starsector hypercognitiondr earth final stop insect killer

It still increases peak time. Now that speed is an actual balance consideration, this bonus has moved to Phase Coil Tuning, in an altered form. The various other top-tier skills theres not too much to say, really, other than that they worked out fine. 40 skills are available, divided into four "aptitude" trees (Combat, Leadership, Technology and Industry), with two or more tiers within each tree. The reason for this is simple colony skills boost passive income, and thats well, its boring. This involves two main changes. The more of those are in orbit, the larger the ruins. To increase the Heap beyond 1.5 GB, you must allocate more memory. For example, consider a mod that lets you hire out some ships as mercenaries. Formerly, we had Shield Modulation and Phase Mastery now, most of their effects are combined into a single skill. The comforts of the high age of civilization are but a memory. Reservoirs of valuable organics burst through the surface of (market) in gouts over deep, dark pools that promise oceans of wealth to be found just below. Enables the recovery of some automated ships, such as derelict drones, Automated ships can only be captained by Al cores, +100% combat readiness (maximum: 100%): offsets built-in 100% penalty, Maximum at 120 or less total automated ship points, Maximum at 2000 or less base cargo capacity in fleet, Maximum at 2000 or less base fuel capacity in fleet, Maximum at 5000 or less base personnel capacity in fleet, Increases the burn level of all non-militarized civilian-grade ships by 2, +50% resources - but not rare items, such as blueprints - recovered from abandoned stations and other derelicts, +50% ship repair rate outside of combat (maximum: 50%), 25% of hull and armor damage taken repaired after combat ends, at no cost (maximum: 25%), Maximum at 240 or less total deployment point cost, Recovered ships start with 30-40% hull integrity, Recovered ships start with 30-40% combat readiness, +2 flux dissipation per ordnance point spent on weapons, +20 flux capacity per ordnance point spent on weapons, Maximum damage reduction by armor increased from 85% to 90%, Up to +50% armor for damage reduction calculation only, based on current hard flux level, EMP damage taken reduced by up to 50%, based on current hard flux level, -50% crew lost due to hull damage in combat (maximum: 50%), Reduces fuel consumption by 50% or 25 units, whichever is lower, The "Emergency Burn" ability no longer reduces combat readiness, Reduces monthly supply consumption for ship maintenance by 50% or 100 units, whichever is lower, -50% resources required to survey planets, All industries supply 1 more unit of all the commodities they produce, +50% maximum value of custom ship and weapon production per month, All of your ships are almost always recoverable if lost in combat, Ships lost in combat have a 75% (if 60 deployment points or higher) to 90% (5 DP or lower) chance to avoid d-mods, Chance to remove one d-mod per month from a randomly selected ship in your fleet, Chance to quickly remove one d-mod from newly acquired ships; higher for ships with more d-mods, +5% maximum combat readiness per s-mod built into the hull, Deployment point cost of ships reduced by 6% per d-mod, (D) hull deployment cost reduction also applies to maintenance cost, Note: this list is not comprehensive, but should cover the main changes, Skill effect text now shown at full brightness, Unless the player has the skill but not its elite effect, in which case the latter is dark to make it clear it's not unlocked, Rearranged skills in a different tier structure for each aptitude, retaining 2 top-tier picks in each, Choose enough skills in lower tiers to unlock the next tier, Can skip a tier by taking more skills in lower tiers instead, Skills within a tier are no longer mutually exclusive, Reaching the top tier requires 4 points, plus 1 more to actually take a top-tier skill, Taking the second top-tier skill requires spending 2 more points in lower tiers, plus 1 more for the skill, for 8 points in the aptitude total, Skills that have been made elite and reassigned can be re-made elite at no cost, Elite skill levels are generally a bit more powerful, All skills can be unassigned, there are no more permanent skills, Unassigning skills that gave additional s-mods will result in s-mods being removed (the player can choose which for the ships in their fleet), Unassigning skills that boosted officer level/elite skills will result in either the officer becoming a mercenary on a new contract, or losing excess skills, There is a mechanism for mods to "undo" the effects of any custom skills not covered by this, And a built-in handler for the "ship over maximum ordnance points" case, Each aptitude has 5 tiers of 2 skills each, Can pick other skills after reaching tier 5 and wrapping around, One skill point spent per skill to unlock its effects, Gain story points have a variety of uses in the campaign; 4 per level, Also keep gaining story points at a steady rate at max level, Story point uses often grant "bonus XP" which increases XP gain, "Weaker" uses of story points grant more bonus XP, Increased maximum player level to 50 for the moment; pending another look