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Let us now mirror this with Enoch. There are many passages in the Scriptures that teach the resurrection of the dead. Copies of 1 Enoch soon disappeared, and were it not for the fact that a number of copies have since been discovered and translated, we would have no knowledge of 1 Enoch outside of the references made to it in the Book of Jubilees, the Testament of the Twelve Patriarchs, and in the writings of the Apostolic Fathers (many of whom regarded 1 Enoch as Scripture: i.e. The book of Enoch was discussing angels and then made this statement. 4:7). They are God's children, since they are children of the resurrection. 22:1ff). Re: The Book Of Enoch / Jesus Quoted It And So Did Apostles,,, https://indoexpatriate./2012/10/13/detail-analysis-of-book-of-enoch-part-1-introduction/, reviews/bibleprophecyandtruth/notes/Enoch, RCCG Prophecies For 2020 By Pastor E.A. The name of this heavenly Person is ONLY to be revealed by God to those whom he chooses, and it is ONLY in His name those he chooses will be saved (Enoch 48:6). The book of Enoch was written about 167BC by a unknown prophet. 12.1 the great glory satmore brightly than the sunno flesh could behold him (cf. 2 And I asked the angel who went with me and showed me all the hidden things, concerning that 3 Son of Man, who he was, and whence he was, (and) why he went with the Head of Days And he answered and said unto me: This is the son of Man who hath righteousness, With whom dwelleth righteousness, And who revealeth all the treasures of that which is hidden. . I still conclude that it is not necissary to believe this- Angels are sent quikly no-matter how the transport. 6 And for this reason hath he been chosen and hidden before Him, Before the creation of the world and for evermore. They did not understand the Scriptures. We do have Enoch's writings in God's Word, as Moses (the Pentateuch, the first five books of the Bible). For your dew is as the dew of the dawn, 19:28). But apart from that seems to be the spawn of insanity, contrary to scripture in many regards. 4. But a careful comparison of the two books reveals that did not occur. These men appear to have been quite familiar with 1 Enoch. It is part of a wider body of texts known as Hekhaloth literature. Enoch's journey through preliminary angelic hell 05:17 (with 7 stars, i.e. Then the author claims that Jesus was quoting the book of Enoch. When viewing a parable dont be to literal. is determined by the decision they make here on earth (Hebrews 9:27). What Jesus said about the angels was authoritative teaching. I cannot accept this without some proof, especially considering that it cannot be proven that some of the biblical authors didnt quote the Book of Enoch. Then they asked Jesus to which of the seven husbands would she be married in heaven. See Hebrews 11:19. the life of Enoch. Copy. Heb. Here are the two sections. 6. 2. / So Did You Hear About This Christian Terrorist? The procedure for identifying these closely associated parallels is no different from that used to count the four-hundred allusions to the Old Testament in the book of Revelation. The phrase "this day" underscored the urgency of making the decision immediately. 20). 2 In those days the holy ones who dwell above in the heavens Shall unite with one voice And supplicate and pray [and praise, And give thanks and bless the name of the Lord of Spirits On behalf of the blood of the righteous which has been shed, And that the prayer of the righteous may not be in vain before the Lord of Spirits, That judgement may be done unto them, And that they may not have to suffer for ever. And all their deeds manifest unrighteousness, And their power rests upon their riches, And their faith is in the gods which they have made with their hands, And they deny the name of the Lord of Spirits. Important also: we must learn the meaning of Enoch's 'mysterious vanishing.' While Enoch's book discusses many topics which we do not have time to cover here (such as the 'Watchers' and the 'Nephilim'), we must make mention of his disappearing act.. Were the pyramids built before the flood? From the Bible, we know that Enoch was Adam's great-great-great-great grandson (and Noah 's great grandfather) who lived a holy and faithful life to the Lord ( Genesis 5 ). This does not prove that Enoch was Michael but it got us thinking that he might be. Jas. 1Ki 22:21 And there came forth a spirit, and stood before the LORD, and said, I will persuade him. 2:6). The book of Enoch literally says that it is a parable, so there is no deception. Quite an interesting analysis of the Book of Epoch posted by Edwin, security researcher in National University of Singapore: It is a nice post and you explained in a detailed way. They did not think about the implication of the resurrection. First, in Matt. 2:5). Your likeness when I awake. What then follows is a very sensuous picture of Messianic bliss (10.17-22), the same kind of prophetic idealism that often appears in other Old Testament writings. But based on passages like Psalm . 