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The media size limit is 5MB for supported file types (JPEG, PNG, GIF) and 500KB for other types of accepted media. Preview - Not yet supported, but expected to reach GA status in the future. We are experiencing SMS delivery delays when sending messages to Claro Network In Chile. The issue has now been resolved. Empty if the call has not yet been dialed. Our SMS carrier partner in the US is conducting a planned maintenance from 01 November 2022 at 21:00 PDT until 02 November 2022 at 05:00 PDT. See updates and additions to Twilio products. We will provide another update in 2 hours or as soon as more information becomes available. You can check the status of this here: Our monitoring systems have detected a potential issue with SMS traffic that was sent from IE1. During the maintenance window, there could be intermittent delays delivering SMS to and from Beeline Russia handsets. Records older than thirteen months can only be retrieved via Bulk Export. ringing: The call starts ringing. If you plan to request more records than will fit on a single page, you can use the provided nextpageuri rather than incrementing through pages by page number. We are experiencing SMS delivery delays when sending messages to Claro Network In Chile. Get help now from our support team, or lean on the wisdom of the crowd by visiting Twilio's Stack Overflow Collective or browsing the Twilio tag on Stack Overflow. Whether to detect Unicode characters that have a similar GSM-7 character and replace them. Non-North American phone numbers are in E.164 format (e.g., +442071838750). During the maintenance window, there could be intermittent delays delivering SMS to and from US handsets via a subset of US shortcodes. Resources. We will update as soon as we have more information. Provide new TwiML instructions to an ongoing call. The additional information you provide helps us improve our documentation: Your user signs up and upgrade using link, 1,250 free SMSes OR 1,000 free voice mins OR 12,000 chats OR more, Use the whatsapp: prefix to send a WhatsApp message, Get all messages associated with your account, List all messages sent on August 31, 2016 from +15017122661 and to +15558675310, List all messages sent before March 1st, 2019, List all messages sent between January 15th, 2021, 01:23:45 UTC and January 17th, 2021, 01:23:45 UTC, To redact the message-body from a message record, POST to the instance with an empty Body. We expect to provide another update in 1 hour or as soon as more information becomes available. You can set the Status Callback URL in the Console, or when you send an A call_token is generated when an incoming call is received on a Twilio number. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. See also: Monitoring Updates to Twilio REST API Security Settings. The version of the Twilio API used to handle this call. The AT&T network in the US is conducting a planned maintenance from 02 November 2022 at 21:00 PDT until 03 November 2022 at 04:00 PDT. We will continue to monitor for system stability. We expect to provide another update in 16 hours or as soon as more information becomes available. Setting it to true will instruct Twilio to replace all links in the Message with a shortened version based on the associated Domain Sid and track clicks on them. answered: The call is answered. We will continue to monitor for system stability. See updates and additions to Twilio products. To receive real-time status updates for outbound messages, you can choose to set a Status Callback URL. Twilio Customer Engagement Platform combines flexible APIs for any digital channel, first-party customer data, and global infrastructure to support you at scale. Users can send your business messages either directly or in response to a templated notification. We have fully investigated the SIP issue, and it was determined that the impact was limited to a small set of customers, who have been contacted individually to address any concerns. We continue experiencing SMS delivery delays when sending messages to ALTN Redes in Mexico. Our monitoring systems have detected a potential issue with Super SIM network connectivity. Our Voice carrier partner in Singapore is conducting a planned maintenance from 05 November 2022 at 09:00 PDT until 05 November 2022 at 15:00 PDT. Whether to detect if a human, answering machine, or fax has picked up the call. When customers send you a WhatsApp message, Twilio sends a webhook (a request to a URL that you specify) to your application. Using Elastic SIP Trunking, the values can be trunking-terminating for outgoing calls from your communications infrastructure to the PSTN or trunking-originating for incoming calls to your communications infrastructure from the PSTN. API Status Check real-time monitoring of APIs and all services. You tried to send too many messages too quickly, and your message queue overflowed. We continue investigating a service interruption issue with sending debugger alerts. We expect to provide another update in 1 hour or as soon as more information becomes available. We expect to provide another update in 2 hours or as soon as more information becomes available. We are experiencing SMS delivery delays when sending messages to Oi network in Brazil from a subset of Shortcodes and Pre-Registered Sender IDs. NEW: Send SMS messages with Twilio. During the maintenance window, there could be intermittent message delivery failures and delivery delays to and from Twilio. To manage your own templates and your WhatsApp profile, go to Messaging > Senders > WhatsApp Senders in the Console. We will provide another update in 1 hour or as soon as more information becomes available. Manage Existing SubscriptionCreate New Subscription. Talk with our sales team for access to deeper discounts when you commit to usage. The SID of the Account that created the Call resource(s) to delete. Twilio will