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Then I came to really understand the fullness of the gospel. Reconciliation with God is just like reconciliation with another person. Stop thinking in your head that Im wrong and go look it all up. Youre exactly the age God wants you to be. They deny the trinity, the existence of hell, promote the so-called British Israel doctrine, claim that Christians should be Torah-observant (but only in the ways they think are best), teach that Jesus kingdom IS of this world (despite His direct statement to the contrary), believe there will be three resurrections of the dead, and so on. Many churches are full of people who have never read the New Testament and learned what they say they believe. I never was able to finish it once I realize that it was another judgement day dream so I would force myself to wake up. Keep in touch! Im happy to help, Prabha. Blessings! We sometimes spiritualize things too much. Through him everyone who believes is set free from every sin, a justification you were not able to obtain under the law of Moses. It took some time for me to grow into the realization that God is everything my father could have been, but wasnt and more. You should not worry about how your body will be handled after you die. Let me encourage you to do a little homework in this area. Let me encourage you to go ahead and be baptized. Find a Church. Jesus told this story to show us what God is like. I wouldnt rely on the UCG for any of my doctrine. Its a misguided attempt at helping, and it virtually never actually helps. Chapter and verse, my friend. In the same portion of the document that was just discussed, there is a very explicit statement that reads, An newborn need to be baptized during the first weeks following birth (No. Think about it like a family. So, when Paul wrote that we are saved by grace through faith, he wasnt talking about some kind of easy-believism. You might take this part of the conversation over to another page on this site, The Doctrine of the Trinity. I would, of course, pray about the situation if you havent already. Instead, the Catechism states that infants who pass away before they have been baptized are committed by the Church to the care and compassion of God, as seen by the particular burial liturgy that is performed for such children. First, dont be afraid to ask them to see you get baptized. Christianity teaches that its the other way around: we are never alone. They will live for God, and not for themselves. But one who is more powerful than I will come, the straps of whose sandals I am not worthy to untie. Sometimes we see what we want to see, and our feelings will often confirm our hopes. Explain your faith, and your decision to be baptized, and tell them how important it is to you. If you truly have a fear of water thats preventing you from being baptized, your church should accommodate you. I dont consider myself an expert on his teaching, but Ive spent some time on it. You didnt have to. You might take a look at Acts 10. Why do we call it that? Then I lived in license doing many sinful things until I was 28. Accept the things you like, reject the things you dont. You are free to be baptized if you wish, but it could mean a lot to not be baptized against their wishes, or behind their backs. One of the things He said was to not worry about tomorrow that today has enough trouble. Still, Im pretty old, and have suffered maybe a bit more so I hope you understand my desire to go home and be with God, and with my loved ones who loved Him. Its a low-pressure way to check out a group of local Christians you might become friends with. You and I need to look for ways to serve others, and not focus on having God serve us by making us feel good all the time. Chapter and verse. Righteousness equals belief), then you deserve to access all of the realms and Kingdoms in the heavens with God ? Yes, youll find some of us Jesus-followers in many of your local churches. I can tell God give you a wisdom. You ask an interesting question, and its one that puzzles a lot of people. Ill address a few of the things you wrote here, in case theyre helpful for other GodWords readers. Why have Christians moved it to Sunday? You can relax. He calls Himself Father for that very reason: He wants to be our spiritual father, and Hes very good at it. Every person not yet baptized and only such a person is able to be baptized. He taught a different kind of baptism, that of being baptised with the holy spirit. I will keep repenting. While Adam and Eve sinned, Jesus did not. He had some, but He came to serve. Also, I went to catholic schools most of my educational years and have asked this question to teachers and PHD theology professors in college and I never got a clear, concise answer that made sense to me. But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. I would find songs that they like, and look closely at the lyrics. My grandma would always help me pray, I am a great person. He then comes to dwell in you and make you new. So: Thats it. The question of purgatory is entirely illogical to me, having read the Bible. Instead, I use the term Satan. Can You Go to Heaven if You're Not Baptized? Again, no, its not his name. Yes, at times others will be wrong about us but the times when theyre right are so important, and so helpful, that we should be grateful for criticism. Its not a spiritual thing, its a social thing. He knows when were being honest, Justinif we really want to leave behind our old sinful life, He will both forgive us and help us. If youre confident that the chair will support your weight, thats belief, not trust. When we read it in context, it makes sense. The church is all Christians, all over the world, throughout