96:1 suddenly shall the sinners perish before you (cf. Sons of GoD, could be men, or other beings, It may be suggesting other beings, But then GoDs punishment, and reason as to why he will destroy the inhabitance of the earth is because of Men. The prophets in the bible saw angels with wings only in dreams or visions, and used the word wings parabolically. 2 And at that hour that Son of Man was named In the presence of the Lord of Spirits, And his name before the Head of Days. The Hebrew word for contempt also means horror or abhorrence. In Isaiah 66:24, those who go to hell will suffer in the fire. This creates a problem. Enoch's Prophetic Outline: Pre-Creation to Christ (70 gen.), and 30 more to the "Appearing of the New Heaven". One more time, we learn that the Sadducees did not understand the Old Testament Scriptures about theresurrection. Instead of citing Scripture, Jude could be using their apocryphal book against them. The Jews who received Jesus believed Enoch was inspired. Apart from, *We will not be married or given in marriage. And the righteous shall be victorious in the name of the Lord of Spirits: And He will cause the others to witness (this) That they may repent And forgo the works of their hands. Once again the Sadducees did not understand the Scriptures about theresurrection. Rev. But maybe angels were another race b4 they were angels, and did reproduce, Or maybe GoD made them with that part but not to use it. It was found in the Dead Sea scrolls and the aramaic predates the new testament, The Book Of Enoch / Jesus Quoted It And So Did Apostles. (Jub 21.10), While certain parts of 1 Enoch, such as The Book of the Heavenly Luminaries, can be traced to Chasidic origin in the 2nd Century B.C., most Bible scholars admit that certain parts narrated by Enoch and Noah could have been written much earlier. What does Joel reading from the Book of Enoch reveal about his character? Azazel is therefore first to be bound hand and foot, and cast into darkness for the duration of seventy generations, at which time the judgment which is forever and ever is consummated (10.4,6,12-13). In other words, it cannot be consistently maintained that Judes believing 1 Enoch to be authoritative was an isolated case among the first century Christians. The Hebrew word for everlasting is olam. And I will give them over into the hands of Mine elect: As straw in the fire so shall they burn before the face of the holy: As lead in the water shall they sink before the face of the righteous, And no trace of them shall any more be found. In 1 Enoch 87 a snow-white person comes down from heaven and rescues Enoch out of the chaos and tells him to watch the elephants and other animals. ^^^^Thank you very much, you have actually made me smile for the first time this evening. There are several possibilities for identifying who will be with Him. (1 Enoch 1.9). Thus, to him ascribe all sin (10.9). This would be like a Christian apologist citing an atheistic author in a debate against an atheist. Scientists and Scholars have their reasons, but they are often proven wrong as well. Genesis 6:4 states that: 4:15). Enoch contains unique material on the origins of demons and Nephilim, why some angels fell from heaven, an explanation of why the Genesis flood . 91.3-4 The double heart (cf. Their leaders (19 in all) are listed by name. Sorted by: 7. Instead, the Book of Enoch is to be treated like other historical writings. Phil. Virtually all the books considered over time to be apocryphal (by both Catholics and Protestants) can be expected to contain at least some truth in them. In dreams and parables and visions both the literal and parabolic apply, and a person needs to be able to discern the difference. 4 And He is righteous also in His judgement, And in the presence of His glory unrighteousness also shall not maintain itself: At His judgement the unrepentant shall perish before Him. They are worth reading and studying, but they are not considered by the Christian community as a whole to be "the infallible word of God". 1 And in those days shall the earth also give back that which has been entrusted to it, And Sheol also shall give back that which it has received, And hell shall give back that which it owes. Also, did they fail to understand that Daniel 12:2 teaches that everyone lives forever? Enoch also says this heavenly Person existed before the creation of all things, (Enoch 48:3) and is destined to take his seat on a glorious throne for the purpose of judging the world, (Enoch 45:3) and it is God Himself who will seat this One on the throne of Gods own glory (Enoch 51:3). See answer (1) Best Answer. Jude used this quotation concerning judgment as a warning to his readers, but did not do so to help prove that the Book of Enoch should be in the Bible. Thanx for your post and your reasons for the Book of Enoch not being