at skills, Removed Surveying skill; can now survey planets with any hazard rating, Significantly reduced the value of survey data (30k for Class V; was: 100k), Coordinated Maneuvers maximum now applies after bonus from current ship is subtracted, not before, Recovery Operations: level 3 now provides +50% fuel found instead of +10% general salvage, Added "Converted Hangar" modspec to level 2 Fighter Doctrine, Maintenance cost reduction is now 30% (was: 50%), Helmsmanship: level 3 bonus now applies at up to 5% flux (was: 1%), Level 1: increased to -50% kinetic damage vs armor (was: 20%), Level 2: increased to -25% HE damage vs shields (was: 20%), Level 3: damage to fighters/missiles increased by 50% (was: 30%), Fighter Doctrine: bonuses reduced to 15% (were: 25%), Carrier Command: bonuses reduced to 20% (were: 25%), Wing Commander: level 3 accuracy bonus reduced to 50% (was: 100%). It wasnt the worst thing to have them, but to make room for some of the new top-tier skills? This gets more complicated, because not all the officers you might have that exceed these parameters were actually trained by you for instance, those cryopod officers we talked about earlier; they have to be excluded. (Can be achieved by Saturation Bombarding Size 5 or Size 6 colonies), (market) is covered in vast ruins; cities, factories, mines, farms, homes. Using such ships requires the Automated Ships skill. 4176 Posts 57 Topics Last post by kirbness in Re: [0.95.1a] MagicLib v. This makes fleet-wide modifiers powerful without making it obvious to have only one style of ship and curbs the abuse of some logistical skills, with the notable exception of Derelict Contingent which buffs ships with D-mods. Theres an in-fiction explanation for the top speed penalty that Im really fond of, too! Use lost and forbidden technologies to advance your cause can you afford to pay for the consequences of your hubris? Other skills A gamma-level AI core is capable of supporting most human endeavors, making up for a lack of creativity and problem-solving ability with prodigous computational prowess. (This condition can be achieved on Stations/Colonies with Station by decivilizing/destroying the Station/Colony with Station), The local port authority imposes almost no regulation on what cargo is traded. Taking the first capstone skill requires four skills in previous tiers, for a total of 5 points spent in the aptitude. (Can be achieved by Saturation Bombarding Size 4 colonies), Ruined cities can be found across the surface of (market), spilling from their broken hearts pitted roadways and crumbling magrail lines to the skeletons of factories, aquaponics domes, and comm-towers. Being able to reposition quickly using the Radiants phase skimmer, combined with its ferocious firepower its a lot. +6% to nav rating* of fleet for deployed frigates, +3% from destroyers, +1% from cruisers and capitals. Each had a distinct flavor and things that worked better with it. Hullmod: Neural Integrator - specialized Neural Interface for automated ships. Just as long as theyre nottoo game-changing. A beta-level AI core is capable of ably supporting most human endeavors, matching not-quite-human performance with its prodigous computational ability. The actual range your fleet is detected at is a combination of your sensor profile and another fleets sensor strength. Colony skills Some abilities also make the fleet move slowly when activated. Organics are boosted by this item, but I don't think I've ever seen a non-habitable world with organics production. The biosphere of (market) is deadly to unprotected human beings. like the range youre detected at should be reduced by 20%. I think Alex increased the base to 3 as such. Still, having permanent skills really puts a damper on things. Other skills let you have more officers, and let the officers be higher level/have more elite skills. The transplutonic deposits glimmering with unbelievable density on the sensor-grid evoke portents of a power which could forge mighty war-fleets to burn worlds to ash -- or an eon of splendour and wealth for a polity of crystal towers as existed in the pre-collapse cycles of the Domain. And if the bonus was phrased, as, say, reducing the weapons flux generation by 20%, thatd be considered amazing. This is one of those problems where theres no clean, elegant solution. Their capital ship is the venerable Onslaught, whose ballistic power and armor is unrivaled. Checking the orbit of a planet for some stations, that are only there for looks, can verify ruins even before surveying the planet itself. Hullmod: Converted Hangar - improvised fighter bay for non-carriers While its not a major release, there are still a lot of things Id like to add into it ranging from minor features and QoL improvements to a number of less-critical bugfixes and just other miscellaneous improvements. +50% hazard rating. Overview The Hyperion is a High Tech frigate with an immensely demanding upkeep for its size. The other skill involved here is Field Modulation. Its surface is exposed to the hard weathering of space, a steady drizzle of radiation and micrometeorites. That can no longer be installed on automated ships instead, theres a new Neural Integrator hullmod which is functionally identical and