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Drahmin and Moloch savagely brutalized Scorpion whenever he made a move for Quan Chi. Bio: Mode(s) Dans ce jeu, une version numrise de l'acteur devrait combattre des ennemis[36]. Cet article est une bauche concernant un personnage de fiction. La bande-son originale du jeu est un succs commercial et reoit un record Guinness pour ses ventes[49],[36]. Personnages de Mortal Kombat D'aprs IGN , dans les annes 1990, des troupeaux d'imitateurs commencent inonder le march, remplissant les arcades de mares de sang dans des jeux comme Time Killers, Survival Arts, et Guardians of the Hood. Certains noms suggrs incluent Kumite, Dragon Attack, Death Blow ou encore Fatality. MK franchise. Quick links. Her plan was coming together beautifully. The player must then fight in three endurance matches, each of which involves two opponents. They also criticized the Genesis version as being a weak approximation of the arcade version, particularly the character sprites and sound effects. He lit a stick of incense and placed it among the others already burning there. Cyrax Suddenly an expectant hush filled the chamber as energy cascaded around what appeared to be a dragon embryo. Read more at . Aprs une longue bataille sanglante, Shinnok perd contre Cassandra Cage, qui reprsente la prochaine gnration de guerriers de l'EarthRealm. Many of the game's backgrounds were created using pre-rendered 3D graphics for the first time. [17], In the United States, RePlay reported Mortal Kombat 3 to be the most-popular arcade game in May 1995. Code Platform(s) When Sindel is reincarnated in Earthrealm, Shao Kahn reaches across the dimensions to reclaim her, and as a result, Earthrealm gradually becomes a part of Outworld, stripping billions of their souls. She awoke later for the first time on her native soil. The game was released for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 systems in April 2011, and a PlayStation Vita En 2010, Warner Premiere commande une web-srie inspire par le court-mtrage Rebirth, intitule Mortal Kombat: Legacy et ralise par Kevin Tancharoen[106]. [26], Although Mortal Kombat 3 was commercially successful, many disliked the inclusion of arguably less-appealing new characters (especially Stryker) in place of established stalwarts such as Scorpion and Kitana. "KSheeva WinsFlawless Victory". Le jeu reoit un trs bon accueil et des trs bonnes notes de la presse spcialise, et inclut normment de contenu supplmentaire: plus de personnages et surtout un mode Histoire beaucoup plus complet que dans les opus prcdents de la srie[2]. "[75], Reviewing the Game Boy version, GamePro commented, "If you think the moves on the other systems are hard to execute, wait until you try to pull a move on the Game Boy. [29] In the same year, an official comic book, Mortal Kombat Collector's Edition, was written and illustrated by the game's designer artist John Tobias and made available through mail order, describing the backstory of the game in greater detail. Kintaro vows to take revenge on the Earth warriors responsible. D'un autre ct, le juge Richard Posner considre qu'Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 est un jeu vido violent fministe. This version was given an MA-13 rating by the Videogame Rating Council. Jusqu' Mortal Kombat: Mystification, les personnages ont trois styles de combat chacun: deux sans armes et un arm[24]. The warrior monk, Liu Kang, would become the new Champion. For nine generations Mortal Kombat was ruled by Outworld's finest warrior-prince Goro. Il est suivi par quatorze jeux (onze jeux principaux et trois spin-offs) dont le dernier, Mortal Kombat 11, sort en 2019. Please, don't bring me back as a machine. The four-armed Shokan warrior, Goro serves as the sub-boss of the game; being a half-human, half-dragon beast, he is much stronger than the other characters and cannot be affected by throw attacks. En 1994, Malibu Comics lance une srie officielle Mortal Kombat, qui inclut deux groupes de six numros, Blood and Thunder et Battlewave, en plus d'une mini-srie et de plusieurs numros spciaux ddis des personnages spcifiques. It had laggy controls and a limited button layout. John Tobias raconte s'tre inspir de la mythologie chinoise et de certaines rumeurs sur les moines Shaolin pour crer l'histoire et les personnages de Mortal Kombat[35]. Les deux jeux incluent aussi des mini-jeux comme Chess Kombat, un jeu d'action et de stratgie, Puzzle Kombat et Motor Kombat, inspir par Mario Kart[2]. He then resumed the quest he had undertaken before being subdued by his captors. Raiden s'oppose eux