history. Dont let anyone pressure you into doing something you feel wrong about, Karolina. Where they differ, theyre wrong. I also asked my college theology professor that question and his response was that Jesus made everything clean again. For the record, the word Lucifer only appears in the King James Bibleand then only one time. Did you catch that? Let me know if theres anything more I can do for you. Im happy to have been even a little bit helpful. But some thinking salvation is enough. and in the day of salvation I helped you.. Its about hearing the gospel and believing God. Im the church. Hi GodWords, 2.What happens if you dont get baptized? The Father is not the Son, nor the Spiritand the Spirit is not the Son. Awesome! We do have some clues about our next life, though. Remind them that you want to be baptized because you want to be obedient to Jesus. Think of it like a chair. I wouldnt think so. Like I said before, listen carefully then be like a Berean. Globalizethis aggregates what happens if you never get baptized information to help you offer the best information support options. Theres no spiritual reason that I know of to do it more than once, though. First, we should ask what is Heaven?. I had just begun reading the bible and I did believe in Jesus however I am not certain if I fully grasped the meaning of salvation and the trinity. Instead, God took the first step. Jesus already told us that no one goes to the father except through me JOHN 14:6 He is the way the truth and the life. I ask, are they really being taught if Christs life and teachings are not the central lesson. Life can be tough sometimes, right? She said yesthat was the devils beat. It has to do with money, as with balancing your checkbook, or making sure you got the right change after you buy something. Its an interesting question. With respect, we should avoid using our feelings as a test for truth. Nonsense. Have a great day! You can refer to. THE SPIRIT IS GOD Did Jesus not sin because he is God and God cant sin due to being perfect or was he just different from all the rest of humanity in some way? 4) How will I be sure, I dont go to Hell. It sounds like youre saying that being disobedient sinning will send a Christian to Hell. People probably dont need to hear that youve had miraculous dreams, but they definitely do need to hear the gospel. He will put the sheep on his right and the goats on his left. He loves you. Yes it does. A whole bunch of people call themselves Christians without having a clue about what that means. But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin. Then, about 2000 years ago, God came to earth as a baby. Jehovahs Witnesses borrow the idea of Jesus, then claim that He isnt God but only the first person created by God. They are all One, with One Name, and that Name is Jesus. You may feel false guilt from time to time, but thats just a matter of reminding yourself that Jesus died to pay for your sins. Those who are not reconciled to God go to Hell. Don't be baptized for a "fresh start." Only by coming to Jesus' cross and empty tomb and believing in him, the life-giving and death-defying Savior, can you find a new life. He said that nobody would see the kingdom of God unless theyre born again. Jesus was buried in a tomb, as this was the tradition of that day. Hes an interesting guy. Let me suggest that you get as serious NOW about your faith as you hope youll be the moment before you die. You asked does God not accept people who believe in other gods?. Yes, the idea that God is three persons in one is weird. How can she be baptized in the traditional way? Private Member only forums for more serious discussions that you may wish to not have guests or search engines access to. I would probably feel the same. 2. Does that make sense? What happens if you never get baptized? So, the caring person who wants nothing to do with God gets their wishand the hateful, terrible person who wishes to change and be forgiven and to do things Gods way also gets their wish, and will be in Heaven. Make sure you use Autoplay to listen while you do other things. Being baptized in the Holy Spirit is being born again. Make plans for a full life, knowing that youre not in control of the universe. Even if I have earphones on, they would want to hear what Im listening to. Im very excited about your question, Reita. Tony can you explain reconciled to God ? Thanks for asking! It seemed to be more frequent when I was pregnant with my daughter . God can do anything He wants to, including giving angels the ability to look like someone else. It is only your body that is in the ground not your spirit, Correct me if I am wrong please. For we do not have a high priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but One who has been tempted in all things as we are, yet without sin. Everyone will be judged, at the same time, and will then be either welcomed into Heaven or sent to Hell. The one with the dream, or the vision, or the supposed prophecy, believes that the world must hear themand hear them immediately. [/I]. Im very glad that you came to visit my website. If thats what happened, it seems very uncommon. Dont get me wrong: God loves good deeds. so why did God create this flaw and be so unforgiving of that very first disobedience.he knew it would happen and that Jesus was the remedy. Please answer me im scared.. And tell me how to change myself to be a good chrstian.. And please tell me that youre not going to say that i cant idolized them cause theyre my inspiration? Now, its possible that your grandparents have a valid point to make, even if theyre off-base about the specific music you like. Its a big deal to be baptized, and he didnt want anyone putting their life in danger unless they understood what Jesus requires of us. He offers peace and joy, and they turn their backs to Him. =). When someone decides to follow a teacher, they make a permanent, lifetime commitment to follow that teacher and obey them, no matter what. Jesus will, as we read in Matthew, judge everybody in the future. They would only go there for not being reconciled to God. I started praying to god shortly after the 10th, I am trying my best to not sin. Going on the Bible, from the beginning of time God has severely punished us for disobedience he is not forgiving, he threw us from the garden of eden naked and afraid and continued with his wrath against disobedience on people up until Noah. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved. Being anointed simply means that the Holy Spirit makes you able to do the things God wants you to do. Youre very kind! I dont commit adultery any more. Did you read that book and then wonder whether theres a real Hell, and not just hell on earth? The Bible was, is and always will be the infallible Word of God. We shouldnt sin. This is going to be a bit long, so thanks ahead of time for your patience. If you lived near Denver, it could be me but, since you dont, it needs to be somebody. On the other hand, some also have only half of the story on Jesus. Paul is the same author for the passage in 2 Corinthians 5 that you mentioned in your original post, as well as Colossians 2 and Galatians 3 in my response. You say You cant deny this, as its Scripture! Well, show me. Lets not pretend that theres nothing to be afraid of! Is there ever a level of Sin where repentance and acceptance of Jesus as ones savior cant cover it? It doesnt sound like you do. Ill reply here, too, since some might need to know the same thing. Do you think in my case it would make sense to be baptized again? In John 3, Jesus told Nicodemus that we must be born again to go to Heaven. 1.Can you go to Heaven if you're not baptized? Oh another occasion, I was watching my Television that was on the Wall and Light off , sitting on the edge of my Couch and a Figure appeared to me I seen something that looked like a Robe but the face and arms didnt show , my immediate response was Lord why did you scare me! Obey your parents, young one. Being anointed by the Holy Spirit is being made able to serve when theres a need. In the course of my childhood through early teen years I must have made 4 professions and been baptized as many times, but still doubt remained. Thanks for writing. Unfortunately, thats not necessarily good enough to convince anyone. Be patient, little sister. Before you came to GodWords, you had no relationship with me. You and I can both know whether well make it to Heaven. Thanks. That might be a huge mistake. Another objection to cremation is that pagan cultures have cremated the dead for centuries, and (as the argument goes) we should avoid doing what the pagans do. See article for more on outpouring versus indwelling: http://www.oldpaths.com/Archive/Davison/Roy/Allen/1940/036-outpouring.html. His dad, my son, is a wonderful dad. The practice of infant baptism has some biblical support. Baptism is a command for those who ARE saved, not a command for those who WISH to be saved. The point is NOT to attend a church, but to BE the church. They wont look down on others, but be filled with love and compassion. First, read your Bible. If you need help finding a good church in your area, send me an email and tell me what town you live inIll help you look. According to the explanation provided in the Catechism of the Catholic Church, the year 1256. Its usually easiest to find people like that in local congregations, so start there but you found me, right? I know this is a hard subject, but its important to think about this clearly. Will God still consider you a christian if your parents do not allow you to be baptized? Im not saying youre only reading one verse but I am saying that there are a bunch of verses that you may not be considering here. Lets say theyre right. My fears are that God made the creation and all that is in it and all that resides in it so we are disobedient because we are flawed we were made that way with flaws. THE SON IS GOD He doesnt like it when people put other things ahead of Him, since that isnt whats best for us. I have good news for you: God loves you! As for the mention of Baptism earlier, Jesus also taught 3 criteria by which a man must be saved to enter into heaven. You know what was weird about Disneyland? Its a safety thing, especially for kids. What are you scared about? Your criticism is noted, and Ill be keeping an eye on myself to make sure Im not being unduly harsh. In the first century, everybody understood what baptism meant the New Testament events pretty much all happen in Jewish territory. I think theyre being silly, and given the right opportunity I might actually tell them so. What age should you be baptized at? Im not talking about simply having a new attitude, or changing your outlook. Christian baptism isnt uniquely Christian. I believe that each persons sin, while grievous to God, is irrelevant in one sense: that a sinner who is reconciled to God will be considered righteous because of Jesus death on their behalf. Whoever does not honor the Son does not honor the Father, who sent him. Thats superstition. Hi Tony. Sometimes you have to wait for things to change, but you never have to wait to be faithful to God. Jesus paid for all the sins of the world, but u have to accept his payment. In highschool I discovered pornography and this soon progressed to homosexual porn. Thats why Peter, in Acts 2, told people who wanted to be saved that they should repent and be baptized. You didnt do one without the other. Theres no penalty left to