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Indigenous people, Jewish people, Irish people, Black people. In her dream Lord Voldemort won the wizarding war. Here is a link to a good compilation of books by Trans and Non-binary authors you could support instead. Harry Potter Headcanons. The Slytherin makes the first move after that, Its calculated and careful because they are so scared to be vulnerable with this person, But when they slip their hand into the Gryffs, the Gryff smiles this Smile To End All Smiles, Its a smile that shatters their heart and puts it back together better than before, The Slytherin sneaks the Gryffindor into the kitchens, (The Gryffindor lets the Slytherin think they never knew how to sneak into the kitchens until that point), They are obnoxiously soft with each other- little caresses on the cheek, forehead kisses, sharing sweaters when its cold, piggy back rides across campus, The Slytherin likes it when the Gryffindor takes them flying on cold fall mornings, even though they pretend to complain about waking up early, (They actually become a bit of a power couple, both of them top of class, its kind of terrifying), The Slytherin is fierce and protective but they also allow themself to be soft, Because they realize that falling in love with a Gryff means falling in love with someone who is fierce and protective too, So the Slytherin lets themself relax, knowing that with a Gryffindor they are safe, no, Sirius and Remus only fell asleep in each others arms seven times, the first was during the summer after their third year, when they were at the Potters for a week and fell asleep under the stars with James and Peter by their side, James knew at the time why Sirius curled closer to Remus and flung an arm across the other boys chest, but he did the second time, when he crept into the hospital wing after a particularly bad full moon at the end of fourth year, i cant sleep with other people, im a light sleeper Remus had muttered as he tried to push the boy away, shut up, you need me tonight and i refuse to fall asleep in that bloody chair, Sirius said as he made a space for himself on the bed, Sirius wondered, as he waited for Remus breath to even out, if the pounding of his heart would kill him before morning, they didnt sleep together again until the first night of their seventh year, when Remus was awoken by the nightmare Sirius was having across the room and- despite his struggle to sleep with others- crawled into his friends bed and wrapped his arms tightly around him, the next morning Sirius told him about the nightmares of his family, Remus told him about his inability to sleep deeply ever since the attack, ill stop bothering you then, Sirius said, and Remus kissed him softly in that bed, in the tangle of sheets and morning light that filtered in between the curtains, but still Sirius was aware of what Remus had said and tried to do what would make his, they didnt sleep together again until the end of seventh year, and stumbled back to their dorm with James and Peter, the four of them slightly drunk, and immensely afraid, but high on the thrill of doing what they thought was right, Sirius and Remus collapsed into bed together and slept deeply, aware that they may not get any more chances to just, after graduation they had even fewer chances, they were constantly on missions for The Order, on opposite patrol schedules, on different missions, always apart, so the fifth time they slept together wasnt until they were on the brief break they had for James and Lilys wedding, they fell into bed that night, full of happiness and light. Take care of yourselves. spotted: Roxanne Weasley subconsciously being a gorgeous model on her way back to Hogwarts. Ravenclaw Headcanon. Any Harry Potter fans out there? 7/10 SEVERUS SNAPE IS HARRY'S FATHER. Im @emhoardsbooks on all other platforms like instagram, twitter, tiktok, and even wordpress. Originally posted by forti-ficar - He has a habit of saying "sorry" after literally anything, it's almost like a defense mechanism for him. Being a straight ally doesnt mean creating things for LGBT+ people. when his father found out, he wasn't mad . this is the offical Tumblr Blog of the Facebook Group Harry Potter Headcannons! @lindsayetumbls @elisaintime @nellachronism, (Wouldve been better with a different version of POTO but its irrevocably stuck in my head soeh. Here are some headcanons based on that. Follow. currently staffed by mod Dante and mod Peter | Tumpik . For Christmas, they secretly buy him a stuffed animal and give it to him. Luna Lovegood-Scamander found this character trait extremely intriguing and formed a special family like bond with him. "You got this, y/n. Remmy is also really small. im a junior in high school now and emilys adulting as usual but weve just both been off tumblr (ive been off since may essentially). hp, marauders era and golden trio era , s h i p s, hufflepuff and proud, mostly just reblogs oops . Filed under: harry potter headcanons ginny weasley harry james potter weddings tw heterosexuality that last tag is a joke anyways i like the idea of these two taking care of each other in very deep ways sometimes in the form of deep dramatic gestures that speak to each other's insecurities sometimes in the form of eggs and hangover cure . navigation. I feel like there's really not enough of them :(, HEREis our general Slytherin tag | HEREis a particularly happy one about Slytherins throwing the best parties | and now for some new ones, Thank you! I think Neville and Luna would have made a cute couple. letssharelove reblogged this from harry-potter-headcanon. About . Harry Potter Headcanons (and other things) @harrypotter-headcanons. James is a fantastic Chaser (like his mum) but Albus becomes a seeker in his first year. Alice Longbottom II almost dated Fred Weasley II until she realized