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Words API is organized around RESTful principles. The PayPal REST API Documentation provides all the information you need to get started using the PayPal REST API. This technical document library puts the API in context for . Today we will talk about how to foster positive developer experience in the API documentation. With more than 2 years of experience, he has worked on many technologies like Apache Jmeter, Google Puppeteer, Selenium, etc. Although there are fewer topics than other APIs on this list, youll find all the information you need via the lefthand menu HTML column, which lists document topics. Although Spotifys web API docs are very typical, they have a lot of additional information in its Spotify for Developers platform. As a quick heads-up, these API reference docs are great for many more reasons than one. RAML - simple and succinct way of describing RESTful APIs. If we missed one, let us know here. DreamFactory is an enterprise-grade API-as-a-Service platform enabling businesses to quickly create fully-documented REST APIs without coding experience. Get started. It should cover info on how to get an API key and how to authenticate requests, including possible errors, token expiration times, and an explanation on authentication sensitivity (basically reminding that keys cant be shared, and where they can be used). Always keep the contents in sight. Using the API We built the API to be as self-documenting as possible, but if you find yourself overwhelmed, we organized this site into four major areas. Diagrams can be a great way to visually represent how your API works. For example, the word "refuse" is tagged as a verb ("v") in the results of a search for words related to "deny" but as a noun ("n") in the results . Here are some common issues devs have with API docs. This will make it easier for users to understand what your API does and how to use it. Its not written using simple human language. Feedback is also encouraged via a Rate this page button and links to the support team and the tag on StackOverflow. 2. Samples. But first, we need to understand what makes bad API docs. Mailchimp realizes that most of its audience are marketing professionals and uses language that enables even non-tech people to understand how to work with its APIs. Microsoft calls its documentation Learn. Become a part of the worlds largest community of API practitioners and enthusiasts. Postman automatically pulls your sample requests, headers, code snippets, etc. You probably already know what functions people use your API for. A pop-up will display allowing you to select a template from the gallery. Proper API documentation is essential. This can be done automatically via API spec tools and API management tools like Postman. In addition to the examples weve shared throughout the article, here are some more for you to enjoy and take note of. Technical Product Proposal Documentation Details File Format MS Word Download 2. This covers not only using them, but also researching, googling for support, studying reviews, and of course, rummaging around in the documentation. [Screenshot source:https://docs.microsoft.com/en-gb/]. First, the API includes a detailed description of all of the APIs features, along with a step-by-step guide to setting up your first campaign. Developers spend a lot of time looking at your code examples, so make them readable and separate different components by color. Includes 16-page tutorial that explains what you need to include in API documents, with example of how to describe your endpoints, parameters, and other settings. Google Maps. You can use these examples for inspiration when creating your API docs. A rightmost column provides a contents list for the article the user is reading, which appears in the middle of the screen. Read more:7 Tips for Designing Great API Documentation. Postman allows you to publish documentation quickly and easily. Another one of our top 8 API documentation examples is Slack. Microsoft, for example, has a huge range oftechnical documentationavailable for developers to access, but its directory makes it easy for users to quickly drill down to the information that they need. The dev community is a passionate one. High Encourage feedback. You can change everything in the document text, images, and tables. This will increase the usage and popularity of your APIs and encourage developers, testers, and integrators to use your API products. An Example holds the information for one training instance. impact blog posts on API business models and tech advice. Reference documentation for API endpoints consists of five general sections: resource descriptions, endpoints and methods, parameters, sample requests, and sample responses and schemas. It has very few code samples. You will find complicated information broken down into smaller chunks with bullet points. Share your insights on the blog, speak at an event or exhibit at our conferences and create new business relationships with decision makers and top influencers responsible for API solutions. Make it easy to learn. Lastly, the documentation is constantly updated to reflect the latest changes in the API. $ 14.99 USD. SmartBear surveyed 3,000 API practitioners. Its