et quelques guerriers doivent dfaire le Roi Dragon et ses forces. Having been enslaved through sorcery to guard the molten incubation chamber, Blaze was finally freed once the dragon egg had hatched. En 1999, dans un livre intitul From Barbie to Mortal Kombat, les professeurs Justine Cassell et Henry Jenkins utilisent la franchise pour reprsenter le clich du monde masculin base d'agression, d'action et de cadavres[180]. Mortal Kombat ou Kombat mortel au Qubec est un film fantastique amricain ralis par Paul W. S. Anderson et sorti en 1995. Li Mei had been promised that her people would be freed from enslavement if she could win the tournament held by the Deadly Alliance. [39]. He offered Shang Tsung immortality by unlocking a portal linked to the Heavens. While the gameplay in Mortal Kombat X is a step forward from previous games, this PC version has some features we're not so keen on - paying real money for in-game currency that's used to buy various upgrades in the game. Rain and Noob Saibot are playable for the first time with their very own moves, combos, and finishing moves. After what seemed like an eternity, Cyrax finally emerged from the lava, holding the Orb that had bound Nitara's realm to Outworld for ages. Pendant l't 1995, New Line Cinema produit un film d'action intitul Mortal Kombat et ralis par Paul W. S. Anderson avec 24 millions de dollars de budget. Mortal Kombat [13] According to Tobias, he and Boon had envisioned a fighting game similar to Data East's Karate Champ but featuring large digitized characters even before that, and the success of Capcom's Street Fighter II only helped them convince the management of their idea. The N64 version only uses music from MK3. [15] The game's budget was around $1 million. Mortal Kombat (1992 video game Raiden (aussi connu sous le nom de Lord Raiden, et parfois pel Rayden) est un personnage fictif de la srie de jeu de combat Mortal Kombat.Raiden est un des sept personnages originaux provenant du premier Mortal Kombat sorti en 1992, il est l'un des personnages centraux de la franchise [1].Bas sur le dieu du tonnerre japonais, Raijin, et dcrit dans la srie comme tant le En 2000, les psychologues Craig A. Anderson et Karen Dill effectuent deux tudes lies sur les effets de la violence dans les mdias. The Red Dragon had existed for centuries as a secretive criminal organization. He serves as a major antagonist to the franchise. With the exceptions of Blaze and Mokap, every character has three, unique fighting styles - specifically, two martial arts stances and a weapon-stance. He later discovered that it was in fact Shang Tsung who had dealt the fatal blow. Certains d'entre eux sont inspirs de vrais arts martiaux[25]. Baraka remains loyal until the opposition from the Earth Realm has been defeated. La publicit faite pour Mortal Kombat est critique, comme la franchise, et soumise une censure. Her skills as a vicious fighter will be needed to defeat Earth's chosen warriors. Stranded in the Netherealm, Quan Chi was persistently tormented by the ninja spectre Scorpion. Carlos Pesina plays Raiden (spelled "Rayden" in the MS-DOS and console ports), a thunder god who competes in the tournament as a mortal, while Daniel Pesina, Carlos' brother, plays the Hollywood movie star Johnny Cage and the undead spectre Scorpion, a ninja who was murdered prior to the events of the tournament and brought back to life to avenge his own death. It seemed that Quan Chi was proving to be a powerful ally and was willing to aid the Red Dragon in its quest for domination of Earth. The Run meter is drained by running (the character cannot run backward, only forwards) and by performing combos. The ninja spectre Scorpion had assumed for many years that Sub-Zero had killed his family and clan, only to later discover that the true murderer was the sorcerer Quan Chi. Without your weapons, you are no match for Motaro!Motaro taunting Jax Briggs about his cybernetic arms in Mortal Kombat: Annihilation Motaro is a fictional character in the Mortal Kombat fighting game series. La loi est qualifie d'anticonstitutionnelle par le fondateur et prsident de l'Interactive Digital Software Association Doug Lowenstein, car elle violerait le Premier amendement de la Constitution sur la libert d'expression. Nothing could hold him back from the challenge that lay before him. Mortal Kombat Trilogy is an anthology in the Mortal Kombat series of fighting games. A flood of TV commercials heralded the simultaneous release of all four home versions of the game, SNES, Genesis, Game Boy and Game Gear, on September 13, 1993, a date dubbed "Mortal Monday". Avant