just costs a pile more ordnance points, especially for capital ships. Mineral wealth exists on Midas-touched (market) beyond the wildest fantasies of the legendary mining megacorps of the Domain era. This is the physical soul of an artificial intelligence, an artifact of astounding complexity capable of sophisticated thought exceeding the human mind. 401 // connection refused [try again? Any human inhabitant, however temporary, must keep a wary eye skyward. A top-tier REDACTED bounty fleet an Ordo with two Radiant-class battleships is a good candidate. (of fuel, supplies, and crew from the Waystation), (Station gets a level 20 AI officer in combat), (Multipliers will stack if a core is installed on multiple buildings). of my time has been spent playtesting. We need something with more wiggle room, and thats movement speed. That one is not too bad just remove the excess from ships in your fleet. If youve read part one of this post, you might be wondering where all the colony skills went. This is rarely beneficial, but can help prevent or overcome shortages of a commodity. Human beings can survive unprotected exposure to the surface conditions of (market). With Combat Endurance being a skill thats great for small ships, the elite effect is, too, because of the potential to repair far more than 50% of the hull over the course of a battle. Due to safety interlocks, ships with Al cores do not contribute to the deployment point distribution. Nexerelin adds a number of 4X gameplay features to Starsector, such as faction diplomacy and warfare, and enhances the game with several other features. No bonuses or penalties to volatiles production (Mining). The surface of (market) is shrouded in a thick atmosphere, turbulent vortices at its crown and cloying soup at its lowest foothold. But even at a baseline level, theyre still very effective I mean, lets face it, they had lots of room to be toned down. This is what the reliable results of that look like: Even though the Radiant had its deployment points cost increased (to account for powerful it is in player fleets, especially now that it can be controlled directly with a Neural Link), they might be overall more difficult to face just due to how consistently deadly they are. Even with that, its probably a somewhat-too-powerful combination or at least, an easier-to-use one. A fleet is considered slow-moving at a burn level of half that of its slowest ship. The elite effect increases projectile speed I think thats maybe a deceptively good bonus, since on paper it doesnt do very much, but it can increase the hit rate, especially vs smaller/faster targets, by quite a bit. But there are complications some ships might not be in the players fleet, or, indeed, anywhere that we might be able to find with code, but they could still exist. *A slow-moving fleet is harder to detect in some types of terrain, and can avoid some hazards. Cannot be installed on gas giants or worlds with the "habitable" condition. We need something thats more elastic how vulnerable it is should be on how much it overextended, and how its being pressured. I primarily focused on testing with a low-tech fleet, and a different high tech one, with some fairly indifferent loadouts. Fortunately, theres a good balance lever here the Neural Interface hullmod which has to be installed on a ship you can link with. The atmosphere of (market) is exceptionally toxic and corrosive, abrading unprotected surfaces and requiring the hermetic sealing of any inhabited spaces. This was an immediate problem, because its way too strong but also really fun. But vs what? Though a sublime beauty from orbit, this produces harsh surface conditions making transportation and habitation highly inconvenient. Population growth bonus equal to market size. Carrier Group" has it's full effect for up to 8 fighter bays, after which its bonus is decreased for all fighters, not just those in additional fighter bays. The problem is so much of how tough it is depends on how its ships especially the battleships are kitted out. Does not apply to fighters. This bonus goes down once you have more than a couple of phase ships (this represents the limited engineering/science talent on your staff/in your fleet, and so on). *The total ECM rating for the deployed ships of both fleets is compared, and the losing side's weapon range is reduced by the difference, up to a maximum of 10% Does not apply to fighters, affects all weapons including missiles. Since the changes are pretty extensive, Im sure the question of whether the skill changes are save-compatible with 0.95a saves will come up. Gravity is exceptionally low, though significantly above zero-g, on the surface of (market). Low temperatures found on (market) necessitates specialized equipment to perform normal operations, complicating life support and infrastructure. Thus: a new mechanic for phase ships where their movement speed is reduced down to a third of its normal value as hard flux levels go up to 50%. Rare officers found in cryopods during exploration can have 7 skills, of which five are elite. The second capstone skill in the aptitude requires six previous skills, plus two points spent on the two capstones. -50% crew lost due to hull damage in combat, 50% faster in combat