design is clear, well-formatted, and manages to feel uncluttered even when delivering a vast amount of information. In this post, DreamFactory highlights eight of the best API documentation examples from well-known tools. If youve used a few ones, you know how to approach new docs. description: A description of your API. If you specified example values using @bodyParam or @queryParam, those will be used instead. One example of a way to use it. Below, well look at five new examples of excellent API documentation and explain the unique features that made them great. API docs are not IKEA assembly instructions,;they are the learning source. It's built on broadly-used standards such as YAML and JSON and it has many tools, one of which is RAML to HTML which output documentation based on RAML files. Learn more about the API. to populate your documentation page with dynamic examples and machine-readable instructions so you can easily share your API with the rest of the world. I'll cover more on documenting the APIs later. The GitHub API is a REST API that developers can use to connect with the GitHub platform, which is a collaborative development tool for software projects. High Track engagement on a shared API Documentation with customers, partners, etc. Click here to start your FREE 14-day hosted DreamFactory trial today. This is a Spring configuration with Swagger documentation information. Heres how to ensure regular and useful doc updates. HubSpot API docs use a three-column layout. Explore how to document your APIs in Postman.Bitcoin tracker code samplehttps://www.postman.com/postman/workspace/the-exploratory/documentation/1559645-1eace. 2013-2022 Nordic APIs AB Next time you read through your APIs reference, think about how you can apply one of these examples to your documentation. examples; Example sentences using the word. This is another end of the spectrum where explanations are abundant, but there are minimal examples of the actual code. Authenticationarrow_forward. HTTP requests. Watch this video for an inroduction to the API technology. [Screenshot source:https://developer.paypal.com/docs/release-notes/release-notes-2020/#]. API Documentation Examples | Coding standards | Drupal Wiki guide on Drupal.org. This example from Facebooks Graph API docs also shows how you can use different tabs to choose between SDKs. Its main page includes links to document topics, featured resources, and links to support pages for users that have additional questions. Many pages also contain screengrabs that illustrate key points and help you learn the different features of this product. You'll then be required to fill in the mandatory field and select a category for your app. Its usually assumed that devs will know how to send HTTP requests in their language of choice, but sometimes, API creators include requests in various languages. Element Description Type Required Notes . Examples are a great way to illustrate how your API works. Go ahead and fill in the form in the overview screen. Like Twilio, Slacks documentation includes a menu on the leftmost side of the screen that lists topics and subtopics, making it easy to access the information you require. At a glance, each section follows the same structure: Theres even a copy button for each piece of code a detail that non-techies will certainly appreciate. 9. It could also include the benefits of using this particular API over other similar APIs. FREE 15+ Technical Documentation Templates in PDF | MS Word 1. The lesson: dont overdo it. Many of the features that make Google Docs so successful are available through the API. Third, the writing is clear and concise, with code snippets and examples that are easy to follow. Pay attention to the right-side panel called Documentation. In addition, the documentation is constantly updated to reflect changes in the API, making it an invaluable resource for developers. The single container design, like with Dropbox and GitHub, directs all your attention to one place. If developers are running into issues with their implementation, one glance tells them whether it may or may not be server-related. It will also reduce the learning curve of the API in the long run. typeOf; . as " TutorialWebApiDocumentation "), select the location that it will be saved, and click " Next ". Introduced with Office 2016, the Word JavaScript API provides strongly-typed objects that you can use to access objects and metadata in a Word document. By targeting the least experienced users. Itincludes helpful explanatory textthat walks you through the process of documenting each section in the API, including the parameters, endpoints, requests, responses, and endpoints. This wiki specifies a RESTful API for creating and managing cloud resources, including compute, storage, and networking components. There are no special plug-ins, macros, or installation files. Output document contents as JSON: Outputs a JSON dump of the complete contents of a documentthis can help you understand the structure of Google Docs files or troubleshoot issues. Developers often write about updates several days after rolling them out, sometimes limiting themselves to a few sentences. Class Libraries & REST APIs for the developers to manipulate & process Files from Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Visio, PDF, CAD & several other categories in Web, Desktop or Mobile apps. Name the new project (e.g. There are three main groups of documentation users: And even within each of these groups, there are people of different skills, roles, and needs, and all of them should have a positive experience with the docs. Your docs are your main marketing tool if people love them, they will use your API over competitors and drive the community around it. Personally, I love working with a FAQ where I know I can find answers to my inevitable questions. Weather Snippers. API documentation can be auto-generated using tools or written manually. Features include: Youll notice that this style does not continue for all pages of this API documentation example. Construct an Example object from the predicted document and the reference . The code editor indicates any formatting errors. Includes a 16-page How to Write API Document tutorial that explains how to write each section in your API reference documentation. Enrich your documentation with FAQs, tutorials, blogs, and even videos when possible. 193+ FREE & Premium Software Templates - Download NOW Beautifully Designed, Easily Editable Templates to Get your Work Done Faster & Smarter. Introduction The Datumbox API is a web service which allows you to use our Machine Learning platform from your website, software or mobile application. Use this easy-to-use template to write API reference documents. MS Word Template - Includes a very detailed 28 page MS Word template with examples, guidelines, and screenshots to get you started. High impact blog posts and eBooks on API business models, and tech advice, Connect with market leading platform creators at our events, Join a helpful community of API practitioners. The code is editable, so users can make changes to see what effects these changes have. Most API docs look and feel the same. Skype makes for a great documentation example as its software documentation is loaded with user-friendly features such as different navigation and sorting options. If youre using a documentation generator, the layout is already decided for you. Stuller APIs Authentication Invoice API Stuller APIs observers like journalists, tech writers, and even competitors who wont necessarily use your API ever. The absolute lowest friction is to supply everything for the developer. Good API documentation makes it easy for developers to use, reference, and explore. The Twitter API docs have a FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) section for almost every page. Authentication guide Quickstart guide Endpoint definitions Code snippets Example responses . Create separate sections addressing them and include sample messages there. Creating a smooth and enjoyable experience for those implementing your APIs is essential with just how much competition there is nowadays, and API documentation is one of the keys to success. On the other hand, improper API documentation can frustrate your customers and even lead to lost opportunities. | Supported by, 5 Examples of Excellent API Documentation (and Why We Think So), features API documentation cant live without, the core ingredients for a developer center, 7 Items No API Documentation Can Live Without. Find Your API First, you'll go find your API in the Akana developer portal and go to the details page. By default, the package will generate dummy values for your documented body and query parameters and send in the request. You can expand and collapse either pane. Developers can stomach poring over dense docs for a product that they're interested in using, such as Google Maps or Twitter. Example.__init__ method. When it comes to navigation, developers can search for documentation topics at any time via the search bar at the top left-hand corner of the screen. Make it an additional step in your launch plan, dont roll them out before you have well-written, detailed, and edited paragraphs to introduce your updates. A previous feature that let you switch from a light theme to a dark code theme is no longer available. Start with the opportunities rather than technicalities. The Sun Cloud API. Prepare docs prior to the updates. You can also import existing API descriptions and make changes without having to directly edit JSON or YAML. Clicking on one of these documents will take you to a separate page with a menu on the leftmost side of the screen that lists topics and subtopics, making it easy to find the content you need. Developer documentation for all DevExpress products. There's also a Twitter and Slack community for developers. These API examples will deepen your understanding of the concept and its practical use in the software industry. There are standard status codes and those specific to your API ones. Create API documentation that is only visible to yourself or your colleagues. This is a common problem for auto-generated docs or docs that are neglected by creators. In truth, there arent any shiny bells and whistles and thats probably what makes the Stripe API reference so good. Using code samples to explain functionality. First, its comprehensive and covers all aspects of the API it even covers the Jira frontend API. In the API economy, great developer