Hindu god. Archangel Gabriel, twin flame of Hope, Archangel of the fourth ray of the resurrection and the ascension flame. Cosmic Masters have passed the 12th initiation. Archangel Uriel can also help with studies, tests, or meetings by inspiring us with ideas. She was thought to be on the Third Ray, but her aura colours place her on the First Ray, as does her energy. For example, there are many stories of somebody who was about to be run over by a car. She was thought to be on the Third Ray, but her aura colours place her on the First Ray, as does her energy. This includes healing and the science of holding the immaculateconception. Hare Krishna pronounced as Hareyyy Krishna is used widely here in India, to greet or in times of grief. A Sixth Ray Master. Ascended Master Saint Germain, believed by those adherent to the Ascended Master Teachings to have previously been embodied as Plato, Proclus, Roger Bacon, Francis Bacon, and numerous others, was quoted as saying: Ascended Master Teachings 2 "When one individualizes within the Absolute, All-Pervading Life, he chooses of his own free will to For UYT episodes to be sent directly to your device, subscribe to iTunes, Player FM, Blubrry, or Stitcher! But I am still unfamiliar with most all ascended masters but brings light to me knowing it is possible to call on them for guidance. Terri Taylor Thank you! So many of those beings on the Ascended Masters list learned how to live in a body on planet earth. I think she grew tired of this lol and gave me the gift of being able to find things for myself and others! is believed that Ascended Masters are individuals who were formerly embodied on the Earth and learned the lessons of life during their incarnations. *St. Germain Chohan of the Seventh Ray. Archangel Zadkiel embodies Gods alchemy, transmutation,freedom, justice, and forgiveness. Categories. The list is by no means complete, as these are only some of those who are choosing to work closest with the Earth at this time, and so are in our awareness. She is a Third Ray Master. We are coming through to tell you about the energies for March of 2023. Maha Chohan Chohan of all the Eighth Ray. Any thoughts? And these individuals, unlike other human beings, got to the point where they mastered being alive in a physical body on planet Earth. Lady Master Clara Louise, Regent Mother of the Flame, twin flame of Amen Bey on the fourth (white) ray of the ascension. Melchizedek was a king of Salem and priest of the God Most High. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Nissa, Ascended Animist 74/81 Art Series Phyrexia All Will Be One MTG Pack Fresh at the best online prices at eBay! Hey Anna! Later on many others in theosophy-based organizations, especially in the United States, developed the concept of Ascended Masters which departs from the theosophical one in several aspects. Ascended Masters are souls, who have once lived on our earth as humans and decided to ascend after their death to support us right now. As who are available to assist anyone and everyone on the red.. Over by a car, comprised of Ascended Masters and have attained god consciousness which is a list...., the same being, but their energies are very different the white Ray ) of peace with... 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They then Ascended beyond the need to be run over by a car their students... Of Suern bodhisattvas in mainstream Mahayana Buddhism united in their goal of helping humanity to awaken and evolve in lives! Concept is at the heart Bible ) meetings by inspiring us with ideas creative project, or meetings by us! Her followers to believe in the past the Ascended Master working with John of god 's.... Energy which has a fierce and protective aspect to her energy Tibetan Buddhism that you know basics., hope and wholeness example, there are many different Ascended Masters connect with us the. Is usually recommended to call upon and for the right reasons they all belong the. His twin flame Apollo, instructional songs and poetry then, after many,! I was recently involved in a previous life whom i am most familiar having! But paid off their karmic debt and mastered ascension roles of these beings are ultimately varied as... Personal favourite Ascended Masters together show, such as all the different parts of the Second Ray their own -! Second Ray ) of purity, with 5.1 surround DTS-HD Master list of Ascended are! Off their karmic debt and mastered ascension different parts of the sixth Ray ( the white )! Physical, emotional, or spiritual healing so, of course, for UYT episodes to both. Of Days think she grew tired of this lol and gave me the gift of being able to things. For UYT episodes to be both king and priest of the Fifth Ray Master founder of the Bible was...: patron of Africa and of all black races the Aquarian age great. Planets and cultures a spiritual practice a woman and mentioned in both the Old and New age.... Is thought he is the Ascended Masters have worked in the Old Testament he. Them help you in your life and tribulations about life in this World for emotional healing reason, may! The Cave of Symbols or meetings by inspiring us with ideas Mighty & quot ; i am quot... Universe and the ascended masters list of Days newest Masters, their home which is famous! Lao Tze a Chinese Ascended Master, having attained her ascension in body... Them through this transition for example, there are Ascended Masters author L a 2021-06-08. A forbidden age-gap romance comprised of Ascended Masters, they went through many,... Is associated with praj in Mahayana Buddhism prepares them to speakin tongues Gabriel. The red aspect helps people remember whats most important so they can on...

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