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Seaching for answer I couldn't find any to be easy and flexible at the same time, then I found the Spring Security Reference and I realized there are near to perfect solutions. MyBatis ORM MyBatis POJO SQL Hibernate Mybatis sql Web4.session javax.servlet.http.HttpSession 5.application javax.servlet.ServletContext 6.config javax.servlet.ServletConfig 7.out javax.servlet.jsp.jspWriter java.lang.object) void setAttribute(String name, Object value) Binds an object to this session, using the name specified. Provides a way to identify a user across more than one page request or visit to a Web site and to store information about that user. They are as follows: public void setAttribute(String name,Object object):sets the given object in the application scope. HttpSession: getSession(boolean create) Returns the current HttpSession associated with this request or, if there is no current session and create is true, returns a new session. HttpSession Interface. //UserBean HttpSession session = request.getSession(true); session.setAttribute("userBean", userBean); userBeanuserBean JSTL public Enumeration getInitParameterNames():Returns the names of the context's initialization parameters. Seaching for answer I couldn't find any to be easy and flexible at the same time, then I found the Spring Security Reference and I realized there are near to perfect solutions. AOP solutions often are the greatest ones for testing, and Spring provides it with @WithMockUser, @WithUserDetails and @WithSecurityContext, in this artifact: void setAttribute(StringSE name, ObjectSE value) In the previous page, we have learnt about what is HttpSession, How WebservletJava- servletWebJava ServletHTTP servlet HttpSession session=request.getSession(true); session.setAttribute("keyword",bean); BeanC ARequest Bean BApplication Bean CSession DPageBean. There are following 4 attribute specific methods. WebIn JSP, session is an implicit object of type HttpSession.The Java developer can use this object to set,get or remove attribute or to get session information. Webrequest.setAttribute(); request.getAttribute(); request.removeAttribute(); request.getParameter(). AOP solutions often are the greatest ones for testing, and Spring provides it with @WithMockUser, @WithUserDetails and @WithSecurityContext, in this artifact:
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