pay. They had enough information alreadyGod had revealed Himself sufficiently already, and they wouldnt believe that. If baptism is required for salvation, then every explanation of salvation that does not mention baptism is at best incomplete, certainly insufficient, and possibly a lie from Satan himself. Dont listen to me, either. In the Bible, God says that were not saved by our own works, but by what Jesus did for us. Im 16 years old & I feel absolutely ridiculous writing this to you because I think its pointless. If you really want to spread the word to the world, spread the gospel. I have a couple of thoughts. I saw your comments regarding baptism and you said baptism is not necessary to get to heavenbut its Jesus commandment for us to be baptised. Read the Bible. I welcome your input and I am not unable to change my convictions. Which Jesus kept but on Saturday not Sunday. Its refusing to be reconciled to God. Thats salvation. Even the dogs came and licked his sores. So he called to him, Father Abraham, have pity on me and send Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue, because I am in agony in this fire. But Abraham replied, Son, remember that in your lifetime you received your good things, while Lazarus received bad things, but now he is comforted here and you are in agony. But whenever they are around I cant play my music around them. Your story is one that many can tell: baptism, followed by a life not so pleasing to God, then a return. Is Rob Bell a false teacher because it seems like some loud voices seem to think of him as one. Act 2: 38 says that to repent and baptize for the forgiveness of our sins. We need friends and family around us. Let me know. Im answering carefully to avoid confusion. Theyre just notes. I have a tendency to mess things up, but He doesnt. This is silly superstition, to be sure. YouTube, 5.Can you be a Christian without being baptized? Within the context of the Roman Catholic Church, this teaching holds a significant amount of weight. Its not helpful to pat someone on the back for believing something that contradicts Scripture. Demonstrably false, and dangerous. And, I will have access to ALL of heaven, not just Jeaus Kingdom. He said it to me, in fact. They have to meet Gods standards or they dont get in. Wrong? I would. Only then could they make that kind of commitment. You should not feel guilty and stressed about this. And do i get cremated or is that wrong? I would worry more about learning what Jesus taught than about the future of the planet. Please let me know. Christian is still a word that has meaning. I would suggest that God was as pleased to create dinosaurs as He was to create cows and eagles and salmon and palm trees and snow. I accepted Christ over 40 years ago and Ive never been baptized. Because they dont think clearly. These friends might be at school, or in a youth group at a local church, or just in your neighborhood. You can refer to, The following summaries about que significa que un bho canta en tu casa will help you make more personal choices about more accurate and faster information. Why are so many concerned about it? I've been a Christian my whole life, and I got "sprinkled" as a kid, but it didn't mean a whole to me once I became an adult. The ossuary would then be placed with other ossuaries containing the bones of family members. Whats the difference between going to Heaven and going to Hell? The heart of the baptism conversation and inquiry to me is why are so many so-called Christians living lives that are not remotely reflecting Christ? Divorce, unforgiveness and disunity are just as rampant in the church as outside the church. Thats going to be awesome. We can turn to a passage of Scripture to see why Im so concerned. Ive been saved since i was 5 and Ive been having a lot of troubles in my live so far and all of these things happening have been taking my mind off of what truly matters. Your confusion is absolutely natural, of course. Thank you. (Luke 3:16). The word satan is Hebrew, and it means adversary. My life had started to get better, as every now and then. It says that Jesus is the head. He then breathed into Adams body the breath of life, and Adam became a living being. This is a totally understandable feeling. THAT IS CHURCH. Thanks Tony for taking the time to answer so many questions over the years. 2 Corinthians 5:14 tells us that when Jesus died, its as if we all died. Let me reassure you: nobody goes to Hell for a small mistake. Learn the gospel. If you waste that, then you will fail and won't be part of God's kingdom. And besides all this, between us and you a great chasm has been set in place, so that those who want to go from here to you cannot, nor can anyone cross over from there to us. He answered, Then I beg you, father, send Lazarus to my family, for I have five brothers. Is it that you dont really know Him ? However: Theres a very good reason for that: baptism has nothing to do with going to Heaven. The Bible teaches Christians to not forsake meeting together. Id be happy to help. There is one God, and the Father is God, and the Son is God, and the Spirit is God but they are not each other. You wrote I dont know enough if this is the best religion for me yet. Let me strongly suggest that you examine this idea. Let Him do it. In Pakistan, you may be killed for your faith. Thats why Jesus said I and the Father are one because they are. Rather than criticizing them for criticizing you, I would suggest another way. The Father and Son and Spirit are ONE God, and have no body at all. Thanks for your commentand welcome to the family! To begin, the short answer is: no. Lets walk through it together. Its not spiritual reconciliation in any sensethat comes prior to baptism. Tats why asked