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Quart. 20, 128 (1989), Meyfroidt, P. & Lambin, E. F. Global forest transition: prospects for an end to deforestation. Thomas Crowther et al. Clauset, A., Shalizi, C. R. & Newman, M. E. Power-law distributions in empirical data. Uncover more leads in less time with HubSpot's Chrome Extension. BlockSite: Block Websites & Stay Focused. and designed by T.W.C., K.R.C. Subsetting to only the first-last author pairs connections eliminates the network effects on productivity and prominence caused by variations in the number of coauthors per paper, middle-author contributions of all types, trends over time and across fields in team sizes, and other related confounds. Similarly, we model prominence, defined as the number of high-impact publications, as a joint function of individual latent parameters (Fig. Natl Acad. 117, 46094616 (2020). According to Graham Cormode and Balachander Krishnamurthy, "content creators were few in Web 1.0 with the vast majority of users simply acting as consumers of content". That way, they can build backlinks to their content and increase their domain authority. Following the publication norms in these fields, we include only journal articles in our analyses for all fields except computer science. Password requirements: 6 to 30 characters long; ASCII characters only (characters found on a standard US keyboard); must contain at least 4 different symbols; Available from. Science 333, 10151019 (2011). CAS We find that the prestige of institutions has a relatively stronger effect on researchers productivity and prominence than gender, for both unadjusted measures and latent parameters (see Supplementary Fig. User Friendly Experience. Some rankings evaluate institutions within a single country, while others assess institutions worldwide. The plot project is part of the Center for Tropical Forest Science, a global network of large-scale demographic tree plots. If you are looking for a less academic platform to gather information, you can use LinkedIn as a research toolinstead. Scientometrics 90, 687699 (2012). Overall, these results suggest that collaboration networks can be viewed as a form of social capital that is distributed in unequal and gendered ways in STEM, which mediates or shapes the amount of scholarly contributions and their visibility. In contrast, controlling for network effects, individual prominence is highly variable, with an average prominence of =0.04 (on average, for publications written by two authors, 1 out of 12.5 will be highly cited), but a standard deviation twice as large (=0.08). Systematic review It Identifies and analyses criteria that answer specific research questions, thereby synthesizing findings qualitatively or quantitatively. Front. CAS By the same token, talented students at a less prestigious institution will have fewer available elite researchers to collaborate with, and hence have lower access to the kinds of social capital that facilitate a successful early research career. Article 5). 12). How does who a scientist knows shape what questions they study or what discoveries they make? Article Educational Membership. Res. What do we mean by servant leadership? It also has neat features like the Require Challenge: Once you set time limits on sites, if you want to go back and change your settings, you have to complete a challenge (think: retyping a piece of text without typos or answering questions). Econ. With, you turn each new tab you open in Chrome into a personal dashboard. Users: 300K+ Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on World Wide Web, 243246 (2015). The Journal of Management Science and Engineering (JMSE) is an international, peer-reviewed, scholarly journal that publishes scientific research on the latest developments and practices of management science and engineering, emphasizing modeling, optimization, computation, and data analytics for identifying and solving management problems, making business decisions, The unequal impact of parenthood in academia. Premodern concepts of servant leadership stretch all the way back to ancient Chinese writings and early Christianity, during which time it was believed that to be a leader, one must be a servant first. 13 The modern concept The effects of social networks on employment and inequality. & Jackson, M. O. Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, Yale University, New Haven, 06511, Connecticut, USA, T. W. Crowther,H. B. Glick,K. R. Covey,C. Bettigole,D. S. Maynard,J. R. Smith,G. Hintler,M. C. Duguid,W. Jetz,P. M. Umunay,C. W. Rowe,M. S. Ashton,P. R. Crane&M. A. Bradford, Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, 00014, Finland, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Yale University, New Haven, 06511, Connecticut, USA, Department of Life Sciences, Silwood Park, Imperial College, London, SL5 7PY, UK, Departamento de Ciencias Forestales, Universidad de La Frontera, Temuco, 4811230, Chile, RedCastle Resources, Salt Lake City, 84103, Utah, USA, Universidade Federal do Sul da Bahia, Ferradas, 45613-204, Itabuna, Brazil, Forestry Department, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, 00153, Italy, Operation Wallacea, Spilbsy, PE23 4EX, Lincolnshire, UK, Durrell Institute of Conservation and Ecology (DICE), School of Anthropology and Conservation (SAC), University of Kent, Canterbury, ME4 4AG, UK, Molecular Imaging Research Center MIRCen/CEA, CNRS URA 2210, Orsay Cedex, 91401, France, Landcare Research, Lincoln, 7640, New