weapon and engine repairs, At most once every 2 seconds, single-hit hull damage above 500 points has the portion above 500 reduced by 60%, -25% flux generated by active phase cloaks, 15% hard flux dissipation while shields are active, If a ship system regenerates charges: +50% regeneration rate, If a ship system has a cool down: -33% cooldown, Chances of Malfunctions when at low combat readiness reduced by 50%, +5% weapon damage for combat ships (maximum: 5%), Maximum at 240 or less total combat ship deployment point cost, +50% effectiveness of ground operations such as raids, -25% marine casualties suffered during ground operations such as raids. But until colonies settle into their real role, skills boosting them are mostly just taking up valuable space. We dont want the game hanging onto it forever. macOS: Control-click the Starsector icon in your Applications folder and choose Show Package Contents. You might reasonably ask, why? The reason is that theres a change to how phase ships improve the overall fleets sensor profile instead of applying a flat reduction, it now applies a multiplier. Highlights: A thorough overhaul of every skill, based on hundreds of hours of gameplay in 0.91 and 0.95. Hullmod: Expanded Missile Racks - increases missile weapon ammo. *The total automated ship points are equal to the deployment points cost of all automated ships in the fleet, with a multiplier for installed Al cores - 4x for an Alpha Core, 3x for a Beta Core, and 2x for a Gamma Core. Overhauls ; By Histidine; 7.9MB ; 421-- View mod page; Since, again, there are other mechanics holding phase ships in check and phase cooldown is not a critical issue we can apply a more liberal bonus to it. Workflow and operation of (relatively) heavy machinery is complicated by the non-standard procedures required to deal with altered conditions of friction, weight, and pressure dynamics. Assigning a gamma to aid human overseers in administering a colony-wide industry brings significant benefits. Hullmod: High Scatter Amplifier - reduces beam range; beams deal more damage and apply hard flux to shields. err. In this part, lets dive into a few details about specific skills, and some other points note. And if the bonus was phrased, as, say, reducing the weapons flux generation by 20%, thatd be considered amazing. Neural Link + Automated Ships You need to hand in two cores at the same time to get +1 reputation. To compensate for this change a bit and in keeping with the approach of reducing volatility many phase ships are now tougher, with either higher armor, hull points, or both. Hullmod: Ballistic Rangefinder - increases base range of small and medium weapons in ballistic slots, What was it ol' Ludd forgot? Alphas have been known to perform elaborate 'jokes' built over years which can only be appreciated due to the intention that a particular human subject become cognitive of the whole at a specific time and context. This world is a tomb for the hubris of the Domain's project of galactic colonization and hegemony. The elite effect speeds up venting; this is universally good but especially useful on ships with lower base dissipation rates. Selling AI cores on the open market is prohibited by most factions. The Hegemony is the dominant faction in the Sector. A rarefied atmosphere clings determinedly to (market)'s surface. But once you add in another fleets sensor strength which could easily be 1000 the actual reduction is nowhere near that. +1 Volturnian Lobster production (Farming), (Note: This market condition is unique to Volturn in the Askonia Star System.). So, once again, a universally useful skill, but even more effective for certain types of ships. Multiple skill trees to choose between, including all skills available at the start (examples from 0.95 version) The restoration of beloved skill effects, such 1%-flux speed boost Since the changes are targeted for the 0.95.1a update not a major version change I want to make every effort to make it save-compatible. Though a sublime beauty from orbit, this produces harsh surface conditions making transportation and habitation highly inconvenient. Adaptive Phase Coils increase the hard flux level at which speed bottoms out to 75%. Installed in mining. And, finally, because its a bit weird to just chop off officer skills/levels without asking the player, theres a new option when you spec out of these skills, you have the choice of whether to 1) pare the officers you have down to size (with whatever in-fiction explanation for this you feel like suppling. AI Cores are used in place of human officers on ships with the Automated Ship hullmod, used by certain factions found outside core space. Market conditions are properties of a market representing local environmental or social conditions. In addition, they also get a unique "Hypercognition" skill that confers some of the benefits of the previous colony skills. Now that theres a mechanic holding them back a bit, theres something to work with. You take the role of a space captain seeking fortune and glory however you choose. Ordnance Expertise An AI core is incapable of affecting the outside world on its own. increase the hard flux level at which speed bottoms out to 75%. Operations are complicated by the need for