how stupidly in love she was with James. #jkr is a terf and an overall shitty person and i'm done supporting her, #when you're a professional proofreader and you still miss one of your own typos, #ok ok i have to stop making little edits to this, #sorry if you don't like it idk i was just rambling, #here are also some links to more sly and gryff headcanons ok cause i love you, #i'm pretty sure in the book a few male Beauxbatons students pop up in the background, #the films just were like ohhh feminine french school??? Headcanon #4. . If theyre making your conflicted feelings worse you just need to put them out of your head. Answer (1 of 21): J.K. Rowling's own words- Therefore, in the fifth year Professor Trelawney got sacked. Imagine Dumbledore just watched as no longer seventh years Marcus Flint and Oliver Wood graduate. cache county fair 2022 why wrap a rubber band around door lock when alone; mapquest traffic prediction I have a Draco x reader request Basically the first chapter of that . potter-head243. I hope you enjoy :) Summary: General dating headcanons!<3. Every snarky . Marauder Memes Up to No Good. 126 Harry Potter Tumblr Posts That Are Impossible Not To Laugh At If You're A Potterhead. Harry Potter Headcanons Coming out as trans to the trio Harry has an older sister who is dating Fred Harry with a Slytherin s/o Studying with the trio The weather had be nice, so you agreed. But Ive decided now that Im not going to post any of them. #Lily Luna Potter #Harry Potter #harry potter next gen #harry potter next generation #harry potter headcanon #headcanon #hogwarts #Teddy Lupin #Albus Severus Potter #roxanne weasley #gryffindor #slytherin #ginny weasley More you might like What happened to Adiba's blog? By the time you got to the black lake . harry potter and the prisoner of azkaban, chapter 5, harry potter and the order of the phoenix, chapter 14, me while rereading poa: chill harry, malfoys life doesnt revolve around yours. . I'll mostly make posts about the bachelors and bachelorettes, but I might make some post about all the villagers at some point! what, do you think he keeps count of . Others imagine that James's father, Fleamont, was biracial while his mother, Euphemia, was . This blog will remain up, because I put a lot of work into it and dont want to forget all the good memories we did have. Below, Bored Panda has put together a list of hilarious Harry Potter-themed Tumblr posts. spotted: Scorpius Malfoy traveling around the UK being constantly photographed by Rose Weasley. And I dont want to be creating any more Harry Potter content that will act like free advertising for such a shitty person. Fred and George are both Pan- they're both like 'that person's hot' 'so is that person', George marries Angelina, Fred marries . Now I finally understand. Albus didn't remind people of Harry or Ginny, he didn't look like James Potter or Lily Evans like his siblings, if it weren't for his eyes people would've thought he was adopted and originally he disliked not being immediately linked with his family but since he's gotten older he realized this can make him his own person. In general, Harry is imagined to be of Indian descent on James's side of the family. plus i cleared my tumblr to start over and just never did anything. Is opening for them too! Hey you! I'm always torn between Gryffindor and Ravenclaw- I was first sorted into Gryff a few years back, but recently I was sorted into Raven. This Is Where We First Met. :////, submitted by @ifelldownthatruddyrabbithole. honestly the harry potter fandom is so wild like we've all collectively . Follow. Also idk if you do this but could you do a Slytherin dating a Gryffindor headcanons, slytherin related headcanons | gryffindor related headcanons, What do you guys think amoretentia would smell like to you? , harry potter, meta blog, marauders, headcanons, fanfiction, writing, fandom, sirius black, remus lupin, peter pettigrew, james potter After the Battle of Hogwarts Ron and Harry insisted on coming with Hermione when she restored her parents memory. in third year he started selling jars of sleekeazy's hair potion. Most of the windows can be climbed out of and they pull themselves onto the roof. Greta Jarueviit. Harry Potter | Headcanons - Theodore Nott x Reader; A Domestic Day Hetalia | Oneshots - "Broken Skin" APH Prussia x Reader. Once & Future by Capetta & McCarthy. Peter, not caring about how he looked, wore his with pride and always told Molly thanks. because he's is afraid to live alone. hpotter-headcanons-blog. Have fun guys! Love you guys, wishing you a safe and happy holidays x. 15 Harry Potter Tumblr Posts That Will Break Your Damn Heart. Just imagine Dumbledore having to spell that snitch to recognize every variation of Harry saying, "I want to die." "I'm ready to die." "I'm willing to do this." "I'm ready to be sacrificed." "I open at the close." and just imagine Dumbledore breaking down with each variation of this phrase that . And Moony and peter just ignore them. Albus didn't remind people of Harry or Ginny, he didn't look like James Potter or Lily Evans like his siblings, if it weren't for his eyes people would've thought he was adopted and originally he disliked not being immediately linked with his family but since he's gotten older he realized this can make him his own person. I'm not sure who to ask with this question, but I'm not sure which house to identify myself in. Hufflepuff: The only thing I rip is packages of pasta open with my gay hands. Eat pasta. I encourage you all to consider ceasing the creation of HP content, in order to minimize the damage she can cause and show your support for the members of communities who have been wronged. 1. honeyheartedbaby-blog-deactivat. When Lucius found out, he punished Draco badly and killed the girl. 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