experience is fundamental. Once you login to your account the base URL for your API requests will be shown here. In addition, the documentation is constantly updated to reflect changes in the API, making it an invaluable resource for developers. Google API documentation includes a few other nice touches, such as a flask symbol for features currently in beta mode. Authentication. Although docs are just the tip of the iceberg of all the help Twilio shares there are SDKs in several languages and sample apps for iOS, Android, and web. Dynamic docs are easy to look through, update, and bookmark. It's a concise reference manual containing all the information required to work with the API, with details about the functions, classes, return types, arguments and more, supported by tutorials and examples. If youre interested, weve already outlined specifics of technical documentation in general. SDK examples (if SDKs are provided) showing how to access the resource/method utilizing the SDK for their language Interactive experiences to try/test API calls ( API Console, API Notebook) Greet users with a compelling story telling how your API can enrich their product or make developers lives tenfold easier. Below you will find an example API request as well as a series of optional parameters you can use to filter your news results. Other things to note include: Users can indicate whether they found a document to be helpful or not, and share their feedback. 28-page MS Word template to document your REST/Web APIs. Clearly labeling the next steps in a process to guide new users through the setup process. Use the API reference documentation to explain the data structures available through the APIs. Just like Dropbox, Githubs docs arent trying to put too much information on one page. Simple step-by-step instructions for basic actions such as setting up a Vimeo SDK, generating an access token, and making your first API call. help_outline If you are logged in you will see your live API key in all the examples. 10. But even technical writers tend to leak a bit of jargon into the text. The Dropbox API documentation is yet another fantastic example of excellent reference documentation. Keep reading for a full recap. There are many reasons why the Jira REST API documentation is great. You also get a 16 page How to Write API Document tutorial that explains how to write each section in your API reference documentation. | Supported by, 5 Examples of API Documentation With Great Developer Experience, A getting started page for fast integrations. Make sure to update your API documentation as your API evolves. The first step is to visit the RapidAPI Website, navigate to My APIs section, and hit the Add New API icon from the left panel. Click edit. 8. miredot is a REST API documentation generator for Java. The best tip here is to make it someones job. Great API documentation examples Medium API documentation Mailchimp API documentation Twilio API documentation Spotify API documentation Treat docs with care Reading time: 9 minutes APIs make the world go round. Here are some of the man benefits of using Bit: Collaborate in real-time. Technical Documentation Template thefdp.org Details File Format PDF API Features Live News Available on: All plans. Show where to start. Interactive examples will help comprehension of the API documentation because the reader will be applying what they're reading in real-time. Stripes API documentationfollows the same format as Twilios and offers a similarly excellent experience. Drupal 10 is expected to launch 14 December, and one of the key new features in Drupal 10 is Claro administration theme (replacing Seven). The first thing youll notice about SendGridsmain documentation pageis its simplicity. Of course, this only makes sense if you have a ton of text and want to highlight code so that users dont have to scroll back and forth or switch between tabs. makes an effort to ensure that metadata values are consistent with the sense or senses of the word that best match the API query. But managing great documentation is possible even without an expert on your staff. The Paypal team is also very responsive to questions and comments and is constantly improving the documentation. impact blog posts on API business models and tech advice. The API documentation describes the common components used by each of the APIs for iOS, Android, and other platforms. Datumbox.com - Documentation - API 1.0v Datumbox API Documentation 1.0v 1. Examples are usually presented as pieces of code, which are useful enough but can be made even more practical. Vyom is an enthusiastic full-time coder and also writes at GeekyHumans. It includes tips, tutorials, use cases, and best practices in plain English and screengrabs that help you navigate product functionality. This could be added to your API Reference Documentation, so that people can download the PDF when needed, so that it can be sent off by email, shoved into Dropbox, etc. You can view each document page on SendGrid in one of six languages. The lesson: save developer time wherever you can. Less technical language and more extensive explanations in the beginner-focused content. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google, What Developers Hate in API Documentation, What is API: Definition, Types, Specifications, Documentation, Technical Documentation in Software Development: Types, Best Practices, and Tools, API Economy: Essentials and the Impact on The Software Business, developers who will intimately interact with the docs. This is a small detail that any developer will appreciate. An Overview This is similar to the abstract page of a project report. An API specification is like a template of your future docs, the unified language that describes the design of your API, explains how it functions and what to expect from it. Markdown is a standard format that's used . Of course, these API docs have a lot more going for them than what theyve discussed, but you need to read our article 7 Items No API Documentation Can Live Without if you want to get the rundown on all the core features you need for great API docs. version: The version of your API (remember that for APIs a low version number is always more attractive, because a high number indicates an unstable interface and hence an extra burden on the clients using it.) All APIs must include documentation targeted at the developer that will consume your API. It should be clear, concise, and easy to use. The lesson: be beginner-friendly. Yes, I understand and agree to the Privacy Policy, Excellent blog, knowledge growing forever in your blog that purpose Whatsapp API use growing industries help full in this way. This template pack includes detailed examples, guidelines, and screenshots. Maintaining your API documentationincluding adding documentation on new features and removing or flagging documentation on depreciated featuresensures your resource continues to be useful to developers. Automatically create fully-interactive documentation as soon as you create a new API. This API lets you read and write documents programmatically so that you can integrate data from various sources leveraging the power of Google Docs. #1) Create a collection with 3 requests i.e. First, all of the documentation is written using the same font as GitHub for a better reading experience. To make the easier, we've focused on one primary lesson for each: Plaid shows developers what's possible User feedback features will let you catch inconsistencies earlier and there should always be a team member responsible for reviewing them and reacting to updates. Use plenty of examples in your documentation to help users understand how to use your API. APIs that help developers succeed and are a joy to use will get tons of users and rise above the competition. In 2019, SmartBear, the developer of Swagger, surveyedAPI developers and users. It has aneasy-to-read quickstart guide, great navigation, and clearly explains everything a developer might need to know. There you have it: five examples of excellent API documentation, with unique or particularly well-executed features for each. The lesson: be flexible with how you present information. Buy and Download > Description. API docs, or API description documents, are the collection of references, tutorials, and examples that help developers use your API. You can add more variables in the config key. Writing comprehensive API documentation is part of the API management process. I recommend timestamping and identifying oneself when leaving comments here.> Review these 9 great examples of API documentation and emulate them with your own docs. Second, it is extensive and covers all the different aspects of the API, from creating and managing repositories to creating and managing webhooks. This section moves beyond documentation to offer new and inexperienced users a helping hand when using a product for the first time. Each topic page has a leftmost column that shows an overview of all the other topics, making navigation easy. Frequently Asked Questions Template (MS Word), Change Management Plan Template (MS Word+Excel spreadsheets), on NEW: 39-page Quality Assurance Plan Template in MS Word/Excel, on MadCap Flare: How to Update Stylesheets, on 5 Part Formula for Writing Error Messages, NEW: 39-page Quality Assurance Plan Template in MS Word/Excel, 5 Part Formula for Writing Error Messages, Also includes How to Write API Documentation: PDF. Documents generated by tools can become wordy and require editing. Although it may not be as popular an example as the others on this list, the Twitter API documentation is one of my personal favorites on a visual level. News API. Regularly remove deprecated data. The Notion API documentation is a great resource for developers who want to create integrations with Notion. This will ensure that users always have the most accurate information about your API. API Documentation Template (MS Word) - Technical Writing Tools Use this 28-page MS Word template to document your REST/Web APIs. Use this template to document your REST/Web APIs. The difficulty level label under each subtopics title helps users understand which parts of the documentation are aimed at them. Follow the below steps for adding basic info about the requests and then creating the documentation. Pay with PayPal. Travel Booking. Documentation. Third, Githubs REST API includes detailed examples for each endpoint, demonstrating how to use the API in practice.

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