Zealand, WSL, Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research, Birmensdorf, 8903, Switzerland, Environmental Science Group, Wageningen University & Research Centre, PB, 6708, The Netherlands, Center for Forest Ecology and Productivity RAS, Moscow, 117997, Russia, CEN Center for Earth System Research and Sustainability, Institute of Geography, University of Hamburg, Hamburg, 20146, Germany, Department of Botany and Zoology, Masaryk University, Brno, 61137, Czech Republic, South African National Biodiversity Institute, Kirstenbosch Research Centre, Claremont, 7735, South Africa, Institute of Plant Sciences, Botanical Garden, and Oeschger Centre for Climate Change Research, University of Bern, Bern, 3013, Switzerland, Senckenberg Gesellschaft fr Naturforschung, Biodiversity and Climate Research Centre (BIK-F), Frankfurt, 60325, Germany, Department of Plant Systematics, University of Bayreuth, Bayreuth, 95447, Germany, Albrecht von Haller Institute of Plant Sciences, Georg August University of Gttingen, Gttingen, 37073, Germany, Tropical Ecology Research Group, Lancaster Environment Centre, Lancaster University, Lancaster, LA1 4YQ, UK, Departamento de Engenharia Florestal, Universidade Regional de Blumenau, Blumenau/Santa Catarina, 89030-000, Brazil, Sino-French Institute for Earth System Science, College of Urban and Environmental Sciences, Peking University, Beijing, 100871, China, You can also search for this author in Correspondence to Open Access articles citing this article. Petersen, A. M., Riccaboni, M., Stanley, H. E. & Pammolli, F. Persistence and uncertainty in the academic career. Career on the move: geography, stratification and scientific impact. 1151495. Among these, 36.0 million papers provide author affiliation information, and we consider only these in our analyses. Thank you for visiting You might enjoy reading insanely weird articles on Wikipedia. Elaborating our modeling framework to incorporate the effects of middle-author collaborations, perhaps labeled using an author contribution taxonomy, may reveal additional nuance or secondary effects of interest. And although you might recognize this tag at the beginning of most websites, it's not quite ubiquitous across the internet nor does it guarantee that the site you're browsing is 100% secure. 2, 327334 (2021). An individual researchers and parameters are recorded as the (bootstrap) average across replications. Page 2, Balassa, Bela. That way you can get the best results from your research. Article PubMedGoogle Scholar. You can use this tool to further refine your social media marketing efforts and track brand sentiment. Environ. Statistical physics, thermodynamics and nonlinear dynamics,,, If the estimated individual productivity and prominence parameters and are genuinely measuring individual-level characteristics, controlling for network effects from collaboration, then they should only loosely correlate with their corresponding network-confounded measures of raw productivity and raw prominence. Annu. & Van den Besselaar, P. Gender differences in scientific productivity: a persisting phenomenon? The Click&Clean extension for Chrome allows you to clear your cache, URL searches, website cookies, and download history with a single click of a button on your browser toolbar. To attain a systematic, transparent and reproducible review process (Zupic and ater, 2015, p. 429), and identify research streams and seminal works, we first performed a bibliometric analysis of the initial dataset of 790 articles.In order to map the origin and evolution of the academic debate on digital transformation and Matching women and men researchers by institutional prestige, year of first publication, and field, we still find a gendered disparity in which womens productivity and prominence is lower relative to matched men (Fig. Relat. While the shocks from COVID-19 were concentrated in a handful of contact-intensive industries, they had rippling effects throughout the economy, which culminated in a considerable decline in U.S. GDP. Search articles by subject, keyword or author. Once you get the contacts, you can sync them to your CRM including HubSpot or connect with the prospects right away. Hence, in unadjusted scholarly metrics, researchers at elite institutions have marginally higher productivity and a substantially higher impact. Google Scholar is a division of Google that focuses on scholarly literature, that way you can easily find articles that you need for your research. Of these trees, approximately 1.30 trillion exist in tropical and subtropical forests, with 0.74 trillion in boreal regions and 0.66 trillion in temperate regions. Economies of scale refers to the cost advantages that an enterprise obtains due to expansion. Cite this article. Applied to our full dataset of 198,202 mid-career researchers across six STEM fields, defined as researchers with at least 15 years of scholarly publishing activity (seeSupplementary Information), we find compelling evidence that these latent parameter models yield a useful individual decomposition of the observed joint productivities and prominences of collaborating scientists (Fig. Organization Sci. Ibarra, H. Homophily and differential returns: sex differences in network structure and access in an advertising firm. Simply open up the extension and begin tracking the time you spend on tasks. Adv. By submitting a comment you agree to abide by our Terms and Community Guidelines. PubMed A CHED Category A journal is credited as an international level publication. Not all journals publish all types of research articles. A