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Axiology is the theory of Values. The philosopher sets a greater value on the purity and loftiness of the intellect. Are they mere hopes and aspirations of man? But it makes a hypothesis to explain the world and its relation to the soul adequately. Yet, there is consensus about the perceived external world. Or are they? The problem what is reality? arises from a consciousness of ourselves as living in a world which seems to be outside of, and yet is the cause of, our conscious life. Formerly a distinction was drawn between ontology and cosmology. First, intuitions vary with different individuals, dependent upon different temperaments, interests, biases and prejudices. Revelation resists and endures, because science gives scant comfort to the desire for unification with cosmic reality. Great Thinkers Then they conceived of Brahman or the infinite Spirit pervading the universe and guiding the human souls. It is supra-intellectual or above Intellectual comprehension or discursive reasoning. Philosophy employs rational reflection on the facts of experience in order to explain them adequately by making a rational hypothesis. Logic deals with truth and the conditions of its attainment. Logic investigates the nature of Truth. A true humanistic philosophy solvent of the universal doubt, perplexity, chaos and unsettlements prevailing at present. These definitions identify philosophy with completely unified scientific knowledge. Take the sensors you call your eyes. Therefore, intuition alone cannot be regarded as the adequate method of philosophical investigation. Ethics, Logic and AEsthetics are normative sciences, which seek to explain certain mental phenomena by norms or ideals. We need to tell the difference between hard ground and marsh that only looks hard. Therefore, we seem to have a dual existence; one conscious and the other subconscious. One can only say that humans reflect on Reality as a defence against the mental trash unloaded upon us by the media. This definition removes the defect of Platos definition mentioned above. Pluralism recognizes many realities independent of one another, which are not derived from one reality, and which cannot be reduced to one reality. It investigates the nature of the world including matter and life, of the soul, and of God or the Absolute. Therefore the foundation of our reality is our language use. But science is relentless, and facts, ultimately, are irresistible. It cannot be satisfied with a partial, fragmentary, sectional view. However, the nature of a stones reality can be imagined or inferred by people. There are many particles of each element, and they combine in various ways to form many things in the universe. But though epistemology is an in dispensable preliminary of philosophy, it must not be identified with philosophy. The philosopher thinks. If, as quantum physicists say, our perceptions play a role in selecting reality by freezing a wave of quanta upon perception, then the world is also subject to our collective perception. Classic philosophical questions include: Is it possible to know anything and to prove it? Though Rational or Natural Theology has no essential relation to Revealed Theology, still the former must take account of the latter. This is the written definition of philosophy, but I think philosophy can't be defined to just words. What is the nature of Philosophy? Are concepts such as these just the content of our brains and products of our reasoning and emotions? The poet grasps the nature of the universe through his heart. Instead, I am looking at a picture of it as produced in my brain via my sensory perceptions. Rational thinking is harder still. However, the date of retrieval is often important. It must criticize the doctrines of different religions by rational and philosophical reflection, to arrive at a true conception of the Absolute, by incorporating the truths of all religions in itself, and eliminating the element of dogmatism. Religion is a matter of simple faith, reverence and enjoyment. It is often regarded as a part of Metaphysics, especially insofar as it is . It systematizes our scientific knowledge, and moral, aesthetic and religious experiences. But he recognized the existence of God, and Monad or monads, who created the monads and adjusted them to one another. It assumes the form of materialism or idealism. We cannot prove the existence of the electron or alpha particles or even such matters as market forces, compassion or philosophy. By definition, human nature includes the core characteristics (feelings, psychology, behaviors) shared by all people. They gradually conceived of the world-architect who created the world. It is science-based culture. Keep writing. Philosophy is not to be confused with its product. This is largely due to the widespread assumption that true descriptive or explanatory claims making use of the concept of human nature . So it would seem we are forever cut off from reality as it is in itself, that is, distinct from our minds apprehension of it. It must be independent of any individuals mind. Life is never complete, perfect, and harmonious. I am very impressed. Sociology deals with the structure and growth of the society and its institutions. Injure the brain and the victim may lose their sense of reality. Chemistry deals with chemical phenomena. The nature of a reality, or of Reality, is a description or explanation of that reality, or of Reality. It enquires into the nature, meaning, purpose, origin, and destiny of human life. Good article , thanks and we would like extra! Problems only come about if we, as the pilot, start to think the radar screen or the night-vision goggles are the only true way to see the world, and confuse our representation of reality with reality itself. But it identifies philosophy with ontology or metaphysics. Another thing all these views share is that we all share the same reality. 