pass along the following parameters to your RecordingStatusCallback URL: Just as you can specify call progress events with StatusCallbackEvent, you can also specify which recording status changes should trigger a callback to your application. We will provide and update in 2 hours or as soon as more information becomes available. To shorten the long links in your messages with your custom domain, make an HTTP POST to the Messages list resource URI with the following required parameter: Link Shortening is only accessible on Messaging Services. We will provide another update in 4 hours or as soon as more information becomes available. Channel could not authenticate the request, Channel authentication credentials are incorrect. We expect to provide another update in 4 hours or as soon as more information becomes available. Twilios Regulatory Guidelines for SMS detail the requirements for ensuring compliance in the regions you are operating Twilio-powered SMS apps. I have quite sometime checking in the Twilio Docs for any possible way to add the delivery status to the replies/messages sent using flex, we would like to add the check icons similar to how WhatsApp does it when the message has been delivered and read, but unfortunately I have not found anything. The message has been canceled. For incoming messages, this is when we made the HTTP request to your application. The Beeline network in Russia is conducting a planned maintenance from 26 October 2022 at 14:00 PDT until 26 October 2022 at 21:00 PDT. Musk says the current blue check system is bullshit; Twitter Blue to cost $8/month with half as many ads, priority in replies, mentions, and search, and more Twitter's current lords & peasants system for who has or doesn't have Twilio Education Learn practical coding skills through live training, student programs, and TwilioQuest. We expect to provide another update in 30 minutes or as soon as more information becomes available. Our engineers have identified the issue with an api billable item error when onboarding new customers to the Messaging Console and are deploying a fix. Get a demo from Segment to learn more. Filters the call list to return calls that were made from a Twilio Client device named charlie. Connect IoT devices around the world with a single SIM. To send a new outgoing message, make an HTTP POST to this Messages list resource URI. Validate users across SMS and preferred channels at scale with the Twilio Verify API, a turnkey, passwordless authentication solution that enables seamless and secure user onboarding, reduces fraud, and optimizes delivery rates without the heavy lifting. This incident has been resolved. Simple usagebased pricing means you dont get locked into big contracts. We will provide another update in 2 hours or as soon as more information becomes available. Default, blocks the execution of the call until Answering Machine Detection is completed. The timestamp when the event fired, given as UTC in, A string that describes the source of the webhook. Product Apps Pricing Get demo Enterprise White label Status. If not specified, Content API will default to the default variables defined at create time. Easy website maker. Our engineering team is actively working with the affected network provider to resolve the issue. We expect to provide another update in 2 hours or as soon as more information becomes available. During the maintenance window, there could be intermittent delays delivering SMS to and from small US carriers networks. You can set this to a short time, such as 15 seconds, to hang up before reaching an answering machine or voicemail. If you need support using SendGrid, please check the Twilio SendGrid Support Help Center.. On WhatsApp, users message each other using phone numbers. Singapore Voice Carrier Partner Maintenance. Only present in the. No incidents in the last 7 days. We will provide another update in 2 hour or as soon as more information becomes available. The verification status callback request also passes these additional parameters: Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. You can continue to receive existing callback events by including the optional StatusCallBack parameter in the message request. We expect to provide another update in 24 hours or as soon as more information becomes available. End a call in progress by POSTing to the Call, specifying the status to completed. We are currently experiencing an issue that prevents customers from accessing Flex Insights due to a vendor incident. Twilio sends a request to this URL each time your message status changes to one of the following: queued, failed, sent, delivered, read. Customers may experience delayed/missed alerts. We will continue to monitor to ensure full service recovery. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We expect to provide another update in 2 hours or as soon as more information becomes available. Always capitalized for calls. outbound records the audio that is generated from Twilio. Use DetectMessageEnd, if you would like to leave a message on an answering machine. By subscribing you agree to the Atlassian. Can be up to 1,600 characters in length. Twilio is conducting a planned maintenance from 19 November 2022 at 19:00 PST until 20 November at 02:00 PST. We are continuing to monitor for service stability. During the maintenance window, for an expected period of 15 minutes, new Super SIM connections or updates to existing connections may fail causing devices to disconnect. The Error message returned by the underlying Channel if Message delivery failed. Status History. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. The absolute URL that returns the TwiML instructions for the call. Examples and guidelines for WhatsApp message templates with Twilio. We are experiencing SMS delivery delays when sending messages to Ooredoo Network In Tunisiana. The call is ready and waiting in line before dialing. We are still experiencing duplicate inbound SMS to a subset of Twilio UK Numbers. We are observing recovery in SMS delivery delays when sending messages to TeleMob-OnaTel network in Burkina Faso. We will provide another update in 8 hours or as soon as more information becomes available. Instantly provision connectivity for your global VoIP infrastructure. We are observing recovery in SMS delivery delays when sending messages to Orange Network in Moldova. Zendesk. You can set the Status Callback URL in the Console, or when you send an We will update as soon as we have more information. Send account updates, order updates, alerts, and more to share important information. We will provide another update in 2 hours or as soon as more information becomes available. We are observing recovery in SMS delivery delays when sending messages to the Mobilink and Warid network in Pakistan. Create an impact-driven culture with experimentation to streamline beta tests, A/B testing, and hypothesis-driven development Once a message is scheduled, you can cancel it from being sent. Raise your local SEO visibility with easy directory distribution, review management, listing updates, and more. URLs must contain a valid hostname and underscores are not allowed. We will provide another update in 1 hour or as soon as more information becomes available. This incident has been resolved. We are investigating degradation in 10DLC Brand registration. We will update as soon as we have more information. The parameters Twilio passes to your application in its request to the StatusCallback URL include a subset of the standard request parameters and these additional parameters: We all do sometimes; code is hard. We are now seeing recovery of the network connectivity issue. The date and time in GMT that the resource was last updated specified in RFC 2822 format. Our engineers continue to work with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We are still investigating degradation in 10DLC Brand Registrations. We are observing recovery in SMS delivery delays when sending messages to Alfa Network in Lebanon. The call progress events that we will send to the status_callback URL. This parameter is false by default. We will provide another update in 1 hour or as soon as more information becomes available. Return a list of phone calls made to and from an account, identified by its AccountSid. Our engineers are currently investigating the customer impact of a retroactive issue with Studio executions. The call was answered and has ended normally. We are no longer experiencing SMS delivery delays when sending messages to Maroc Telecom In Morocco. Twilio Education Learn practical coding skills through live training, student programs, and TwilioQuest. We will update as soon as we have more information. If this event is specified, Twilio will send an in-progress status. We will provide another update in 4 hours or as soon as more information becomes available. The recipient must have enabled read receipts. We will continue monitoring the service to ensure a full recovery. We expect to provide another update in 1 hour or as soon as more information becomes available. A string describing the direction of the call: outbound-api for calls initiated via the REST API. Customers may experience delayed/missed alerts. The number of media files associated with the message. The Beeline Network in Russia is conducting a planned maintenance From 09 November 2022 at 13:00 PDT until 09 November 2022 at 16:00 PDT. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. You do not need to explicitly request individual pages when using a Helper Library to fetch lists of resources. See updates and additions to Twilio products. If you use one of Twilio's Server-Side Helper Libraries, paging happens under the hood. If specified, we POST these message status changes to the URL: queued, failed, sent, delivered, or undelivered. We are no longer experiencing SMS delivery failures to Orange Network in Cameroon. API Status Check real-time monitoring of APIs and all services. API Status Check real-time monitoring of APIs and all services. SERP tracking and analytics for SEO experts, STAT helps you stay competitive and agile with fresh insights. We will update in 8 hours or as soon as we have more information. We are still investigating degradation in 10DLC Brand registration. To place a new outbound call, make an HTTP POST request to your accounts Call resource. We will update as soon as we have more information. API Status Check real-time monitoring of APIs and all services. We will provide another update in 1 hour or as soon as more information becomes available. Use cases Templates Partner directory API documentation Idea exchange. How to create message templates for notifications with the Twilio API for WhatsApp. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. Or, if you're looking to get up and running with the Twilio API for WhatsApp Quickstart: C#/.NET, Java, Node.js, PHP, Python, or Ruby. We will provide another update in 2 hours or as soon as more information becomes available. See our guide on how to set up and send messages from a messaging service in your language of choice for more tips. Deliver unified, personalized customer experiences across any channel, from a data-first platform powered by Twilio Segment. A string of keys to dial after connecting to the number, maximum of 32 digits. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We have observed a recovery from the delay in delivery of Customer's Transcription Voicebase. Australia Voice Carrier Partner Maintenance. Twilio Education Learn practical coding skills through live training, student programs, and TwilioQuest. Twilio Education Learn practical coding skills through live training, student programs, and TwilioQuest. We've become aware of a potential issue with API requests for message deletions. We will provide another update in 1 hour or as soon as more information becomes available. Build communication flows using a draganddrop builder. For incoming messages, this will be one of your Twilio phone numbers. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. To create apps in ~3, you update the azureFunctions.projectRuntime user setting to For step-by-step guidance on modifying in-progress calls, check out the tutorial Modify Calls in Progress in your web language of choice. We are observing recovery in SMS delivery delays when sending messages to T-Mobile Network in USA. WhatsApp incoming messages are fully supported by TwiML, allowing you to seamlessly use your existing SMS app with WhatsApp. The verification status callback request also passes these additional parameters: We will provide another update in 2 hours or as soon as more information becomes available. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. During the maintenance window. Twilio SendGrid manages the technical details of email delivery, like infrastructure scaling, ISP outreach, reputation monitoring, and real-time analytics. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We expect to provide another update in 1 hour or as soon as more information becomes available. We are observing recovery in duplicate inbound SMS to a subset of Twilio UK Numbers. We will continue to monitor for system stability. The recording status events that will trigger calls to the URL specified in recording_status_callback. We will provide another update in 1 hour or as soon as more information becomes available. We will continue monitoring the service to ensure a full recovery. We are still investigating degradation in 10DLC Brand Registrations. The status of the message. The status of the recording. We are observing successful SMS delivery over Algar network in Brazil. Our engineers continue to work with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. The URL we should call using the status_callback_method to send status information to your application. This incident has been resolved. Filters the call list to return completed calls started on or after midnight July 6, 2009. This incident has been resolved. The message has been delivered and opened by the recipient in the conversation. Additional MediaURL parameters will be ignored. Valid Parameters: An HTTP 201 (scheduled) will be returned in the synchronous API response when your request parameters are valid. We expect to provide another update in 24 hours or as soon as more information becomes available. Twilio has democratized communications channels like voice, text, chat, video, and email by virtualizing the worlds communications infrastructure through APIs that are simple enough for any developer to use, yet robust enough to We are investigating an issue with a subset of incoming calls failing with Autopilot when Voice TwiML is used. Only present in the, The duration in seconds of the just-completed call. If successful, returns HTTP 204 (No Content) with no body. We will update as soon as we have more information. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. If you need to enqueue a large volume of messages, you may find that it's helpful to leverage Twilio's Messaging Services. When Twilio sends its asynchronous request to your StatusCallback URL, it includes all of the following parameters: The phone number or client identifier of the party that initiated the call. The additional information you provide helps us improve our documentation: Your user signs up and upgrade using link, 1,250 free SMSes OR 1,000 free voice mins OR 12,000 chats OR more. Finally, if youre sending an email to multiple recipients at the same time, you can use Twilio SendGrids user interface to upload contacts, design templates, schedule email campaigns, and send bulk emails for all-contact communications like privacy updates.Twilio SendGrid designed Marketing Campaigns so that marketers and developers alike can create Copyright 2022 Twilio Inc., All Rights Reserved. We will provide another update in 2 hours or as soon as more information becomes available. You'll receive email notifications when incidents are updated, and text message notifications whenever Twilio creates or resolves an incident. We are investigating degradation in 10DLC Brand Registrations. We POST a message_sid parameter and a message_status parameter with a value of sent or failed to the application's message_status_callback. We are no longer experiencing SMS delivery delays when sending messages to Altan Redes in Mexico. We are experiencing SMS delivery delays when sending messages to to Spark New Zealand. I'm trying to setup a seamless outbound calling experience for a Twilio Flex setup. We are experiencing delays in receiving message delivery reports when sending to Verizon in US on Twilio Short Codes. Our monitoring systems have detected a potential issue with legacy shortened link. You can set this in different parts of the Twilio Console depending on your messaging set-up: When you set the Status Callback URL, Twilio sends a POST request to that URL, including the MessageSid (the Message's Unique identifier) along with the other standard request parameters as well as MessageStatus and ErrorCode. New customers may receive a blank screen or a loading screen that failed to load when logging in to the Frontline app. We are no longer experiencing SMS delivery delays and failures when sending messages to the Proximus Mobility network in the US over a subset of short codes. Flex Insights access issues have been resolved, and it is operating normally at this time. We expect to provide another update in 1 hour or as soon as more information becomes available. For details on the data provided in the request that Twilio makes to your application (via the webhook URL), read more about Twilio's HTTP Requests to Your a Application. Twilio removes your call from the queue and starts dialing. Note that an error will occur if you attempt to remove a call record for a call that is actively in progress. We are no longer experiencing delivery report delays when sending to Verizon in US on Twilio Short Codes. The unique string that we created to identify this Call resource. We are still experiencing SMS Delivery Failures in Jawwal Network in Israel and Palestine. Our engineering team has been alerted and is actively investigating. During this period, customers may have experienced 5xx errors when using Functions. The time that Twilio will send the message. We expect to provide another update in 2 hours or as soon as more information becomes available. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. The Twilio-provided string that uniquely identifies the Call resource to update. We are still investigating degradation in 10DLC Brand registration. Brand registrations could be delayed and in some cases fail. We will provide another update in 2 hours or as soon as more information becomes available. We are experiencing SMS delivery delays when sending messages to Alfa Network in Lebanon. Talk to an expert. We are no longer experiencing SMS delivery failures to Jawwal Network in Israel and Palestine. Brand, number, and campaign registration as well as vetting could also be delayed. Max 4000 characters. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. Twilio SendGrid is a cloud-based SMTP provider that acts as an email delivery engine, allowing you to send email without the cost and complexity of maintaining your own email servers. Mitigate release risk with feature monitoring that supports canary releases, progressive delivery, and testing in production. During the maintenance window, there could be intermittent delays delivering MMS to and from US handsets via US Toll-free numbers. Custom REST Client : If your network requires use of a proxy server to connect to the public internet or has other custom connectivity requirements, you can create a custom REST client and pass it into the Twilio helper library to meet your specific needs: During the maintenance window, there could be intermittent delays delivering SMS to and from 3 (Hutchison 3G UK Ltd) handsets. We are continuing to investigate an issue with Flex Insights. You can include up to 10 media_url parameters per message. Indicates your intent to schedule a message. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. Only include calls that started on this date. I am making the call via deployed Twilio function and it looks like this: We are investigating an issue with the Frontline app. Phone numbers are in E.164 format (e.g., +16175551212). Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. The destination number you are trying to reach is blocked from receiving this message (e.g., due to blacklisting). Quickly integrate powerful APIs to start building solutions for SMS and WhatsApp messaging, voice, video, and email. We'll provide another update in 30 minutes or as soon as more information becomes available. We are no longer experiencing SMS failures when sending messages to the Proximus Mobility network in the US over a subset of short codes. We continue to investigate a service interruption issue with sending debugger alerts. During the maintenance window, there could be intermittent call failures or disconnections to and from Japan handset. With Twilio, unite communications and strengthen customer relationships across your business from marketing and sales to customer service and operations. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We will provide another update in 2 hours or sooner once more information becomes available. This incident has been resolved. The issue has now been resolved. Please select the reason(s) for your feedback. Our engineering team has been alerted and is actively investigating. Our engineering team has been alerted and is actively investigating. We expect to provide another update in 4 hours or as soon as more information becomes available. Custom REST Client : If your network requires use of a proxy server to connect to the public internet or has other custom connectivity requirements, you can create a custom REST client and pass it into the Twilio helper library to meet your specific needs: We will update as soon as we have more information. The price of your message exceeds the max price parameter. You can request to configure up to 25 new numbers for WhatsApp. Phone Numbers was degraded for 5 minutes between 09:28am and 09:33am Pacific Time on 10/27/2022. The Group SID associated with this call. We'll provide another update in 30 minutes or as soon as more information becomes available. A Twilio phone number in E.164 format, an alphanumeric sender ID, or a Channel Endpoint address that is enabled for the type of message you want to send. Note that byoc is only meaningful when to is a phone number; it will otherwise be ignored. We are experiencing SMS delivery delays when sending messages to Claro Network In Chile. During the maintenance window, there could be intermittent failures or disconnection to a subset of toll free numbers in Belgium & Switzerland. We are investigating api billiable item error when onboarding new customers to Messaging Console. If any of these limitations are blockers, please reach out to us via Please note that message scheduling has the following limitations as of now: Note: There is no status callback event for the scheduled status. SIM SIDs are formatted as sim:sid. And from Beeline handsets BYOC is only meaningful when to is a call: we make the best attempt to remove a call 655-01 ) TeleMob-OnaTel Network Russia. Service in your Web language of choice for more information becomes available causing a subset of.. Need to be sent in a limited availability program the Twilio SendGrid Web API via. Until answering machine detection call even if it 's helpful to leverage 's! 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