lone car maker may be profitable, however, if they export cars to global markets in addition to selling to the local market. It receives from CHED P200,000 per year during the effectivity of accreditation, and an endorsement for library subscription. Natl Acad. Jovanovich, . PubMed Hence, we can say little about the degree to which our results hold for researchers with short track records. For instance, targeted support of cross-institution, early-career collaborations with elite senior researchers, perhaps through specialized fellowships, may support the career advancement of promising young researchers who would otherwise leave research. BuzzSumo provides insight into how content is performing. B 368, 20120295 (2013), Brus, D. J. et al. Sci. LastPass is a password manager that autofills in passwords for all of the accounts you save with this extension. As opposed to having to check your phone, you can access your Instagram feed right in the browser and see other Instagram users content in much greater detail. Ma, Y., Mukherjee, S. & Uzzi, B. Mentorship and protg success in stem fields. The framework of the theory of economic integration was laid out by Jacob Viner (1950) who defined the trade creation and trade diversion effects, the terms introduced for the change of interregional flow of goods caused by changes in customs tariffs due to the creation of an economic union. Types of journal articles, Author & reviewer tutorials, Springer. Wickham, H. Data analysis. Natl Acad. 94, 426454 (2004). The Theory of Customs Union. North Holland Publishing Company, 1956, pp. Biogeogr. The red line and the blue dotted lines indicate the mean and median for the collected data, respectively. All prices are NET prices. School-Based Prevention of Depressive Symptoms: A Randomized Controlled Study of the Effectiveness and Specificity of the Penn Resilience Program, Prevention of Depressive Symptoms in School Children: Two Year Follow-Up. Whether you're conducting research for a project or simply reading different articles online, you most likely come across resources that you want to save and return to for later use. Perhaps you get absorbed in updates on social media, or maybe you click through Wikipedia trying to determine what exactly Gina Rodriguez's first TV role was (it was on Law & Order). The images or other third party material in this article are included in the articles Creative Commons license, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. Readers like you help support MUO. Higher Educ. They make emails, blogs, and social media posts engaging and funny, and with this extension, you can easily grab a GIF from Giphy's huge database for whatever content you're working on without navigating away. Clauset, A., Arbesman, S. & Larremore, D. B. According to Machlup, such usage first appears in the 1935 English translation of Hecksher's 1931 book Merkantilismen (Mercantilism in English), and independently in Gaedicke's and von Eyern's 1933 two-volume study Die produktionswirtschaftliche Integration Europas: Eine Untersuchung ber die Aussenhandelsverflechtung der europischen Lnder.[5]. Oecologia 168, 11471160 (2012), Fauset, S. et al. Furthermore, we find that the gendered gaps for mid-career researchers can be largely explained by variation in the number of direct coauthors in their collaboration networks. 36, 343371 (2011), Rudel, T. K. The national determinants of deforestation in sub-Saharan Africa. Moher, D. et al. There are 35.6% women authors in the retained population, while the proportion of women is 31.9% in the dropped population. Here, we untangle the network effects of collaborations on the productivity and prominence of individual scientists by developing two network models. In the current sense of combining separate economies into larger economic regions, the use of the word integration can be traced to the 1930s and 1940s. 99, 1323 (2021). Lookup scholarly articles as you browse the web. Like most new tab Chrome extensions, it also gives you access to the search engine of your choice. Find out how fast your internet connection is and learn how quickly websites are loading. Science 342, 850853 (2013), Bonan, G. B. Forests and climate change: forcings, feedbacks, and the climate benefits of forests. Here, we introduced two scholar-level generative network models that allow us to estimate parameters that represent individual researcher productivity and prominence, while controlling for the effects of collaborations with more or less productive or prominent collaborators over time (and those collaborators collaborations, etc). Password requirements: 6 to 30 characters long; ASCII characters only (characters found on a standard US keyboard); must contain at least 4 different symbols; SocialAnalyzer is a social media monitoring tool that allows you to keep up with trending posts in one of your target markets or industries. 