specialized training and equipment. Hullmod: Heavy Armor - increases armor, reduces maneuverability, Hullmod: Automated Repair Unit - increases weapon repair rate in combat, Hullmod: Stabilized Shields - reduces flux upkeep for shields A flat reduction applies to this combined value, but for example say you have 500 profile, and a reduction of 100 that. The answer, for most of them except for Industrial Planning is in the bin. Its close enough to being toughest challenge in the game while also being a fairly general-purpose fleet, at least compared to some of the even more highly classified alternatives. Any permanent installations would be best buried deep and well fortified. This is an ocean world with no substantial solid surface to land, walk, or build upon. In addition, this skill boosts the sensor strength of phase ships. For example, Helmsmanships elite effect now in addition to its original 0-flux boost at any level effect grants a flat +5 to top speed, making it a consideration for slower ships. a quick guide how to get better performance in starsector especially if you have a crapton of mods ######### Giving it more ram. Some skills are flagged as permanent, meaning they cant be specced out of. Along the way, I incorporated some phase ships mainly Afflictors and Shades into my test fleets. Skills that improve the combat performance of your flagship. The first is simple the game now remembers which skills youve made elite at any point, and speccing out of them then making them elite again doesnt cost you an extra story point once its been made elite, making it elite when speccing back into it is free. Diffuse volatiles can be found here, and may be sufficient for industrial extraction. The surface of (market) is ravaged by radiation. Even if ones preferred style is to go for more colonies thats fine, and there are ways to do that! Phase ships are almost a tangential topic to skills, but since some of the skills were heavily intertwined with how phase ships work, it made sense to make some changes here, too. Human industry has left this world filled with dioxins, sulphur compounds, ash, and the steady ticking of decaying radioactive dust. If youve read part one of this post, you might be wondering where all the colony skills went. Theyre not actually too affected; instead of having 0, 1, or 2 skills, they just have no skills, or Industrial Planning. Unfortunately, that doesnt work out. Now that speed is an actual balance consideration, this bonus has moved to Phase Coil Tuning, in an altered form. This involves two main changes. 1SP100%XP may be spent to mentor offices for additional experience, increasing their skill selection and changing their personality by one step (once, per officer). Fortunately, using something called a weak reference solves that if the ship doesnt exist anywhere else, the record wont hang onto it, either. Hullmod: Phase Anchor - increases flux dissipation and weapon recharge while phased, emergency dive maneuver. No bonuses or penalties to ore production (Mining). Drawing on the expertise and cross-cultural literatures, we describe how hypocognition impoverishes one's mental world, leaving cognitive deficits in recognition, explanation, and memory while fueling social chauvinism and conflict in political and cultural spheres. 1SP0%XP can be spent to upgrade one of their skills to elite level (once, per officer, twice with the "Officer Training" skill). Just basing the cooldown on it doesnt work, though; thats still too volatile. All AI skills are elite and can be changed in the officer screen at any time for no cost. Hullmod: High Resolution Sensors - increases fleet's sensor range. The other skill involved here is Field Modulation. So thats something Id like to take another look at. Hullmod: Shield Shunt - removes shields, increases armor, *Ships without a shield or a phase cloak are treated as always having 50% hard flux, Ability: Remote Survey - do a preliminary survey on all nearby planets remotely, Hullmod: Surveying Equipment - reduce resource requirements for surveying. Tags: AI cores, automated ships, campaign, game design, neural link, skills, the mercurial scythe strikes. Alpha Cores which you can install as colony administrators also get Industrial Planning. Phase Masterys elite effect increased speed while phased by 100%. While the conditions are fascinating to biological scientists, surface technicians are hampered by strict quarantine protocols when carrying out normal tasks. *Nav rating increases top speed up to a max of +20% The surface of (market) is unstable and prone to violent quakes. The vaugness in warhammer is necessary because there are so many authors and stories in such a large universe that definite stats are more likely to make plot holes. But once you add in another fleets sensor strength which could easily be 1000 the actual reduction is nowhere near that. StarSector Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. I didn't like the Hyperion back then, since having to vent all your flux just to teleport is pretty underwhelming. The idea is to reduce decision paralysis you can try a skill/build, and if it doesnt work out, no big deal, you can try something else.

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