de rflchir Mortal Kombat, Boon et Tobias ont pour mission de crer un jeu vido driv du film Universal Soldier, dont l'acteur principal est Jean-Claude Van Damme[35]. Bio: After a long, brutal fight, Mavado emerged victorious and all traces of the Black Dragon had been erased. En 2005, Blood on the Carpet (du sang sur le tapis), une publicit tlvise britannique pour le jeu Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks est interdite pour glorification et incitation la violence. De plus, leurs Fatalits sont trs suggestives. Mortal Kombat Trilogy Cyrax had no choice but to accept the offer and journeyed with her to the presumed location of the Orb. En 2011, la nouvelle dition du mme ouvrage accorde onze records la franchise, entre autres campagne de promotion la plus coteuse pour un jeu vido de combat (Mortal Kombat 3), film le plus rentable bas sur un jeu vido de type beat them all (Mortal Kombat, 1996), et bande-son de jeu vido la plus populaire (Mortal Kombat: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)[83]. She was merely waiting for the right moment to reveal her true intentions. With his nearly deceased soul restored, Johnny Cage finds himself fighting alongside his friends once again. Unfortunately, Smoke is captured and is automated along with Sektor and Cyrax and all three are programmed to hunt down and kill Sub-Zero. ; MK3 also introduced the "Ultimate Kombat Kode" which was a 10 digit code that could be This last battle results in the end of Kahn and unification of Earth, giving Reptile and Khameleon the chance to begin a new generation of Raptors. Johnny Cage had been fed up with the lame writing on his current movie "Mortal Kombat: The Death of Johnny Cage", in which his character repeatedly died and was resurrected. When Quan Chi activated the portal with his mysterious amulet and countless souls spewed forth, trapped between the realms, it was clear that the legends had been true. The Earth warriors emerge victorious and when the realms revert to their normal state, Cage bids farewell to his comrades as his soul leaves to a higher place. Reptile (Mortal Kombat En particulier, chaque personnage est maintenant dot de deux fatalits diffrentes. Aprs la tuerie de l'cole primaire Sandy Hook, Wayne LaPierre, vice-prsident de la National Rifle Association of America, rejette la faute des tueries de plus en plus frquentes aux tats-Unis sur les jeux vido violents comme Mortal Kombat[172]. Quan Chi's eye was caught by a tablet with an image that bore a striking resemblance to his amulet. Sub-Zero It was a risky proposition, but it was one that Cyrax was willing to take to return to Earth. With Shao Kahn near victory against Earth, Khameleon contacts Reptile and shares the truth about their race with him. Gamecube, Playstation 2, XBox, Game Boy Advance, Game Boy Advance (. Now it was an abandoned reminder of the struggle between Earthrealm and the forces of evil. Bio: Les dveloppeurs se renomment galement en NetherRealm Studios et travaillent revenir aux origines de la srie avec leur nouveau jeu[9]. Narrowly evading Scorpion's wrath, he escaped the Netherealm through one of these gateways and emerged in an ancient tomb in Outworld. Agent Sonya Blade and her team had finished their mission of demolishing any known ancient inter-realm portals when she received word from Jax that the Agency's portal chamber had been destroyed. All Sonya knew for sure was that somehow she had to rescue her fellow agents. The Deadly Alliance commanded Kano and his troops to force a small population of people to construct a palace fortress. Elle sort le 26 mai 2020 et permet aux joueurs de dcouvrir une suite au mode Histoire avec un scnario indit. Mortal Kombat GamePro hailed the SNES port of Mortal Kombat as having graphics closer to the arcade version than the other three initial home ports, with cleaner definition and a better color palette, and said that while four of the fatalities had been cut, the new finishing moves which replace them "are pretty cool, though not as bloody." Shang Tsung, however, had discovered Kenshi's true heritage as a descendant of a long forgotten line of warrior kings. Shang Tsung accepts the deal and the Deadly Alliance is born. Before any alliance between the two could succeed, however, their two strongest opponents would have to be eliminated. The character's sprites are based on a stop motion model which was created by Curt Chiarelli. An ancient runestone bearing the likeness of his amulet revealed new information that would enable Quan Chi to traverse the realms through a network of ancient gateways. [scnario qui se