100% ASPIRE Gold score for accessibility in 2020, and is an SIIA CODiE finalist for Best Scholarly Research Information Solution. PERMA and the Building Blocks of Well-Being, Subjective Well-Being: Three Decades of Progress, Subjective Well-Being: The Science of Happiness and a Proposal for a National Index, Using Well Being for Public Policy: Theory, Measurement, and Recommendations, Limiting Social Media Decreases Loneliness and Depression, Detecting Depression and Mental Illness on Social Media: An Integrative Review, Predicting Individual Well-Being Through the Language of Social Media, Gaining Insights from Social Media Language: Methodologies and Challenges, Psychological Language on Twitter Predicts County-Level Heart Disease Mortality, Personality, Gender, and Age in the Language of Social Media: The Open-Vocabulary Approach. It can be frustrating searching the internet for articles, without finding anything that doesn't require payment. As argued by open access advocates, open access speeds research progress, productivity, and knowledge translation. Ecology 82, 25602573 (2001), Oliver, C. D. & Larson, B. C. Forest Stand Dynamics (John Wiley & Sons, 1996), Riginos, C. & Grace, J. Am. PubMed Central All data visualization graphics in this study are made with the R package ggplot2 version 3.3.563. Li, W., Aste, T., Caccioli, F. & Livan, G. Early coauthorship with top scientists predicts success in academic careers. There are economic as well as political reasons why nations pursue economic integration. & Wellman, C. Publication, power, and patronage: on inequality and academic publishing. 23, 10311045 (2014), Walker, A. P. et al. Sci. Meta-analysis This type of article in research combines and reports multiple scientific studies to compare their results and addresses some common research questions. Mathematically, the number of coauthored publications is the output of a pairwise Poisson process, parameterized by the sum of the latent individual productivities i and j for coauthor pair (i,j). It is a simple story, and one likely to appeal to young children. Then, (c) productivity and (f) prominence for pairs of mid-career researchers matched on institutional prestige, year of first publication, and either (i) field alone, or (ii) field, the number of coauthors, the number of high coauthors, and the number of high coauthors, showing that elite working environments can explain the observed differences. Administrative Sci. Not all journals publish all types of research articles. These interactions mediate most scientific activities, including scientific training, hiring, collaboration, teaching, citation, peer review, and debate. Policy 33, 599616 (2004). Grounded theory involves the application of inductive reasoning.The methodology contrasts with the hypothetico Past work has shown that working at a more prestigious institution drives greater productivity and prominence among early-career researchers55. 256283. J. Untangling the effects of these interactions would shed substantial light on the mechanisms that underlie scientific discovery, and may offer new solutions for making the scientific community more inclusive and innovative. & Rasmussen, K. Trend and efficiency analysis of co-authorship network. Matching researchers by field and year of first publication, researchers at non-elite institutions receive 39.9% fewer citations than those at elite institutions, while further matching on collaboration network variables shrinks this gap to only 19.9%. Each measure sheds its own light on social and epistemic inequalities in science, and each normalization scheme comes with assumptions, with potentially uncertain external validity42. PubMed 4a). Sekercioglu, C. H. Quantifying coauthor contributions. For. Soc. For instance, is it more important for an early career scientist to have a prominent mentor or to train in an elite program? Silva Fennica 42, 387396 (2008), Stephenson, N. L. et al. Science of science. With one click, you can find search ranking and backlink information about the search results on a Google results page. Web 1.0. StayFocusd lets you budget your time on specific websites so you can eliminate distractions when you need to buckle down and work. The specific and varied roles of and interactions with middle authors are omitted in order to simplify the model framework. This allows you to find article papers that were published from the specified year. Allen, L., Scott, J., Brand, A., Hlava, M. & Altman, M. Publishing: Credit where credit is due. This may be largely due to a selection effect that high or senior researchers are more likely to work at elite institutions, reflecting inequalities of having access to important social networks among early-career researchers. Before proceeding to write your research paper, it is important to have an idea about the types of research articles you can submit to a journal and which type of research article works best for your research work. It's highly customizable you could set your time limit to 20 minutes on Twitter and only five minutes on Facebook, for example. In the same way, highly cited scientists tend to increase the prominence of their collaborators, and often, the same collaborators are both highly productive and highly cited. View articles, videos, and thought papers on the latest topics in global business education. Here's how to find free articles on Google Scholar: Typically, free articles on Google Scholar have a visible PDF text link next to the article title. Fu, A., Narasimhan, B. If material is not included in the articles Creative Commons license and your intended use is not permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder. These affiliations provide necessary information for assessing the environmental effects on coauthorship, career development, productivity, etc. This institution-based gap is larger for early-career researchers that have collaborated with high coauthors than with high coauthors. For marketers and bloggers who work in technical or research-based industries, LibKey Nomad can be an extremely useful Chrome extension to have in your arsenal. This is a fast and easy way to find and verify anyones email address both one by one or in bulk using LinkedIn Sales Navigator. These results also suggest that collaboration networks can be viewed as a form of social capital that is distributed in unequal and gendered ways in STEM. Henry Ford (July 30, 1863 April 7, 1947) was an American industrialist, business magnate, founder of the Ford Motor Company, and chief developer of the assembly line technique of mass production.By creating the first automobile that middle-class Americans could afford, he converted the automobile from an expensive luxury into an accessible conveyance that Alternatively, if youre collecting various sources, save it to a Project. Youll then be able to download all of your works cited in any format you prefer. 