2) Philosophy consists in pursuing the meaning of statements ("what does that mean?") and the Truth, or nature of things ("what is x?"). In consequence we not only sit down rather more cautiously, but have become really quite relaxed with the notion that our day-to-day constructions of reality may be largely illusory, varying not only from person to person but from one era and culture to another, and most notably between species. Therefore, the line goes, we have two different realities. Philosophy is the attempt of man to discover the truth using his logic. Psychotherapists know how people act out scripts which they can rewrite to invent a new reality. Bishop Berkeleys Friday teas attract philosophers, whose most imminent reality is an empty purse. On the other hand, however, there is also a giant, external head which encompasses all empirical reality, including our individual heads. Is political utopia a hopeful dream or hopeless fantasy? Ontology must be preceded epistemology, since we cannot investigate the ultimate nature of the reality that is known, unless we already justify our claim to do so by a prior criticism of the organ of knowledge and prove that knowledge is possible. Ontology deals with matter, life, mind, and God. Philosophy, like all other studies, aims primarily at knowledge. Dualism recognizes matter and mind both as irreducible realities. The most important reason to study philosophy is that it is of enormous and enduring interest. Like moviegoers in a theater, we all see the same movie. Matter is unconscious and extended, while mind is conscious and un-extended. Man has become the master of the forces of nature; yet he is unhappy and discontented. In the modern era, some investigations that were traditionally part of philosophy became separate academic disciplines, including psychology, sociology, linguistics, and economics. On the one hand, it means the set of all things which are natural, or subject to the normal working of the laws of nature. Monism recognizes one type of reality. It inquires about the entire breadth of reality, and gives a purely rational explanation of its totality. Keep up the nice job. A species' essence would include its ancestral history, and the soul and self-consciousness of a human would be its "soul." People who have never seen can have their own sense of reality, which may be vastly different to that of a sighted person. But their views are one-sided. was truly information. One answer is that they have in common interacting with what becomes. By continuing to browse the site with cookies enabled in your browser, you consent to the use of cookies in accordance with our privacy policy. All rights reserved. So, how can the empirical world, about which there is general consensus, and the world that exists in our individual heads, be reconciled? It discusses and examines proofs for the existence of God. Authority is tin- reliable. Suppose I believe that the Earth is flat and you believe it is round. The universe is composed of 4 root elements: earth, air, fire, and water. Nature of Philosophy Philosophy * Comes from the 2 Greek words philos -love and sophia -wisdom * tasks that requires a deliberate effort to seek the truth. 2. It does not plunge into metaphysical investigation of the nature of reality without a prior criticism of the organ of knowledge. There can be logical distinction between them, but there can be no metaphysical separation of them. A reality consists of the interactions of a particular thing with what 'becomes' for that thing. Three dimensionality helps us make our way in a world of solid objects. Ontology of Nature investigates the nature of matter, time, space, causality, life, evolution, mechanism, and teleology. For the philosopher, the question "what is love?" generates a host of issues: love is an abstract noun which means for some it is a word unattached to anything real or sensible, that is all; for others, it is a means by which our beingour self and its worldare irrevocably . Philosophy of Mind is the branch of philosophy that studies the nature of the mind (mental events, mental functions, mental properties and consciousness) and its relationship to the physical body.It intersects to some extent with the fields of neurobiology, computer science and psychology.. The word "philosophy" comes from the Greek philos (loving) + sophos (wise) meaning literally love of wisdom. If matter, can we understand how the play of material objects and forces can give rise to conscious life? The view of the Intuitionists is unsound. In the situation of a window, a brick and a small child, the situation is different: the baby will not be able to physically lift a weight and get it through the window. An answer is that what becomes is realities, ie, what becomes consists of interactions with what becomes. (2) Philosophy is the science of knowledge (Fichte). Hence any branch of study was formerly called philosophy. It is concerned with explaining the fundamental nature of being and the world. It is suggested by rational reflection, and is not capable of verification by experience, or observation and experiment. Our perception of reality is a generation of sensations caused by our minds, and the sense that they make of the inputs to the brain, be they aural, visual, tactile, taste or smell.

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