authentic. That it helped shape their expectation of the Messiahs triumph at the end of the last days of the Judean economy is strongly suggested. Third, Jesus makes a statement in Matthew 22:29-30 that references "scripture" but what he is saying is only found in 1 . Jesus comment about the angels was new revelation provided by Jesus Christ Himself. This will back up the judgement that you have made with this book.I am very open minded and teachable. Now if we connect both passages together, we understand the Sadducees missed the obvious. He says the construction of the pyramids was thanks to the technology of the advanced beings whom Enoch was in contact with . ?Why would god make ppl see wings on angels if they dont exist on angels vision or no vision they are still there. Col. 2:3; John 4). Same with Jesus who had an ordinary human body and a spirtual body when he rose from the dead, or a human body with a spirtual dimension that wasn't in subjection to physical law. As for me, I shall behold . The Book of Enoch refers to the angel Phanuel. He will seek to have men worship the Antichrist. The more important question for us is whether Jesus was referring to this statement as Scripture. Hebrews 13:2Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some people have entertained angels without knowing it. Jeremiah 9:23-24. It should be noted that according to Luke (who claims to have traced the course of all things accurately from the first in Luke 1.1-4), there are exactly seventy generations from the generation of Enoch to the generation of Jesus Christ (Luke 3.23-37). 62.12 wrath of the Lord of Spirits resteth upon them, and His sword is drunk with their blood (cf. He was going to sacrifice his son; yet, he told his servant that he and Isaac would return. You then say that Someone pointed out that angels, Do Not Marry!! 108.7 writtenthat the angels may read them (cf. A prophet who led the people of the city of Zion. 25:31). The Hasmonean period was over decades before Jesus was even born, never mind before the Epistle of Jude was written. 1:2). That means that Satan Cannot be an angel, neither the demons, ^_^. That is also the message of the New Testament (John 3:16, 36; Galatians 5:19-21). Eph. trains bank personnel to recognize counterfeit money, they never actually see or handle counterfeit money just the real thing. And, the "10 weeks" prophecy perfectly confirms the timelines of the rest of the Bible, especially prophecy, where each "week" is an "era" or period of time (looks like they are about 600-800 years each). 2 For he is mighty in all the secrets of righteousness, And unrighteousness shall disappear as a shadow, And have no continuance; Because the Elect One standeth before the Lord of Spirits, And his glory is for ever and ever, And his might unto all generations. He also becomes the father of Methuselah, the longest-living man ( Genesis 5:27 ). Did Jesus quote the book of Enoch in Matthew 22:29-30? Perhaps they have the ability to take on a human body, in similar fashion that men wear a space suits in space. so what do you think that its not a work of literature? If his enemies were citing 1 Enoch, Jude may be using their own book against them. King Saurid, was more commonly known in Hebrew as Enoch. You who lie in the dust, awake and shout for joy, Did Jesus quote the book of Enoch in Matthew 22:29-30? So, this passage reveals the Sadducees did not understand the Scriptures about the resurrection. If marriage was allowed in the afterlife, then babies could gain admission into heaven or hell by birth. Adeboye, Apostle Johnson Suleman Of Omega Fire Ministries Is A Spiritualist, How To Deal With Eating In The Dream And Others Dream Types. (generally accepted within most churches is that creation took place aproximately 4004 B.C. But it seems that he also quoted from The Book of Enoch. As for people with wings??? 3:6; 13:14). Adeboye / Apostle Johnson Suleman Of Omega Fire Ministries Is A Spiritualist / How To Deal With Eating In The Dream And Others Dream Types, Links: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10). Preface. Enoch is also given to see all that is contained in the holy books (91.2; 103.2; 106.19), about which he is instructed to teach to his son (Methuselah) and also to write everything that had been revealed to him in a book, a book addressed to a righteous generation that should rise up in the last days, prior to the consummation of the age (82.1; 38.1). He cometh with ten thousands of His holy ones to execute judgment upon all, and to destroy all the ungodly; and to convict all flesh of all the works of their ungodliness which they have ungodly committed, and of all the hard things which ungodly sinners have spoken against Him. Death and hell would be in their futures if they did not repent. John 4 contains the story of Jesus and the woman at the well. This quote is from the Jewish intertestamental book, 1 Enoch. But you from the beginning were made spiritual, possessing