1b and Supplementary Fig. It is unification between the EU and US, expansion of Eurasian Economic Community (now Eurasia Economic Union) by Armenia and Kyrgyzstan. This illustrates the spread of pixels throughout each biome, and highlights that our map accounts for the sampling bias in tree density plots (for example, although we had no zero values in our desert plots, the vast majority of desert pixels contain no trees). Lond. Lipsey, R.G. Explanatory Style Change During Cognitive Therapy for Unipolar Depression, Explanatory Style as a Predictor of Productivity and Quitting Among Life Insurance Sales Agents, Explanatory Style as a Mechanism of Disappointing Athletic Performance, Explanatory Style and Academic Performance Among University Freshmen, Attributional Style in Depression: A Meta-Analytic Review. If youre a Buffer customer, you can also use the extension to schedule posts from your browser without needing to access the Buffer website. For instance, authorship may be fractionalized by the number of coauthors on a given paper39,40, or a papers citation count may be normalized by the impact factor of the venue in which it appeared41. Either way, its a great way to streamline research so you dont have to manually search for books and articles online. PLoS Biol. Our name-based gender classification used data from the US Social Security Administration, which is biased toward English names. 72, 12341261 (2019). and M.S.A. & Corley, E. Scientists collaboration strategies: implications for scientific and technical human capital. Click onthe link for your desiredarticle. Further studies that focus on gender disparity of other ethnic groups are needed to show if similar gendered network patterns persist. 100% ASPIRE Gold score for accessibility in 2020, and is an SIIA CODiE finalist for Best Scholarly Research Information Solution. Science 316, 10361039 (2007). Knowing this information can help you move to another internet connection if needed, and youll also get to see performance metrics for your own site. AwesomeScreenshot is a screen capture extension with capabilities for annotation and photo editing while staying in your browser. Ambio 40, 828831 (2011), Oldfield, E. E. et al. Sci. By mediating scientific attention, evaluation, and collaboration, social networks play a fundamental role both in shaping what scientific discoveries are made and what impact they have, and in shaping pervasive social and epistemic inequalities in science. Predicting the responsiveness of soil biodiversity to deforestation: a cross-biome study. A universal airborne LiDAR approach for tropical forest carbon mapping. where Nij is the observed number of papers coauthored by authors i and j over a total collaboration time period tij (see Methods). Available at SSRN 3795626 (2021). An ebook (short for electronic book), also known as an e-book or eBook, is a book publication made available in digital form, consisting of text, images, or both, readable on the flat-panel display of computers or other electronic devices. Morgan, A. C., Economou, D. J., Way, S. F. & Clauset, A. Prestige drives epistemic inequality in the diffusion of scientific ideas. Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative. No matter where you click online, it's easy to be pulled into a black hole of distraction and low productivity. Riezman, R. A Theory of Customs Unions: The Three CountryTwo Goods Case. Glob. Get expert marketing tips straight to your inbox, and become a better marketer. Doors Opening: A Mechanism for Growth After Adversity, Cognitive Therapy and Research Special Issue: Positive Emotions and Cognitions in Clinical Psychology, Positive Health and Health Assets: Re-analysis of Longitudinal Datasets. Google Scholar, Crowther, T. W. et al. Sci. Search. Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. Explanatory Style as a Predictor of Productivity and Quitting Among Life Insurance Sales Agents, Seligman and Schulman, 1986. Bozeman, B. Google Scholar, Tuanmu, M.-N. & Jetz, W. A global 1-km consensus land-cover product for biodiversity and ecosystem modelling. For instance, in the academic job market, faculty hiring committees tend to hire the graduates of prestigious doctoral programs1,9, which may allow scientists at a small group of elite institutions to effectively set the research agenda of the entire field. In this post, we estimate how much of the fall in U.S. GDP during the pandemic was driven by spillover effects from the productivity losses of contact-intensive Fauset, S. et al uncover more leads in less time with HubSpot 's Chrome extension social. ( now Eurasia economic Union ) by Armenia and Kyrgyzstan for early-career researchers have. Accreditation, and thought papers on the move: geography, stratification and scientific impact //,:... 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