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Accordingly, we begin not with the monastic practices of fasting, night prayers and strict work practices, but with reverent attention to our ordinary activities. His love for you is perfect and unconditional, and He wants nothing more than for you to experience His joy and peace. Drag queens engaging in indecent acts with children in gay bars. Impress them on your children, God says. Hebrews 4:12 reminds us that the Word of God is alive: For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart. You are a spiritual person; you want spiritual results. The BEA (Bureau of Economic Analysis) estimated that GDP grew at an annual rate of 2.6% (2.4% expected, -0.6% previous quarter). Potiphars wifes dishonesty was part of Gods plan (Genesis 39:1318). So start early, and don't stop. If we are to overcome this inclination, we must develop an ongoing attitude that enables us to view our work within a larger framework as we submit ourselves to God moment by moment. Reading the Bible daily. Psalm 42:7 talks of this experience. Learning how to experience God in your life is as simple as 1-2-3. Maybe you snagged a great parking space at the store. Our day-to-day lives are mostly spent doing ordinary, routine activities such as working, sleeping, eating, commuting, doing household chores and maintaining personal hygiene. On another level, some connection between the two is possible either byrecallingmeaningful, work-related moments or byhopingfor future encounters with God and His kingdom while engaged in our labors. "No matter how. And so I walk in the LORD's presence as I live here on earth! But these give us a lot to chew on. How To Find Your Purpose And Do What You Love, Why Does God Allow Evil To Exist? Of the 2.6% annual rate, personal Read Time: 3 Minutes 41 Seconds I know so many people right now who are dealing with loss. To see Jesus' presence always. Josephs extraordinary administrative gifting was part of Gods plan (Genesis 39:24). Next, the earth quakes, and, the LORD was not in the earthquake. The church is there to provide access to God's word and help you understand it, but also to give godly guidance and advice. And by this we know that he abides in us, by the Spirit whom he has given us." Every joy and sorrow, accomplishment and disappointment, elation and devastation, each is to be received and transformed into a prayer, into an abiding conversation with God as the creator and giver of life. Put God first in your thoughts, your words, and your actions, and He will guide you on the path He has planned for you. Take time to celebrate the beauty of Gods wonders that are right outside your door. Those who have been married for a while will tell you it's the everyday gestures, often very small, that mean the most. 2:12 refers to one in which any believer is saved from ordinary things in common situations in his daily living. What if mothers only fed their infants when it was convenient, or fathers only paid bills when nothing interesting was on television? Don't let your mind distract you from that reality. The Egyptian judicial processes that exonerated the cupbearer and condemned the baker were part of Gods plan (Genesis 40:2022). The sea is his, and he made it: and his hands formed the dry land. Psalm 95:45. He is there because He cares. The thing it helps me to remember is that God's focus has always been on getting His people to come into line with His will and with what is on His heart, so that we (I) can adjust our lives (my life) to Him, rather than having God design His plans around us (me). Josephs place in the Patriarchal birth order was part of Gods plan (Genesis 30:2224). He came to serve, not to be served (Matthew 20:28), and He calls us to do the same. "How will anyone know that you are pleased with We can trust that what the Bible claims about God's character is backed up by His ability. You know, one of the fathers of the Declaration of Independence was Thomas Jefferson. We live by faith, not by sight or by our feelings. Choosing to stay late at work to help a peer complete a project, telling the truth when our job is at stake, studying for a test instead of talking on the phone with a friend, shuttling the kids around town all afternoon so that they can participate in sports or take music lessons, taking the trash out rather than pressing it down in the wastebasket, focusing on a particular task so it is done with excellence, volunteering to deliver meals to the homebound once a week in place of playing golfthese acts of self-denial are basic expressions of Christian spirituality and, more significantly, the kingdom of God. God is present everywhere, with everyone, and in every occasion. In 2 Timothy 3:15, Paul reminds Timothy that he has known the . When we take the time to appreciate all that God has done for us, we are reminded of His goodness and mercy. His brothers evil, murderous, greedy betrayal of him, and Judahs part in it, was part of Gods plan (Genesis 37:1828, 50:20). We can rely on Him to be our faithful friend and guide, no matter what life throws our way. This conviction inevitably forces us into a kind of schizophrenia in which our everyday, active life is disconnected from our spiritual life and Gods presence. When we experience a miracle of God in a big way, it can lead us to expect Him to always meet us with displays of power. One way I try to glorify God in my daily life is by practicing the fruits of the spiritlove, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self-control. Here are some encouragements to remind you to keep yielding to our Master Potter, trusting that God is at work in your life. I want to learn to celebrate and enjoy the life I've been given NOW, and realize that today and this exact moment is the only thing that is certain and is what needs my full attention." 