to clarify myself. We dont know if that breath of life is personal or impersonal that is, we dont know whether its part of God, or whether its the same for each person, or whether that breath is each of our individual personalities. While theres no prohibition against being baptized more than once, theres certainly no reason for you to be baptized again. Jesus provides this baptism, and it is this baptism that makes one a Christian. This hasnt happened yet, because were still here. Spread Jesus messagethe same message that He preached, that His disciples preached, and that believers have preached for many centuries. If so are you even aware that youre dead? Jesus died to set us free from slavery to sin, and to show us how much He loves us. I believe so because my sistera favorite color was yellow and she always appears to another sister and I as a butterfly.. Please dont hesitate to contact me if you have more questions! Its your troubles. At the same time, the Holy Spirit comes to live in us. You can find TONS of information on the interwebs about Christian apologetics. By who, by the Word. ), Is there any good way to explain it, or understand it better? After your explanation it makes more sense. Trust that Jesus knows best, and avoid the idea that your dreams are what people need. They are all involved in the judgment of evil. Yeah, my son (12) hasn't been baptised yet. The Holy Spirit will do a lot of that on the inside of us, and you should always listen to Him. These believers gather together regularly to worship God, learn about Him, and to support each other. Trouble awaits those who make bad decisions. Its not a prayer, its belief. Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous person, though for a good person someone might possibly dare to die. They have to trust God with their life. The ideal path to receiving sacraments of initiation. It could be that your churchs leaders havent spent any time on this issue, and have only repeated what theyve heard. You cant, but youre welcome to try. Jesus said I and the Father are one. A lot of people feel the same way. They have received the Holy Spirit just as we have, After me comes the one more powerful than I, the straps of whose sandals I am not worthy to stoop down and untie. Heres one: The people were waiting expectantly and were all wondering in their hearts if John might possibly be the Messiah. Who was in the world.? or have had an encounter with Him ? My advice: dont stop going to church. John 3:16-17. The only difference is that Jesus has a body because He became human. The most sacred heart of gods only son created before all time came to earth as man and we are told by the witnessed he endured the most brutal of atrocities ever been done to the son of man for all our sins and disobedience. First of all, being baptized associates us with, or connects us with, the death of Christ. Depending on who you asked, you could have heard it referred to as the ground of the holy innocents or the childrens portion. For we are Gods handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. Thanks for writing, Ted! To me, that isnt enough evidence to Change what was said in the Old Testament. I want us both to go to heaven but I have never been baptized and we dont live a very Christian life. He doesnt like it when we hurt each other. Its not as if being baptized in the wrong church will hurt youtheyre just witnessing you getting wet. After being left behind in the temple at 12 years old, He told Mary that He had to be in my Fathers house. Jesus doesnt do whatever He wants He only does what the Father tells us to do. For we are Gods handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. Will I go to heaven if I have committed a lot of sins and havent gotten baptized? Id like to share a passage of Scripture with you, from me to you:I thank my God every time I remember you. Theres a lot we dont know about what happens after we die, as the Bible isnt really very clear about it. Because this is true, it seems wise to not put it off. Jesus didnt come to Earth to to have awesome spiritual experiences. Who is the Word, Jesus. Dont believe everything you hear about who God is and how He works. Its important to have support in the tough times, and Christians are supposed to support and encourage each other to follow Jesus. Also, if youre able, Id love to hear how the conversation goes! Once you are saved, you will want to follow what Jesus taught. Sorry if this is a bit all over the place, Im just confused and never really learned about religion that much and Im a teen. But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Jesus was human and so he could have sinned and fell into temptation but he did not because he is God and God is perfect sinless and flawless. Thats good news! Can saying the prayer of repentance take a person to heaven without being baptised? Thanks for writing! Im now going to give you my best advicethe only advice I have. Gina is part of a group of oneness folks, who believe not just that Jesus is God, but that God all of God is Jesus. Things he what happens if you never get baptized that he is a combination of physical and spiritual life fell short in significant ways one! 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I accept Jesus but die before I was afraid of things you can trust decisions 851 rating ) Highest rating: 3 prophesy than to speak in tongues is a combination of physical spiritual! Jesus followers, has said concerning the forgiving of sins by immersion in water something like. To become more spiritually mature having done any homework try to connect a No body at all settle the matter baptism only works if you do, so I can do for,

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