poursuivra dans la suite de MK11, nomm "Aftermath"]. The ability to read Kitana's mind and predict the Earth warriors motives enables Mileena to set up her father's downfall. Devant le grand succs de Mortal Kombat 11, une extension au jeu de base a t cre (nomme Aftermath). "[94] In 1995, Flux magazine rated the arcade version 5th on its "Top 100 Video Games." [13][23] As a demo version of the game, which featured only six characters (all male),[24] became internally popular within Midway offices, the team was given more time to work on it, resulting in the addition of Sonya to the roster. [19] It was the highest-grossing arcade conversion kit of 1995 in the United States. Her army clashed with this new threat, but were easily cut down by the bewitched weapons that the undead army wielded. Bio: "[14] Since then, the series has begun frequently using the letter K in place of the letter C when it has the hard C sound. "[96] CraveOnline ranked it second of the top ten 2D fighters of all time,[97] and Forbes called Mortal Kombat one of the "most loved arcade games" that was "king of the arcade" in its day, writing that the arcade machines of the original title sell for any price between a few hundred dollars to $2,500. It was a world ruled by chaos and a vicious Emperor known as Shao Kahn. And now Agent Kenshi, originally sent to find Cyrax, was lost as well. Cyrax found it resting upon a small submerged pedestal beneath the molten depths. Bio: The game was also a part of the 2005 compilation Midway Arcade Treasures: Extended Play. Mortal Kombat 11 sort le 23 avril 2019 sur PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC et Nintendo Switch. , En 1995, la professeure de thorie critique Marsha Kinder dnonce Mortal Kombat II et Mortal Kombat 3 qu'elle accuse de donner un aspect misogyne au combat. Dans Mortal Kombat 11, la suite de la dfaite de Shinnok par Cassie Cage, Raiden, dsormais corrompu, prvoit de protger l'EarthRealm en dtruisant tous ses ennemis de toutes les manires possibles. . Protect your company name, brands and ideas as domains at one of the largest domain providers in Scandinavia. Notant le succs de l'utilisation de la technique de la palette swap pour les sprites de Scorpion et Sub-Zero, Tobias et Boon ont dcid d'inclure une fonction cache super secrte dans Mortal Kombat, choisissant la couleur verte de Reptile comme contraste avec les couleurs jaune et bleu originales de Scorpion et Sub-Zero[1]. En gnral, les achvements sont prdfinis pour chaque personnage, sauf dans Mortal Kombat: Armageddon o on trouve Kreate-A-Fatality, qui permet aux joueurs de crer leur propre fatalit en choisissant un enchanement d'attaques partir d'une slection commune tous les personnages[2],[27]. The sorcerer desired to consume the souls of those warrior kings and tricked the unknowing Kenshi into releasing them from their tomb, an act which left him blinded. Although the game's manual states both boss characters are unplayable, both Motaro and Shao Kahn can be enabled via secret cheat menus in the SNES and Genesis versions of the game. En 2009, Boon raconte: Le premier jeu Mortal Kombat, c'tait 4 personnes, sans dconner. But the celluloid superstar manages to cheat death when his path to the after life is blocked by the merger of Earth and Outworld. I will instead remain here on Earth as GOD OF THUNDER. There was no sign of them now, except for some scattered glass shards and a residual trace of strong magical energies. The character is a Shokan, a half-human, half-dragon race Once again, the threat to Earthrealm has been vanquished. She explained that he must first destroy his arm panel in order to weaken the outsider. The first was a DOS version, which does not closely resemble any of the other ports. This was primarily to address concern from fans who thought that the previous games gave too much of an advantage to the defending player. General Sonya A. Blade is a soldier who was a member of Earthrealm's Special Forces unit known as Outer World Investigation Agency (OIA) in the Mortal Kombat fighting game series. Les Fatalits y sont rendues moins violentes en raison de la prsence de personnages d'une autre licence. Disgusted, Raiden relinquished his Elder God status and returned to Earthrealm to gather support against the coming storm. While it was promoted as "arcade perfect", there were some emulation issues with the sound and gameplay.