a life which is eternal, and not subject to death for ever. 10.7 the healing of the earth (cf. The Catholic church determined that the book of Enoch was to reveiling and it should no longer be used. That is contrary to every teaching in Scripture. Jude 14-15 In the seventh (generation) from Adam Enoch also prophesied these things, saying: 'Behold, the Lord came with his holy myriads, to execute judgment on all, and to convict all the ungodly of all their ungodly deeds which they have committed in such an ungodly way, and of all the harsh things which ungodly sinners spoke against him'.. Someone pointed out that angels, Do Not Marry!! He then instructs his sons to walk before the Lord by praying and giving generous gifts to the Lord (2:2). Someone said Demons arnt angels, But Satan is?? 2 And he took up his parable and said- Enoch a righteous man, whose eyes were opened by God, saw the vision of the Holy One in the heavens . In case you are wondering where Jesus quote enoch? All rights reserved. See below. Of course, the Bible does not contain the direct commandment, "Thou shalt not have an abortion.". Daniel 12:2 (NASB). That Jude would tell his Christian readers to remember something recorded in 1 Enoch is significant. Here are some examples: a. 19.3 the end of all things (cf. Since Enoch is mentioned several times in the Bible, was a man of God, and the book of Enoch was quoted by Jude and Peter, I believe it was . Nice to see the post here. 1.1 The words of the blessing of Enoch, according to which he blessed the chosen and righteous, who must be present on the Day of Distress, which is appointed, for the removal of all the wicked and impious. Other portions of the Book of Enoch were found among the Dead Sea Scrolls, which, if you're unfamiliar, are sort of the hip, obscure B-sides of the Bible that didn't make it into the studio edit. And the earth will give birth to the departed spirits. 10 And on the day of their affliction there shall be rest on the earth, And before them they shall fall and not rise again: And there shall be no one to take them with his hands and raise them: For they have denied the Lord of Spirits and His Anointed. The Book of Enoch is any of the several falsely attributed texts whose claimed authorship is attributed to Enoch, who was the great-grandfather of Noah (Genesis 5:18).Enoch is one of only two people (Elijah being the other) in the Word of God who was taken up to heaven without dying (Genesis 5:24; Hebrews 11:25).The book of Enoch is quoted in Jude 14-15. Notice that the Sadducees question was about what happens in the resurrection. Because it could not be made to fit their idea that Christs coming had not yet been fulfilled. Until Laurence published his English translation of 1 Enoch in 1821, hardly anyone had ever heard of the Book of Enoch. This being the case, it should not surprise us to learn that 1 Enoch was banned by Hilary, Jerome, and Augustine and was subsequently lost to Western Christendom for over a thousand years. 25:46. But the way of the wicked will perish. Luke 20 states that angels in general will not be maried or given in marriage. The Book of Enoch is a very dangerous book, because it contradicts scripture, lies about the biblical cosmology, declares disdain for God's Temple and perverts God's mercy and plan of salvation. (Joseph Smith comes to mind). Our eternal destiny is determined by faith in Jesus Christ while we are living on this earth. Joel is arrogant: he thinks he has enough training to teach the Scriptures when he does not. Scripture is clear. 2:6; Col. 1:13; Mt. It was the very first book of the Bible written by Enoch and Noah for future generations. and Jesus said they do not Marry. His ministry is discussed in both the Old Testament and the Pearl of Great Price. 103.8 the great judgment shall be for all the generations of the world (cf. For the benefit of those who have not yet read 1 Enoch, a brief description of the text seems apropos considering that 1 Enochs 108 chapters might lead one to think that it is a much larger volume than it is actually about 1100 verses divided into five sections (or books). But Enoch and Jesus, are related in this way, the one being the 7th time a son in the line is produced and the other being the 77th time. In closing, we will list a few of the more significant statements in 1 Enoch which have close parallels in the New Testament writings. This book is now considered one of the primary texts of kabbalah though it is technically, like Sefer Yesirah, pre-kabbalah and subject to interpretations that don't necessitate a . The Lord must have wanted the book written by Enoch to be read by His people because quite miraculously, it has been preserved intact and it can be read today. 5 [And he shall put down the kings from their thrones and kingdoms] Because they do not extol and praise Him, Nor humbly acknowledge whence the kingdom was bestowed upon them.

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