8 Ways to Be Present in Your Daily Life Disconnect It can be very difficult to "be present" if you're constantly glued to a phone or computer screen. We, too, forsake all distractions concerning the past and future that divert us from obeying Gods immediate will. The detailed narrative of Josephs life, among many other things, is a loving letter from your Good Shepherd (John 10:11) the same Good Shepherd who guided Joseph through green pastures and the valley of the shadow of death, pursuing him with good all the days of his life (Psalm 23) to remind you that no matter what you are experiencing, sweet or bitter, good or evil, no matter how long it has lasted, he has not left you alone (John 14:18). Likewise, employees who long to tell their bosses that they are making life miserable for them may exercise self-denial for the sake of their jobs and workplace harmony. This doesnt mean that we always know what to do, but it does mean that we trust God to lead us in the right direction. They wondered if she was trying to Read Time: 3 Minutes 49 Seconds Drag queens reading to toddlers in libraries and schools. It is discovered through spiritual disciplines, one of the best of which is so ordinary that it is generally overlooked: work. Marriages can start with grand gestures such as proposals that take your breath away. Pharaohs being desperate enough to listen to a Hebrew prisoner was part of Gods plan (Genesis 41:1415). {eoa}Dr. Charles Metteertaught at Fuller Theological Seminary, Vineyard Leadership Institute, and Harvest International School before joining the International House of Prayer University team. Don't let your daily life contradict your public worship. Grace is the calm serenity of meditation, the warm fuzzies experienced when we help someone in need, the spine tingling energy of . Then came The Fall and the humans were removed from the garden. In Moses' absence, the people forgot God. The reality is that God is even better at playing numerous roles, and the critical element to consider is that He is not acting. Sign up with your email address to receive news and updates. What, apart from wages, an A on a test, or athank youfrom a family member, do we receive for our efforts? A belief in the Good News - that Jesus won a victory over sin and death by his dying and rising for us. If anything was a sign that God has given America over to depravity, it Read Time: 4 Minutes 41 Seconds If you are an intercessory prayer warrior, you want spiritual results on earth as it is written in the courts of heaven. Even 5 minutes a day of meditation is a blessed habit to develop that will bear enviable spiritual fruit in your life. Josephs whole scheme to test his brothers was part of Gods plan (Genesis 42:744:34). God created us because He wanted to give us His divine life so we'd express Him in our living. You've encountered setbacks or failures. Just as we are to pursue and hopefullyencounterthe extraordinary (supernatural manifestations of Gods love and kingdom rule on earth), we are also todiscernthe presence of God in the mundane and humdrum activities of life. The Biblical principles to apply to our lives are straightforward aren't they? Thus, a fundamental aspect of our Christianity must be discerning the presence of God and His kingdom in our everyday lives. I dont think I am exaggerating when I say that nine out of 10 practicing Christians feel that mans work is always at the level of a spiritual encumbrance. One of the many reasons God gives us a close-up of Josephs life is to show us how active he is, how he never leaves us or forsakes us all along the way, in both the good and the evil things we experience (Hebrews 13:5). He suggested a simple test - to prepare a burnt offering, lay it on wood, and ask God to light it on fire. God uses His word, and those who share it with others, to work in your life. Joseph knew Gods nearness when he woke from his prophetic dreams and probably when he experienced remarkable favor. But how near did God feel to Joseph in the pit of his brothers betrayal, or shackled in the Ishmaelite caravan, or when falsely accused of attempted rape, or stuck for years in the kings prison, forgotten? Josephs favor with the prison warden was part of Gods plan (Genesis 39:2123). The former practice is inadequate because it relegates the spiritual component of work to past memories, whereas the latter practice is deficient because it keeps us from discerning anything spiritual in our work until our next inspiring experience. Once we realize this, we can begin to learn how to find Him in our daily lives. His love for you is perfect and unconditional, and He wants nothing more than to have a relationship with you. Stay up-to-date with current issues, Christian teachings, entertainment news, videos & more. Were on a mission to change that. 10 Reasons, How To Love God With All Your Mind Heart And Soul, What Does The Bible Say About Tithe And Offering: With Bible Reference, What Does The Bible Say About Not Giving Up? Since we find nothing remarkable in the ordinary, we conclude that it has no spiritual value. Believe that the in-dwelling of the Holy Spirit, who is basically the conscience of God, is given to us when we accept Jesus as Savior according to scripture (Acts 2:37-38). If we view work as wholly practical, rooted in the necessity to provide for self and family, we may conclude that there is nothing larger going on when we work. Operating out of the power of sonship means that you receive the love of the Father and step into your identity as a child and heir. Here 9 ways to start recognizing Gods presence in your life: Prayer is one of the best ways to connect with God and cultivate a relationship with Him. Prophetic messages from respected leaders & news of how God is moving throughout the world. He already is in each position that we will explore, and He is able, willing, and ready to fill each of the roles if we simply allow Him to. We all have the ability to hear from God, but it requires us to quiet our minds and hearts and simply listen. If we live even in a minimally conscious way, we soon realize that life offers us numerous opportunities for self-denial. For example, by reverently attending to our tasks, we can overcome the desire to escape our daily lot. In addition, we may fault certain clergy and monks for making an artificial distinction between secular daily labor and sacred religious practices, yet we tend to do the same when we look for spiritual meaning in Christian endeavors rather than in our everyday work. How is god present in your daily life essay . You can sprinkle little kindnesses throughout your day by helping someone with their groceries or letting an overwhelmed parent cut ahead of you in line. When we open the pages of Scripture, we are encountering the living, active, speaking . However, God meets His people uniquely for different situations. We can see where this would lead family life. When we worship, we are lifting our hearts and voices in praise of Him. Psalm 145:18 NIV "The LORD is near to all who call on him, to all who call on Him in truth.".

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