[43]. While this port was technologically inferior to the better-looking SNES port and had loading times, it resembled the arcade version more faithfully in actual gameplay. But one thing is certain Earthrealm must be protected. [62], By July 1994, the home cartridge versions had sold more than 6 million units worldwide[65][66] and grossed over $300,000,000 (equivalent to $560,000,000 in 2021) in sales revenue. Code Your first 3D Unity games for web, Mac & PC. Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance Kano and Sonya had fought before. But his victory was short lived as he and his comrades find themselves lured into the Outworld to compete in a second tournament. Rather than hand the amulet and the army over to Shang Tsung, Kano kept them for himself, and used the army to ambush Sonya, ending their long rivalry once and for all. When Mileena is murdered, she finds her soul reborn in an evil place called the Netherrealm. Mokap Man was the primary martial arts talent for motion capture during the production of Johnny Cage's movie based on recent events in Outworld. Quelqu'un crit combat sur un des tableaux blancs pour les suggestions de nom dans le bureau de Boon, et quelqu'un d'autre transforme le C en K, juste pour que a sorte de la normale. The souls of her slain troops left their bodies and flew off into the distance, attracted to a bright green beacon. Bio: Ed Boon dcrit les changements apports au design de Reptile vers une volution dans un personnage plus grand, et prfigurant Onaga contrlant son corps dans Mortal Kombat: Mystification. Ending: Both censored and uncensored versions were released, rated T for Teen and M for Mature respectively. De plus, leurs Fatalits sont trs suggestives. He is the first Black Dragon clan member featured in the series and has been a recurring Shang Tsung En 1999, le Brsil interdit la commercialisation de Mortal Kombat, Postal, Carmageddon, et quatre jeux de tir la premire personne violents, qui auraient tous pouss l'tudiant en mdecine Mateus da Costa Meira organiser une fusillade dans un cinma de So Paulo. Tancharoen confirme ensuite que le scnario n'a rien d'officiel, mais qu'il a t co-crit avec Oren Uziel, qui aurait aussi particip la rdaction du scnario du troisime film Mortal Kombat[99]. In the single-player game, the player faces each of the seven playable characters in a series of one-on-one matches against computer-controlled opponents, ending in a "Mirror Match" against a duplicate of the player's chosen character. Ending: Mortal Kombat (film, 1995 For years he enjoyed the power of commanding the greatest army in Outworld. The despondent Emperor is no match for Baraka's attack. Son combat en duel est vu comme dat, maintenant que des franchises comme Grand Theft Auto soutiennent le massacre injustifi de civils innocents[134]. Dans le quatrime Mortal Kombat, le Dieu Ancien Shinnok essaie de conqurir les royaumes et de tuer le Dieu du tonnerre Raiden. It is chronologically the fifth in the gory, controversial Mortal Kombat series (with the logo resembling a V, the roman numeral for 5). Reptile had discovered the plot devised by Shang Tsung and Quan Chi to assassinate Shao Kahn. La compilation Mortal Kombat Trilogy sort en 1996 et inclut tous les personnages des trois titres dj sortis, ainsi que la plupart des niveaux des trois premiers jeux[2]. Ending: Publisher(s) It was therefore no surprise to Moloch that Drahmin would so readily accept Quan Chi's offer of freedom from that realm in return for protection from the ninja spectre Scorpion. With their captor cut wide open, the thousands of souls Shang Tsung had consumed in the past spewed forth and swirled around the room. Dans Mortal Kombat X, Shinnok et Quan Chi mettent leur plan excution. Un article de Wikipdia, l'encyclopdie libre. CO. | 948 F.Supp. Ending: Mileena plots to overthrow her own father. It is a standalone update of 1995's earlier Mortal Kombat 3 with an altered gameplay system, additional characters like the returning favorites Kitana and Scorpion who were missing from Mortal Kombat 3, and some new features.. Several home port versions Two updates, Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 (1995) and the PC / home console-exclusive Mortal Kombat Trilogy (1996), restored characters omitted by Mortal Kombat 3, in addition to other new features. Aprs avoir vu un extrait de jeu, le comit de rgulation de Floride fait passer la loi l'unanimit. In return, all Quan Chi required was Shang Tsung's assistance in transplanting warrior souls into the mummified remains of the Dragon King's undefeatable army. One day, someone had written down "combat" on the drawing board for the names in Boon's office and someone wrote a K over the C, according to Boon, "just to be kind of weird." But Shao Kahn's power was fading and there was a chance that Kitana's forces might spell the Emperor's undoing. Despite the strong sulfurous stench that filled the chamber, Reptile could smell that Nitara and Cyrax had been there recently. La srie est gnralement considre comme une des plus importantes et des plus violentes de l'histoire du jeu vido: en 2011, GameSpy affirme que son importance dans l'histoire du jeu vido de combat est indniable[84]. The last of Emperor Shao Kahn's armies had retreated and it seemed to Kitana that a new era of peace was at hand. La compilation est dite par Warner Bros. Games et dveloppe par Other Ocean Interactive[15]. En 2011, Mortal Kombat revient une arne en 2D avec des personnages anims en 3D. Kuai Liang made his playable debut in Mortal Kombat II as the younger brother of Bi-Han, who was the original Sub-Zero in All, that is, except for oneRaiden. It seethed with the power trapped within. They evolved millions of years ago on Earth into intelligent creatures, but fled that realm when it was devastated in a battle between the gods. Ils comprennent, outre les classiques Fatality, les Animality (transformation en un animal qui achve violemment la victime[28]), les Brutality (long enchanement de combos, finissant par dmembrer l'adversaire[27]), les Babality (transformation du perdant en bb pleurnichard[29]), les Friendships (o le vainqueur se moque gentiment de l'adversaire, lui laissant alors la vie[29])[2] et les Faction Kill (meurtre de l'adversaire par l'un des personnages appartenant une faction). Quan Chi struck a deal with the sorcerer Shang Tsung to resuscitate the army in return for the constant supply of souls his amulet could unlock from a gateway to the Heavens. When Kahn finally eliminates his opposition, he finds a new and surprising foe in Ermac. Mokap was flown to Hollywood to begin his first session, which consisted mainly of the Crane and Snake styles. Sept nouveaux personnages sont inclus dans le titre : Cyrax, Kabal, Nightwolf, Sektor, Sheeva, Sindel et Stryker [^ 8].Un huitime personnage vient s'ajouter, Although a prototype was made, development was halted in order to fully focus on the SNES port of Mortal Kombat II. Pendant les procs suivants, les reprsentants de Nintendo essaient d'utiliser ce fait comme un argument contre Sega. In 2006, IGN named it as the eighth worst arcade-to-console conversion. [53][54] It also topped the Sega CD sales chart in June 1994. Une vraie mante religieuse! "[75] Kunkel noted the exception of the character Goro who "suffers from comparatively crude animation". While she too switches her move sets (making her considerably weaker), she does have a storyline, unlike her male counterpart. Sonya [50] It also topped the Play Meter arcade chart in December 1992. Sonya and Jax return to Earth and try to warn their government about the looming Outworld threat, but when their pleas are ignored, Sonya and Jax instead prepare themselves for the upcoming war by joining the rebellion. It is chronologically the fifth in the gory, controversial Mortal Kombat series (with the logo resembling a V, the roman numeral for 5). This article is about the son of Kenshi Takahashi. While Midway had been constantly adding subtle gameplay tweaks to its franchise since the release of Mortal Kombat, its once exciting series was suddenly looking rather tired. The sorcerer suspected betrayal from Shang Tsung. Raiden (Mortal Kombat Hsu Hao gained access to an Ion Pulse bomb and infiltrated the heavily reinforced underground bunker that housed the techno-portals designed by the Agency. Elle affirme donc que les personnes de gauche ne devraient pas s'associer aux conservateurs pour crer une brigade anti-divertissement, anti-Hollywood, et supposer que tout le monde le fait pour la mme raison[182]. "[33] In their review, GamePro similarly said that Mortal Kombat 3 is "just not original enough (like Tekken) or deep enough (like SF [Street Fighter]) to warrant space on the casual Genesis gamer's shelf." Six d'entre eux sont nomms: il s'agit de ChaosRealm, EarthRealm (ou Royaume de la Terre), Edenia, NetherRealm, OrderRealm et OutWorld (ou Outre-Monde). Characters were heavily digitized, as opposed to the hybrid digitized/hand-drawn style of MKII. Avec des jeux vido violents, vicieux, qui ont des noms comme, il s'agit d'un jeu de fantasy, o chaque personnage est diffrent. As they traveled back to the portal that would return them to Earthrealm, Sub-Zero revealed to Frost that she had been an integral part in the destruction of the Deadly Alliance, and that he was proud to have her as a member of the Lin Kuei clan.

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